Boxing Day Tsunami Flashcards
The sundar trench marks the line where the __________ plate is being subducted beneath the _____ plate. This is a ___________ plate boundary.
Australian Burma
Caused by the _______ _______ earthquake which measured . on the Richter scale.
Sumatra andaman 9.3
As the Australian plate was _________ beneath the Burma plate they became stuck, causing pressure to become stuck causing pressure to build up and when this pressure is ________ the plates jolt past each other.
Subducted released
A __-__ meter slip occurred along ____km of fault line in a phase over 3-4 minutes.
15-20 1600km
The epicentre was ___km off the western coast of Sumatra.
The focus of the quake was __km below sea level
As the plates jolt this displaces a large column of water ___________.
In the open ocean where the water is very deep the waves travel at high speeds of ___ to ____km/h. They have a long wavelength of about ___km and a small amplitude of about _ meter.
500 to 1000 km/h 200km 1 meter
Closer to land the water gets shallower and friction from the sea bed causes the waves to get compressed (squashed together) and their energy becomes more ____________.
The waves slow down to less than __km/h, their wavelength decreases to less than __km and in the case of the Boxing Day tsunami the height increased up to __meters.
80km/h 20km 30m
Just before the tsunami reaches the coast the water _________ down the shore. This is called ____ ____.
Withdraws draw back
The wave then strikes the land with great force and in the case if the Boxing Day tsunami travelled up to ___m inland in some areas.
Elephants in ____ national park refused to leave the park to provide elephant rides, suggesting that this strange behaviour was because they could sense the tsunami was coming.
The effects of the tsunami were so bad because there was no _____ _______ system.
Early warning
___,___ people killed or still missing.
As many as _\ _ of the dead were children.
____ foreign tourists died.
Northern Europe and Sweden alone reported over ___ fatalities.
___,___ injured.
Whole towns and villages destroyed - over . million people lost their homes.
The infrastructure was severely _______.
_ - _ million people needed emergency food water and medical supplies.
14 countries were affected the worst being _________.
________ ______ helped to act as a barrier to reduce the energy of water in some areas.
Mangrove swamps
Massive economic damage because millions of fishermen lost their livelihoods. __% of Sri lank as fishing feller was destroyed.
Huge environmental damage because ____ from sea water means that plants cannot grow in many areas. Mangroves,coral reefs, forests and ____ _____ were also destroyed by the waves reducing biodiversity.
Salt sand dunes
Water supplies ____________ making the spread of disease easier
Sea bed depth altered causing disturbance to navigational bouys. This caused disturbance to ______ life.
The tourism industry suffered because people were ______ to go on holiday there.
Short term aid such as water purification tablets, temporary housing and medical supplies were given from _____________ countries.
The main response was to deal with the aftermath of the event. However the scale, changed ____________ broken communication links and the need to cooperate across boarders caused significant problems.
Topography - the arrangement of natural and physical features in an area.
Government provided sanitation facilities, drinking water to prevent the spread of disease like _______ and _______.
Cholera and typhoid
Bodies were ______ and burried
World food programme provided food aid to more than _._million people affected by the tsunami
Within days hundreds of millions of pounds had been pledged by foreign governments, charities and individuals and businesses to give survivors access to ____ and _______ attention
Food medical
Foreign countries sent ships, planes, solders and teams of specialists to help rescue people, distribute food and water and begin ________ __.
Clearing up
The British public gave £___ million - a sum much greater than what the British government donated.
£330 million
The replanting of mangroves as a ______zone between the sea and human dwellings has commenced in several _______ areas.
Buffer coastal
About US $__was raised internationally. The scale of the generous public response was unprecedented, not only in the amount of money raised but in the proportion of funding from the general public and the speed of which the money was pledged or donated.
Programmes have been set up to rebuild _____ and get people back into ____.
Homes work
A tsunami warning system has been put in place in the Indian Ocean in order to warn people of incoming tsunamis and give then a chance to move to ______ ground where they will have more protection.
The new Indian Ocean tsunami system is now well established and and has _ operational regional tsunami watch centres (in _____, _________ and _________) that provide services to the neighbouring countries in Asia and Africa.
3 India, Indonesia and Australia
Disaster management plans have been put in place in some countries and volunteers have been _______ so that people know what to so in the event of a tsunami.
mitigation and building codes - this area has seen the least progress, owing to a longer timeframe and needed for long term planning and ________ implications.