Bpk Final Flashcards
Is involved in almost all movements within the body
Muscle tissue
What are the three kinds of muscle tissue?
Skeletal muscle, smooth muscle, and cardiac muscle
Involved in body movement, maintenance of posture, communication.
Skeletal muscle
We can……. The stimulation of skeletal muscle contraction.
Voluntarily control
What sends electrical signals?
Motor neurons
Electrical signals
Action potential
Motor neurons and electrical signals or action potential to a muscle through the
Neuromuscular junction
Connection between neurone and muscle
Neuromuscular junction
Motor neurons and action potential to a muscle through the neuromuscular junction, and it results in
Muscle contraction
……. Are stimulated to utilize the energy in ATP to slide past one another producing force.
Specialized proteins
Layers of smooth muscle surround
Digestive organs and blood vessels
Smooth and muscle contraction is …..and results in a construction of the organ or vessel wall
Selective, relaxation and restriction of blood vessels can modify
The flow of blood to different areas of our body based on their needs
We can divert blood to active muscles during exercise, or to the
Digestive system after a meal
Cardiac muscle is found only in the
Cardiac muscle contraction pump, blood through the…… and the …..circulatory systems
Pulmonary and systemic
Cardiac muscle is
Cardiac muscle rate of heart contraction is regulated by
Hormones and nervous system
The contractile proteins in cardiac muscle are similar to the skeletal muscle, but the cells are electrically connected by
Allow the muscles to contract together as a unit for effective pumping
Contractility, extensibility, excitability, elasticity.
The four major functions of skeletal muscle
The protein myofilaments
Actin and myosin
The protein myofilaments push past one another, shortening the functional unit of muscle,
The sarcomere
….. of sarcomere joined them to end within one muscle cell shorten at the same time.
Several to thousands of muscle cells contract together to generate force and shorten the entire length of muscle to
Move our joints
The cell membrane of muscle is called
The sarcolemma has a major role in tissue
Transverse tubules
Deep pockets
Sarcoplasmic reticulum stores, what
Stores calcium
When the membrane is stimulated by a motor neuron, what occurs
An action potential
The electrical signal moves across the membrane down the….. and stimulates calcium release from the SR, the calcium, then stimulates muscle contraction
T tubules
Each muscle fibre or cell
Bundle of cells
Entire muscle
The sarcolemma contains … and … channels
Sodium and potassium
Sodium and potassium are both… charged
The movement of sodium and potassium ions and their charge plays an important role in electrical signalling in…. Tissues.
An absence of stimulus, and excitable tissue is
At rest
At rest of excitable tissue, we observe a high concentration of sodium ions are outside of the cell creating a
Concentration gradient for sodium to move into the cell
At rest, we observe a high concentration of potassium inside of cell, creating a concentration gradient for potassium to move
Out of the cell
Energy is required to maintain this distribution as sodium and potassium through active transport using the
Sodium/potassium pump
At rest sodium is prevented from entering the cell by the
Cell membrane
To activate muscle, the sodium ion channels are
Sodium influx alters discharge in the cell and triggers changes that result in
Muscle contract
Nerve cells that stimulate muscles to contract are
Motor neurons
When a motor neuron is stimulated (action potential) all the fibres it innervates contract as a together they are collectively known as a
Motor unit
Motor units can have…… of muscle fibers, depending if finger or leg is required
Few or hundreds
Multiple connections
Synapsis between the motor, neuron and muscle fibre allows for action potential to move between the two cells disconnection is called the
Neuromuscular junction
Space between the cells
Synaptic cleft
Acetylcholine is a type of
….. exposes the binding site for myosin on Actin, allowing them to bind and form a cross bridge
Calcium binding
ATP breakdown
Muscle fibre are classified into… special types based on their structural and functional characteristics
Small, have high content of mitochondria and myoglobin, and are fatigue resistant. They also have greater density of capillaries for oxygen delivery.
Slow twitch, oxidative, fibre (SO)
Large and powerful, use predominantly, anaerobic, metabolism, and are less fatigue resistant. Store more glycogen and creatine phosphate.
Fast twitch glycollic fibres (FG)
Intermediate, fibers, sharing structural, and functional characteristics with the other two fibre types
Fast twitch oxidative, glycollic fibres (fog)
Uses oxygen, breaks down glucoses, fatty, acids or proteins, produces ATP, carbon dioxide and water
Aerobic ATP synthesis
Does not use oxygen, and only partially breaks down glucose to release a minimal amount of ATP quickly
Anaerobic ATP re-synthesis
Extreme high intensity of exercise like sprinting
Deplete the stored ATP within muscle
Once food is taken in, it must be… then…. And then…..
Ingested, digested, absorbed
Lipids are fat, soluble, or
Proteins and carbohydrates are
The G.I. is made up of
Stomach, small intestine, and large intestine
The mucosa and submucosal layers line
The inside of the G.I. tract
Inner mucosal layer interacts with the…. As it moves through the track
Food bolus
The submucosal layer contains… that surrounds nerves and blood vessels
Connective tissue
The muscularis contains two layers of
Smooth muscle
Connective tissue that helps to maintain the shape and structure of the various organs
The outer serosa
Back of the mouth
Regulation of stomach secretions can be sorted into these three sections
Cephalic, gastric, intestinal
Brain phase is stimulated by the thought, smell and taste of food, and prepares the stomach for digestion by initiating release of enzymes and acid to the stomach
The cephalic
Initiated by the presence of food in the stomach, and involves a much greater release of acid and enzymes for digestion into the stomach
Gastric phase