Bovine Tuberculosis Flashcards
What causes bovine TB?
Mycobacterium bovis
Chronic bacterial infection of cattle
Significant of bTB
Zoonotic but not the primary cause of TB in people
* More of a social/economic problem than human health
Positive animals culled
Very expensive to farmers and government
What is the 25 year eradication strategy?
England split into 3 management zones
○ High risk area (HRA)
○ Edge area (EA)
○Low risk area (LRA)
General increased frequency of testing
Increased eligibility for cattle for statutory testing
Pre-movement testing requirements
Contiguous testing
Licensed badger culling and vaccination
Provision of biosecurity advice
Financial penalty for overdue testing
What does the area determine?
○ How frequently they’re testing
○ What testing is used
○ How test is interpreted
2018 review of 25 year scheme
○ Focus on biosecurity and increased industry ownership
○ Strategies to increase test sensitivity
Different tests
○ Research into cattle vaccines and tests
DIVA/bulk milk tests
○ Genetic resistance in cattle
Some breeds more resistant/susceptible
○ Risk based trading
Mandatory post movement testing
Reduction in compensation paid to farmers
2020 response
○ Increase test sensitivity/movement restrictions
○ Accelerate work on bTB cattle vaccine
○ Phase out intensive badger culling and increase badger vaccination
○ Incentivising uptake on effective biosecurity
Testing methods
SICCT - Single Intradermal Cervical Comparative Test
Blood tests
Post-mortem inspection
SICCT - Single Intradermal Cervical Comparative Test
Most common testing method
2 injection
* Avian and bovine tuberculin
* Clear
* Inconclusive
* Reactor
Highly specific - SpIn (low false +ves)
Lower sensitivity - SnOut (high false -ves)
Blood Tests
IFNgamma testing used in addition to SICCT in some breakdown herds
Less specific - more false positives
More sensitive - less false negatives
Antibody test
Occasionally used as a third line test
Post-mortem Inspection
All cattle are inspect PM in abattoir
* Reactors will have a more detailed inspection
* Approx 60% of skin test reactors have no visible lesions on PM
Cattle vaccines
BCG vaccine going through marketing authorisation process
* Causes cattle to react to TB test
* DIVA test is being developed to allow vaccination and testing
Badger vaccines
2010 BCG licensed for used in badgers
Reduces lesion development and shedding but won’t ‘cure’
Requires trapping of sufficient animals to have herd immunity
Oral vaccine in development
Badger vaccines
2010 BCG licensed for used in badgers
Reduces lesion development and shedding but won’t ‘cure’
Requires trapping of sufficient animals to have herd immunity
Oral vaccine in development
What biosecurity measures can farmers introduce?
Risk-based trading
Wildlife proofing
Environment improvement
Risk-based trading
○ Pre-movement/post-movement testing
○ Use ibTB to assess TB risk in area
○ Isolate brought on animals
Wildlife proofing
○ Gaps no more than 7.5cm wide/high
○ Secure feed storage areas
E.g. lids on bins/secure fencing
○ Dig fencing into the ground to prevent burrowing underneath
○ Raise feed troughs/mineral licks off the ground