Booklet 3 Flashcards
What was the name of the plot which saw an attempt on Napoleon III’s life by an Italian nationalist?
The Orsini Bomb Plot
When was the Orsini Bomb Plot?
14th January 1858
What happened to Orsini and his accomplices?
Executed 13th March 1858
How did the Orsini Bomb Plot work to the Italian’s advantage?
VEII convinced him that the best way to guarantee that a similar event did not occur again, would be to help Piedmont expand and rid Austria of control
What was the Pact of Plombières?
Secret meeting between Cavour and Napoleon which would see French military intervention and Austrian expulsion from Lombardy and Venetia. These would go to Piedmont
When was the Pact of Plombières signed?
21st July 1858
What was a key agreement of the Pact of Plombieres?
Austria had to be seen as the aggressors, else both Piedmont and France risked upsetting Prussia and Britain
Which states would come under a new Upper Kingdom of Italy?
Piedmont, Lombardy and Venetia, duchies of Parma, Modena, and Papal Legations
Which states would come under a new Kingdom of Central Italy under the Pact of Plombières?
Tuscany, Umbria, and Papal Marches
What would happen to Rome under the Pact of Plombières?
Remain as it was under the control of the Pope, forming an Italian confederation
Why was Naples left as it was under the Pact of Plombières?
Napoleon didn’t want to upset the Tsar of Russia, who was an ally of the Bourbons
Which two area would France receive in return for how many soldiers?
Nice and Savoy
200 000 soldiers
The marriage between who, would seal the agreement between France and Piedmont?
VEII’s 15 years old daughter (Marie Clotilde) with middle aged prince Jerome Bonaparte
What did Piedmont do in March 1859?
Began to mobilise their army
What did Austria do in April 1859?
Began to mobilise their army, which was very costly
What happened on the 23rd of April 1859?
Austria demanded that Piedmont demobilise their army within 3 days
What date did Austria declare war on Piedmont and France?
29th April 1859
How long did it take for Austria to mobilise?
10 days
How many Austrian troops had to remain in Hungary?
What strategy did the French use to cut off the Austrian lines of communication and supplies?
Moved French troops by rail to surround the Austrian army in a circle
What date was the first serious battle of the Franco-Austrian War?
30th May 1859
What was the first battle of the Franco-Austrian war called?
Battle of Magenta
How many Austrian troops were there, and how many guns at the Battle of Magenta?
14,000 troops and 40 guns
How many French/Sardinian troops were there, and how many guns at the Battle of Magenta?
10,700 troops and 18 guns
How many troops did Napoleon take across the Ticino to Magenta?
How many grenadiers of the French Imperial Guard was most of the fighting borne by at Magenta?
When did the French win by, at Magenta?
5th June 1859
Who was the Austrian Emperor who took charge of the army in Northern Italy?
Emperor Franz Joseph
Where had the French halted at, which the Austrians found out about?
When was the battle of Solferino?
21st-24th of June 1859
How large an area did this battle take place over?
60 square miles
How many casualties did the Allies receive from Solferino?
17,000 casualties out of 137,000
How many casualties did the Austrians receive from Solferino?
21 000 casualties out of 128 000
What date was an armistice between Napoleon and Franz Joseph signed after Solferino?
11th July 1859
Where did the peace talks take place after the Franco-Austrian War?
Which member was excluded from peace talk in Villafranca?
When did Cavour resign?
16th July 1859
Who received Lombardy and Venetia?
Lombardy was given to France (who may choose to award to Piedmont) and Venetia remained in Austrian hands
Which areas were Piedmont forbidden to annex in Lombardy?
Mantua and Peschiera
Which other areas were Piedmont not allowed to control under the Treaty of Villafranca?
Modena or Parma – rulers here were restored
Which areas did France not receive from Piedmont after the Treaty of Villafranca?
Nice and Savoy
How many doctors were there per 500 casualties for the Allies?
Why did Napoleon sue for peace (Franco-Austrian War)?
Huge casualty rates, Piedmont would not last, Austria had retreated to the Quadrilateral fortresses which would require a lengthy siege, Cavour was interested in the Central Duchies, and Napoleon felt the Papal states were under threat
Where and when did the Prussian army mobilise following the Battle of Solferino?
24th June 1859
What was the name of the treaty which formally ended the war?
Treaty of Zurich
When was the Treaty of Zurich signed?
November 1859
What were membership numbers in the National Society by 1857?
Who were the leaders of the National Society by the 1850s?
Pallavicino and La Farina and some converts like Manin
What was the aim of the National Society?
Promote Italian unity, now under the Piedmontese monarchy rather than a republic
When did Cavour meet Manin?
Who else did Cavour meet in the same year as Manin?
After the Congress of Paris, who had Cavour continued to keep in contact with?
Napoleon through his nephew Jerome Bonaparte and Cavour’s friend Niagra
What demonstration occurred in April 1859, led by the NS?
In Florence a demonstration caused Grand Duke Leopold II to flee, and a provisional government was set up
Who led the provisional government in Florence?
Baron Bettino Ricasoli
What demonstration occurred in May 1859, led by the NS?
Peaceful revolutions in Modena and Parma causing the rulers to flee, and setting up a provisional government
What happened in June 1859, involving the NS?
Duke of Modena and Duchess-Regent of Parma fled their provinces
Who led the provisional governments in Modena and Parma?
Luigi Farini
Where were all the major government decisions being approved from?
What unrest developed in Bologna in June 1859?
Unrest in region of Perugia established provisional government opposing Pius IX’s regime. Piedmontese commissioners were forced to move in and restore government
Who was the British Foreign Secretary who proposed a policy of self-determination?
Lord John Russell
When did Cavour return as PM?
21st January 1860
What treaty did Cavour negotiate on return?
Treaty of Turin
What was agreed at the Treaty of Turin?
Savoy and Nice would be handed to France (subject to a plebiscite) if Napoleon allowed the Central Duchies to be annexed to Piedmont (again using plebiscites) – Napoleon reassured by British sympathy
Which states made up the region of Emilia?
Parma, Romagna, and Modena
What were the number of votes in favour of annexation to Piedmont in Emilia?
426,000 to 1596 in favour
How many voted in favour of annexation in Tuscany?
366,571 to 14,925 in favour
How many abstained in Tuscany?
How many in Savoy voted in favour of annexation to France?
130,583 to 285 in favour
How many in Nice voted in favour of annexation to France?
24,448 to 160
How did Napoleon aid in the voting process?
Ensured voting took place when the French army passed through on the way to Lombardy
Who urged Garibaldi to take his men to Sicily to aid the Young Italy volunteers?
How large a force did Garibaldi gather to aid the Young Italy Volunteers
1,200 volunteers
What were Garibaldi’s volunteers known as?
‘The Thousand’
When did Garibaldi and his volunteer sail for Sicily?
May 1860
How many rifles and ammunition did Garibaldi have?
1000 rifles
No ammunition
Why did Cavour refuse to provide Garibaldi with arms and equipment?
Felt the South was too poor and backward for Piedmont to take over. Believed Garibaldi would fail, which comforted his decision, particularly since Garibaldi held such a large amount of public support
Where did Garibaldi land in Sicily? When?
11th May 1860
What prevented Garibaldi’s men being attacked before landing in Sicily?
British naval ships were present
How large an army did Garibaldi have after gathering recruits on his advancement towards Palermo?
3,000 men
How many enemy troops were waiting for Garibaldi in Palermo?
Who helped Garibaldi defeat the Bourbons in Palermo, forcing them to retreat to Naples?
Marauding peasants, bandits, and the local mafia
Who was appointed dictator of Sicily?
What policies were introduced to support peasants, at least initially in Sicily
Abolished grist tax (tax on milling of corn) and promised land redistribution
How did the policies of Garibaldi change to support landlords in Sicily?
Suppressed some peasant revolts, introduced Piedmontese law
Why did Cavour become worried by the actions of Garibaldi?
Worried Garibaldi was too popular and wanted the acclaim for Piedmont
What action did Cavour take to prevent Garibaldi taking Naples?
Attempted to insight a revolution in support of VEII, but this failed. Also sent ships to intercept Garibaldi and arrest him – this also failed
When did Garibaldi cross the Straits to reach Calabria?
22nd August 1860
When did Garibaldi take Naples?
Fought his way northwards before arriving by train in early September 1860
How long did Garibaldi rule as dictator of Naples?
2 months
What was Garibaldi’s plan for the rest of Italy?
Wanted to move northwards to the Papal states and then on Rome, to complete the geographical unification of Italy
What was Garibaldi’s force now known as?
The Garibaldini
How many men did Garibaldi now have?
How did Garibaldi create tensions with the Papacy?
Threatened the temporal power of the Pope with a potential siege on Rome. Upsetting the Pope could cause other Catholic European nations to declare war. Especially significant as many of the Garibaldini were opposed to Catholic teachings and supported Mazzinism
What was Cavour’s response to this threat towards the Papacy?
VEII and his army marched South to stop Garibaldi, defeating Papal armies on the way
What date did Garibaldi and VEII meet?
26th October 1860
Where did Garibaldi and VEII meet?
What did Garibaldi name VEII as?
‘The first King of Italy’
On what date did Garibaldi and VEII ride into Naples triumphant?
7th November 1860
Which regions were annexed to Piedmont in late 1860?
Sicily, Naples, Umbria, and the Papal Marches
What was Garibaldi offered as reward for his efforts?
Title of Major General, title of a Prince, large pension, and a castle
Garibaldi refused his rewards, and instead retired to where?
When were elections held for the new Italy?
January 1861
When was a new constitution adopted in Italy?
March 1861