Book II, Part II: Hierarchical Structures (cc. 330-572) Flashcards
What is a Particular Church?
An ecclesiastical group of the faithful, established by the Supreme Authority of the Church, in a stable manner, entrusted to a bishop or lawful representative of the Supreme Pontiff.
A portion of the people of God, entrusted to a bishop, with the cooperation of a presbyterate that constitutes a particular church in which is truly present the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church.
Territorial Prelature/Abbey
A portion of the people of God, defined territorially, entrusted to a prelate or abbot as its proper pastor, who governs like a diocesan bishop, with ordinary and proper jurisdiction.
Apostolic Vicariate/Prefecture
A portion of the people of God not yet established as a diocese, that us entrusted to a vicar (bishop) or prefect (non-bishop) who governs in the name of the Supreme Pontiff and so has vicarious jurisdiction.
Apostolic Administration
A portion of the people of God not yet established as a diocese for grave reasons, entrusted to an apostolic administrator, who governs in the name of the Supreme Pontiff.
Vicariate Forane
A grouping of neighboring parishes established to foster pastoral care through common action.
Power of Diocesan Bishops
Ordinary, proper, and immediate power in their diocese.
Moderator of the Curia
A priest who coordinates the administrative affairs of a diocese who should be a Vicar General or Episcopal Vicar unless the bishop determines otherwise.
A notary and archivist of the diocese whose role is to gather and safeguard the acts of the curia.
A certain portion of the people of God, stably constituted, and entrusted to a parochus as its proper pastor, under the authority of the bishop.
A definite community of the Christian faithful in a particular church entrsuted to a sacerdoti as its proper pastor, not yet erected as a parish but equivalent in law unless the law provides otherwise.
Pastor (Parochus)
The proper pastor of a parish entrusted to him, under the authority of the bishop, who represents the parish in all juridic affairs.
Parochial Administrator
When no pastor is available, he possesses the same rights as a pastor but cannot act in any way that prejudices the rights of the next pastor.
Praedicate Evangelium
The 2022 Apostolic Constitution on the special law of the Roman Curia.
Universi Dominici Gregis
the 1996 Apostolic Constitution governing the procedures in a Vacant See.
Constitutione Apostolica
The 2007 Motu Proprio modifying Universi Dominici Gregis
Normas Nonnullas
The 2013 Motu Proprio modifying Universi Dominici Gregis
College of Cardinals
A special college providing for the election of the pope, assisting the pope when convened (according to the needs of the time), and governing the Church in matters that can’t be postponed when the see is vacant.
Papal power
Supreme, Full, Immediate, Universal, Ordinary
Papal Primacy
This refers to the primacy of ordinary governance that the Pope always exercises freely over the entire Church. He is assisted by Synods of Bishops and the College of Cardinals.
Collegiality of Bishops
Full Expression: Ecumenical Councils and all of the bishops in the world acting in unison with the Pope.
Partial Expression: Episcopal Conferences, Synods of Bishops, Particular Councils.
Ecumenical Councils
These exist to get the perspective of the Church by the rapport between the Pontiff and the bishops.
Papal Legates
Entrusted with the task of representing the Roman Pontiff, in a stable manner, to particular churches, or also states and public authorities, and to make strong the relations between the Pontiff and these institutions. There are 2 types:
- Legates in the proper sense who represent the Pontiff to particular churches or also state and public authorities:
- Apostolic Delegates: only represent to
particular churches.
- Nuncios: represent to both particular
churches and public authorities. - Pronuncios: these no longer exist
- Internuncios: hold the same role as
nuncios prior to formal relations.
- Delegates / Observers who represent the Pontiff to pontifical missions, at international councils and conferences.
- Delegates have the right to vote
- Observers only have the right to be
NB: They do not cease from office when the see is vacant unless their mandate specifies that they do.
NB: They are excepted from the power of the local ordinary (except in cases of marriage) and can perform liturgical functions in all the churches of their territory.