Booklet 2 Flashcards
Who appointed the upper chamber of Parliament?
The King
How much of the population did the lower chamber represent?
2.25% of the population who were literate
Who retained direct control of the army, and the right to appoint and dismiss ministers?
The King
Which family were VEII’s mother and wife part of?
The Austrian Imperial Family
Who did VEII appoint as PM by the end of 1849?
Massimo d’Azeglio
What sort of administration was Piedmont under D’Azeglio
Moderate conservative administration
How did Britain and Austria view the rule of VEII?
Britain saw him as a cautious liberal whilst the Austrians saw him as a cautious conservative
How many of the administration under VEII would hold ministerial roles during his reign?
What was VEII’s first action as King?
Shell Genoa where radicals were entrenched
When were the Siccardi Laws introduced?
March 1850
What were the Siccardi Laws?
A series of Bills which would control the power of the Church through a range of measures
What measures did the Siccardi Laws introduce?
Separate law courts for priests were abolished, the right for criminals to seek sanctuary and protection in churches was abolished, religious groups property rights were restricted, the number of feast days people couldn’t work were reduced
Which conservative Piedmontese politicians led the vote against the Siccardi laws?
Balbo and Thaon de Revel
Who was Azeglio’s Minister for Trade and Agriculture?
Count Camilo Cavour
In 1851-52 which centre-left leader did Cavour make a parliamentary agreement with?
Urbano Rattazzi
What was the alliance known as between the centre-left and Cavour?
The Connubio
Whose ministry fell as a result of the connubio?
D’Azeglio’s when he tried to introduce further anti-clerical measures
What year did D’Azeglio attempt to introduce civil marriages?
When was Cavour made PM?
November 1852
How much has the state of Piedmont been giving the Church up to 1855?
5 million Lire a year
What anti-clerical policy did Cavour introduce as a result of Church subsidies?
Abolition of all monasteries not involved in education or charity
How many monasteries and benefices were shut down as a result of Cavour’s anti-clerical policies?
152 monasteries and 1700 benefices
How much was added to the state income by closing monasteries and benefices?
£145 640
Why did Cavour temporarily resign?
Reduced the temporal power of the Church which made Piedmont seem to be attacking the Papacy. Created a constitutional crisis and was opposed by the King and the Right of the Senate, in his attempt to bring about stability
When did the Connubio end and why?
The right had sympathy for the Church and increased voting in elections. To create greater stability Cavour forced Rattazzi to resign as he was intransigent over Italian unification and was seen as too nationalist.
In February 1853 Cavour warned Austria of an impending uprising from whom?
What was the result Cavour warning Austria in 1853 of uprising?
Received thanks from Vienna and showed that Mazzinian methods were weak
Who led a failed insurrection in Naples in 1857?
Which three main posts did Cavour appoint to himself in 1855?
PM, Foreign Minister, and Finance Minister
What administrative reforms did Cavour introduce? What years?
Financial department (1852), Foreign Office (1853)
Who was the Minister of War under Cavour?
La Mamora
What was the role of the Minister of War?
Reform the army, increase efficiency and remove conservative elements
Where did Mazzini have a failed revolution between 1851-52?
Where did Mazzini have a failed revolution in February 1853?
How many of Mazzini’s supporters were shot by Austrians?
Which revolution also failed in 1853?
Which revolution failed in 1854?
Which revolution failed in 1856?
Where did Pisacane fail in May 1857?
Sapri - 300 of his companions lost their lives including Pisacane
Why did all the revolutions from 1851-1857 fail?
Continued lack of interest in localities and further executions convinced many that Italy did not want a democratic revolution. Political apathy and alienation of the masses meant people did not support the cause
What other committee was set up in 1851 as an alternative to Mazzinism? What did they argue for?
The Latin Committee in Paris
Argued for a federal republic
What other committee was set up in 1852 in Genoa, as an alternative to Mazzinism? What did they argue for?
Military Committee
Purpose of finding a more appropriate military response to Austria
Who set up the Military committee?
Giacomo Medici
Which significant individual distanced himself from Mazzini in 1854?
Which individual announced support for Piedmont in 1855?
Which organisation did many former Mazzinian supporters join in 1857?
The National Society
Which organisations did Mazzini found on his return to London after the failed Roman Republic?
Italian National Committee
Society of the Friends of Italy in 1851
In which year did the electric telegraph connect Turin to Paris?
When did the building of canals begin?
What was the name of the first canal built?
The Cavour Canal
How many silk workers were there in 1844 in Piedmont?
How many cotton workers were there in 1844 in Piedmont?
How much did trade increase by?
What did industrial growth result in?
Large amounts of debt
How much did public debt increase by between 1847-1859?
120 million to 725 million
Which countries had Cavour made free trade treaties with?
Britain, France, and Belgium
In 1854 a train line was built to connect which areas?
Milan, Turin, and Genoa to the French border
Who funded much of this train line?
French Banker Rothschild
When was the tunnel through Mount Cenis being built?
Who funded the Mount Cenis tunnel?
Rothschild and Laffitte
What was the first Italian steamship named?
‘The Sicilia’
Where was ‘The Sicilia’ built and when?
Genoa, 1855
When had Cavour visited Britain to observe the construction process of Stephenson?
Which article did Cavour write in, in 1846 after his return from Britain?
Revue Nouvelle
How much railway did Piedmont have by the end of the 1850s?
How much railway was there in the whole of Italy by the 1850s?
What fraction of railways did Piedmont have by the end of the 1850s?
How long was the Mount Cenis tunnel to be?
Cavour was not an instinctive Italian nationalist, but still disliked…
Austrian attitudes to Lombardy and felt they provoked Italian nationalists into revolutionary behaviour
Which group and individuals did Cavour need to keep happy to maintain stability?
Solaro della Margherita
Under what article of the Statuto did foreign policy remain the prerogative of the crown?
Article 3
Which settlement did Cavour, therefore have the power to undermine due to Article 3 of the Statuto?
Vienna Settlement
Which Great Power began to decline after 1849? Why?
Economic challenges from Prussia and the growth of the Prussian dominated Zollverein
What was the Zollverein (1834)?
Economic free trade agreement which challenged Austria’s dominance of the German Confederation
What did Austria try to establish in response to the Zollverein?
A Southern Confederation, but most southern states like Silesia had already joined the Zollverein
What year did the Crimean War begin?
Autumn 1853
Which Great Power remained neutral in the Crimean War?
Who fought against whom in the Crimean War?
Britain and France against Russia, with Piedmont-Sardinia aiding the allies
What agreement did Austria sign with GB and France to force Russia to negotiate?
Four Point Agreement
When did Piedmont enter the Crimean War?
January 1855
How many Piedmontese troops were committed to the Crimean war?
18 000
Where did La Marmora’s troops gain a strong victory (Crimean War)?
Chernaya Rechka
When was the victory at Chernaya Rechka?
16th August 1855
Which area fell as a result of the victory at Chernaya Rechka?
How many Piedmontese deaths were there in Crimea?
2,000 deaths
What was the issue with the Piedmontese death toll in Crimea?
Only 30 died of wounds, the rest were from cholera
How did the Crimean War end?
Austria threatened to enter war on the side of the allies in December 1855, forcing Russia to sue for peace
Where did the peace agreement take place for the Crimean War? When?
February to April 1856
How was Italian presence at the Paris Agreement significant?
Showed Piedmont’s growing diplomatic status, and France and Britain owed Piedmont for their aid
When was the Italian question bought up at the Paris Peace Agreement?
April 8th, 1856
What treaty ended as a result of the Crimean War, benefitting Italy?
Treaty of Vienna which had stood since 1815