Brain, Mind & Behavior Exam #3 Flashcards
in a sound wave- what is the height of the curve
(and what are the units?)
amplitude (db)
in a sound wave- what is the distance between dips
(and what are the units)
frequency (hz)
(pronounced tamber)
the unique voice/sound of each thing
(think of how we can recognize different ppl by their voices)
the ear
(the part that you can see)
Outer ear consists of what
Pinna and the ear canal
the process of changing stimulus energy into action potentials
tympanic membrane
the eardrum
its flexible
The bones of the middle ear. consists of the malleus, incus, and stapes.
(aka hammer, anvil, stirrup)
a snail like structure in the inner ear that is completely filled with water.
There are 3 chambers or tubes in it
Round window
1st membrane of the cochlea
oval window
second membrane of the cochlea
scala vestibuli and scala typami
two tubes in the choclea that are basically the same
organ of corti
the organ the cochlea that converts sound into neural activity
What are the 3 main structures of the organ of Corti
- sensory cells (hair cells)
- framework of supporting cells
- terminations of the auditory nerve fibers
scalia media
the 3rd tube in the cochlea. this contains the organ of Corti
basalar membrane is _______
High frequency of sound wave will hit which inner hair (stereocilia) first?
the shorter one
lower frequency of sound wave will hit which inner hair (stereocillia) first?
the longer ones
why is the base of the cochlea detect higher frequency than the middle (apex)?
because the sound waves are tighter and are hitting more frequently (meaning that it hits the beginning right away)
why is the middle (apex) of the cochlea detect lower frequency than the base?
because the sound waves are slower and wider and don’t hit as often. They are maxamized toward the middle.
what happens to the hair cells when something loud happens
they bend
primary auditory cortex
processes sound info
how does info get into the brain from ears
ear>cochlea>cochlea nucleus>superior olivary nucleus, inferior colliculus, media genculate nucleus, auditory cortex.
temporal coding
encodes the frequency of auditory stimuli in the firing rate of auditory neurons
place coding
pitch is demermined by the location of the activated hair cells
physical property of a sound
our subjective perception of sound
intensity differences
volume. how loud is it?
latency differences
arrival. how long did it take for sound to arrive to your ear?
what are the ninaural cues to locate the source of a sound
intensity differences and latency differences
inability to discern tunes or sing; associated with subtly abnormal function in right frontal lobe and poor connections between frontal and temporal cortex
the auditory cortex is specialized for what
detection of biologically relevant sound, such as footsteps, animal vocalizations, and speech
when does the auditory cortex change
its sensitivity is fine tuned by experiences during development
heschls gyrus
A thicker part of primary auditory cortex. The heschls gyrus is much larger in professional musicians
conduction deafness
disorders of the outer or middle ear that prevent sound from reaching cochlea
sensorineural deafness
hair cells fail to respond to movement of the basilar membrane; no action potentials fired
how can sensorinerual deafness be caused
genetic mutations, infections, certain drugs, and loud sounds
damange to hair cells causes a persistent ringing.
central deafness
damage to auditory brain areas, such as a stroke, tumors, or traumatic brain injury
word deafness
selective difficulty recognizing normal speech sounds; normal speech and hearing of nonverbal sounds
cortical deafness
difficulty recongizing all complex sounds, verbal or nonverbal; rare
parts of the vestibular system
semicircular canals and ampulla
semicircular canals
3 fluid filled tubes connected to the utricle and saccule. oriented in 3 planes of head movement (nod, tilt, shake)
to nod. goes around y axis
to shake your head. around z axis
to tilt your head. around x axis
what do head movements do
initiate flow of fluid in the semicircula canal of the same plane, which deflects stereocilia in the apulla, signaling movement to the brain
vertibular nuclei
many vestibulocochlear nerave fibers terminate in the vestibuluar in the brainstem. (some project directly to the cerebellum)
motion sickness
can result from too much vestibular excitation
sensory conflict theory
sickness occurs when we receive contradictory sensory such as between vestibular and visual input
one hypothesis about nausea
that it evolved to rid the body of ingested toxingss that presumably triggered dizziness
a layer of neurons in the back of the eye
the process of turning light into neural signals
bends light entering the eye
changes shape to focus light on retina
the bending of light rays
look at an image of the eye in the book
do this
ciliary muscles
they are in the eye. They adjust focus by changing the shape of the lens through the process of accommodation
Accommodation process
the contraction of ciliary muscles in the eye. This causes nearer or farther images to come into process
extraocular muscles
the 3 muscles pairs that control eye movement
sensory neurons that detect light. This consists of the rods and cones
bipolar cells
receive input from photoreceptors and synapse on ganglion cells, whose axons form the optic nerve, which carries information to the brain.
ganglian cells
where the input from photoreceptors synapse
optic nerve
carries info to the brain. formed by axons of the ganglion cells?
horizonatal cells
in the retina. They contact photoreceptors and bipolar cells
amacrine cells
in the retina. They contact bipolar and ganglion cells
all cell types (except ganglion cells) in the retina conduct what
graded, local potentials. They affect each other through the graded release of neurotransmitters
Ganglion cells conduct what
action potentials
what does light trigger?
hyperpolarization of the photoreceptor cells. This causes it to release less neurotransmitter
what happens to photoreceptors in the dark
there is no light to trigger hyperpolarization, so the photoreceptors continually release neurotransmitter
what happens to photoreceptors in the dark
there is no light to trigger hyperpolarization, so the photoreceptors continually release neurotransmitter
the change in sensitivity to light
what is the change of size in the pupil
opening of the iris
range fractionation
uses different photoreceptors to handle different intensisites
what happens in photoreceptor adaptation
each photoreceptor adjusts its level of sensitivity to match the average ambient level of light
visual acuity
a measure of how much details we see and its sharpest in the center of the visual field
center region of the retina. has a high density of smaller, tightly-packed cones with high acuity. This region receives direct light inpute that does not pass through other cells or blood vessels
lateral geniculate nucleas (LGN)
in the thalamus. Most axons of the optic tract terminate on cells here.
primary visual cortex (V1)
also called the striate cortex. This is where axons of LGN neurons terminate. each stripe(striataion) corresponds to converging binocular input
extrastriate cortex
visual cortical areas outside of V1
what does glutamate do to bipolar cells
it hyperpolarizes one group(off center) of them and depolarizes another (on center)
on center bipolar cells
turning on light in the center of its receptive field excites the cell because it receives less glutamate which inhibits this type of bipolar cell. = increased firing rate
off center bipolar cells
tunring off light in the center of the field excites the cells because they receive more glutamate and are depolarized. = decreased firing rate
on center ganglion cells
excited by on center bipolar cells when light is turned on
off center ganglion cells
excited by off center bipolar cells when light is turned off
bipolar cells also relsease ______
glutamate, which always depolarizes ganglion cells
on center (surround)
off surround
off center (surround)
on- surround
the center and its surround are always _________
what wavelength is shorter
what wavelength is longer