boundaries of important locations (triangles/fossas etc.) +aponeuroses+ sheaths +palmar spaces etc. Flashcards
posterior triangle of neck
Anterior: Post. edge of SCM
Posterior: Ant. edge of traps
Apex: point where SCM and traps meet on the occipital bone of skull
Base: middle 1/3 of clavicle
Roof: investing layer of deep cervical fascia
Floor: Splenus capitus, Levator scapula, scalene musc (ant, middle, post)
Posterior triangle divided by inferior belly of omohyoid into:
– Occipital triangle (above)
– Supraclavicular triangle (below)
the axilla - boundaries + contents
Anterior: Pec major + Pec minor
Medial: Serratus anterior + thoracic wall/cage
Posterior: Subscapularis musc. + Teres major + lats
Lateral: Head of humerus + Coracobrachialis + Biceps brachii
Apex: Entrance from neck to axilla
Base: skin and fascia btwn chest wall and arm
- Axillary A. + vein + nerve
- Axillary nerve runs with posterior circum. humeral A.
- Brachial plexus
- lymphatics of UL
rotator cuff musc.?
Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres minor, Subscapularis
quad. space boundaries + contents
Superiorly: Teres minor
Medial: Long head of triceps brachii
Lateral: Lateral head of triceps brachii
Inferiorly: Teres major
Axillary nerve and post. circum humeral A. leave axilla and enter this space
Liable to compression injury here
The cubital fossa - boundaries + contents
Superiorly: Imaginary line connecting the medial and lateral epicondyles
Laterally: Brachoradialis muscle
Medially: Pronator teres
Floor: Brachialis and Supinator
Roof: Bicipital aponeurosis
(medial) TAN (lateral)
- Tendon of biceps brachii
- Brachial A. and Vein
- Median nerve
- median cubital vein on roof - superficial to bicip. aponeurosis
Axillary sheath- what is it? and its contents?
It’s a
Brachial plexus
Hilton’s law
Palmar aponeurosis - what and where? Function?
Fascial spaces - what are they? names?
communication btwn digital sheaths and common synovial sheaths
What is the inguinal ligament? origin +insertion?
Thickened inferior free edge of aponeurosis of external oblique muscle
From ASIS to pubic symphysis
What is the fascia lata? what else is it called and where is it called this? where does it extend from?
Fem triangle boundaries + contents
base/superior: inguinal ligament
medial: medial border of add longus
Lateral: sartorius
floor: pectineus, add. longus and iliopsoas
lateral – NAVY– medial
N- fem n.
–>in Fem sheath:
A- fem. A
V- fem. V
Y- Fem. Canal (with deep inguinal lymph nodes)
What is the adductor canal - which musc. does it lie deep to? What passes thru it? What is the add. hiatus? what passes thru it? what do the vessels change their name to?
- Lies deep to sartorius
- Fem v. Fem A. Saph. nerve
- Opening of add canal in add magnus in posterior thigh
- Fem V. and fem A.
- Change to Pop. V and Pop. A as soon as they exit
What is the femoral ring? what are its boundaries?contents?
Anatomical snuffbox
Abductor Pol longus Extensor Pol. brevis
Ext. Pol. Longus
- Radial A. in floor (pulse)
- Scaphoid (tenderness if fractures)
Cephalic vein passes superficially
Popliteal fossa
Serve And Volley Next Ball
SuperoMedially: Semitendinosus, Semimembranosus
SuperoLaterally: Biceps femoris tendon
InferoMedially: Medial head of gastrocnemius
InferoLaterally: Lateral head of gastrocnemius
Floor: Posterior surface of femur and tibia, Knee joint capsule, Popliteus, Head of tibia
Roof: Fascia
Pop. A
Pop. V
Tibial and common fib/peroneal nerves
Popliteal lymph nodes
Tarsal tunnel
- Located under the flexor retinaculum and superior to medial malleolus
Tom Dick And Very Naughty Harry
Tibialis posterior tendon
Flexor digitorum longus tendon
Posterior tibial A.
Posterior tibial V.
Tibial nerve
Flexor Hallucis longus tendon