Booklet 6 - (1922-1940) Fascist Economy Flashcards
How successful were De Stefani’s early economic policies? (anaylise with why or why not)
De Stefani was Mussolini’s original minister of finance.
Highly successful:
- they stabilised the economy
- reduced government spending
- created a free-trade economy by cutting protective tariffs
- privatising the telephone sector and other public owned industries
How did Mussolini and the Fascists justify the revaluation of the Lira?
To maintain the prestige of Italy and prevent economic and moral disaster if the Lira collapsed.
They saw it as a battle to protect Italy and make it look stronger.
How successful was the ‘Battle for the Lira’?
Very unsuccessful
- exports became more expensive and Italian products were more expensive overseas.
- They had to introduce deflationary measures and price reductions (cuts to workers’ wages and healthcare).
Define laissez-faire economics.
Free market economy - little government involvement and capitalist system - privately owned businesses.
What was the Battle for the Lira?
A policy to fix the value of the Lira to maintain its value in Europe.
Which group(s) most benefited from the Corporate State? why?
The upper class and business owners.
They could represent the working class without giving them a say, controlling how much they got and whether they could strike or not.
Which group(s) least benefited from the Corporate State? why?
The working class.
They suffered as they had no say in the decisions made by their representatives, leading to neglect of welfare and wages.
How successful was the Corporate State?
Somewhat successful as it allowed Mussolini to neglect the needs of the working class while presenting the illusion of providing aid.
What is the Corporate State?
Mussolini’s economic policy revolving around representatives of workers to ensure everyone has a fair say in economic business
What is Confindustria?
An Italian organization that represents small, medium, and large businesses.
What did the Palazzo Vidoni Pact (1925) achieve?
Brought the fascist trade unions and major industries together, creating an agreement for the industrialists to only recognise certain (fascist) unions.
What were the Rocco Laws (1926)?
Laws that organized the economy into twelve separate employer and employee unions, largely state-controlled to suppress opposition.
What did the Charter of Labour (1927) declare?
Declared private enterprise to be the most efficient, insisting state intervention was legitimate only where private enterprise was deficient.
What were Mussolini’s economic aims? (great depression + autarky)
- To ensure confidence in the banks
- diminish unemployment rates
- keep businesses privatised
- self sufficiency
- strengthen economic rank in Europe
List the different policies Mussolini and the Fascists introduced to reach autonomy.
- Battle for Lira
- Battle for Births
- Battle for Grain
- Battle for Land