Brain areas in social cognition Flashcards
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
planning, cognitive control,
working memory.
ventrolateral prefrontal cortex
similar to dlPFC, although different aspects of planning and attention are involved.
orbitofrontal cortex
involved in value representation and as such in selecting context
appropriate actions.
ventromedial prefrontal cortex
representation and processing of self-referential
Posterior cingulate cortex
key area of the default mode network. pain processing,
monitoring internal states.
Anterior cingulate cortex
error detection, rule selection, social evaluation, reward
anticipation, positive self esteem
superior temporal sulcus
various multimodal functions, attention, tracking of ‘others’
fusiform face area
High level face processing, facial recognition
temporoparietal junction
theory of mind, attentional switching, false belief.
medial parietal cortex
part of the default mode network
inferior parietal
perception of emotion in facial stimuli. interpretation of sensory
information, language, body image
self referential processing and episodic memory
retrosplenial cortex
memory, imagining future events in the visual domain, spatial
insula cortex
representations of internal states
nucleus accumbens
reward processing