Book II, Part III: Consecrated Life (cc. 573-746) Flashcards
Religious Institute
A form of consecrated life that professes the evangelical counsels by means of public vows, lives a common life, and has a proper character of separation from the world.
[Public vows, common life, separation from the world.]
Secular Institute
A form of consecrated life that expresses the evangelical counsels by means of sacred bonds but does not live a common life.
[Sacred bonds, no common life]
Pontifical Right
An institute of consecrated life erected by the Holy See or approved by formal decree of the Apostolic See.
Diocesan Right
An institute erected by a diocesan bishop with no decree of approval but permission from the Apostolic See in accordance with c. 579.
Society of Apostolic Life
An institution that resembles consecrated life and lives in accord with the evangelical counsels, with some professing by sacred bonds, and lives a common life.
[Live in accord with counsels (some make sacred bonds), common life.
Ius Proprium
The proper law of an institute that governs its members wherever they go.
The mind and designs of the founder regarding the nature, purpose, spirit, and character of the institute, including sound tradition.
Fundamental Code/Constitution
The fundamental norms of an institute regarding governance, discipline, incorporation/formation, and the proper object of the sacred bonds.
Supreme Moderator
The superior who holds power over all of the members and parts of an institute.
Major Superior
The superior who governs an institute, province, the equivalent, autonomous house, and their vicars.
Collegial Vote
This is a vote in which the superior votes with everybody else. In other votes, the superior does not vote.
General Chapter
The supreme authority of an institute that protects the patrimony, promotes renewal, carries out elections, and issues norms.
This occurs with profession of vows even though life in the institute begins with novitiate.
Presentation (by presenting)
This is when a competent superior presents a member to a bishop who has requested anyone from the institute for an ecclesiastical office.
Presentation (by assenting)
This is when a competent superior assents to a bishop’s request for a specific member of the institute to fill an ecclesiastical office.
4 Types of Consecrated Life
Religious Institute, Secular Institute, Hermits, Virgins
Societies of Apostolic Life merely RESEMBLE consecrated life.