Book 4 Chapter 8 - Sheet2 Flashcards
地位 1 position; standing; place; status 政治地位 Zhèngzhì dìwèi political position (or standing) 國際地位 guójì dìwèi international standing 經濟地位 jīngjì dìwèi economic status 社會地位 shèhuì dìwèi social position (or status) 地位平等 dìwèi píngděng equal in status; on an equal footing 一定的歷史地位 yīdìng de lìshǐ dìwèi a proper or definite place in history 他地位變了, 但普通勞動者的本色沒有變。 Tā dìwèi biàn le, dàn pǔtōng láodòngzhě de běnshǎi méiyǒu biàn. His status has changed but he’s kept the fine qualities of an ordinary labourer. 2 place (as occupied by a person or thing)
職位 position; post
聊天 chat; gossip
香片 scented tea
烏龍 1 black dragon 2 unexpected mistake or mishap 3 oolong (tea) 4 udon (loanword from Japanese)
師母 the wife of one’s teacher or master
泡茶 make tea
泡 1 bubble 肥皂泡兒 féizàopàor soap bubbles 冒泡兒 màopàor send up bubbles; rise in bubbles 2 sth. shaped like a bubble 手上起了泡 shǒushang qǐ le pào get (or raise) blisters on one’s palm 3 steep; soak 把種子放在溫水裡泡一下 bǎ zhǒngzi fàng zài wēnshuǐ lǐ pào yīxià steep the seeds in lukewarm water 他是在苦水裡泡大的。 Tā shì zài kǔshuǐ lǐ pào dà de. He was brought up in bitter misery. 4 dawdle 別泡時間了, 快把工作做完! Bié pào shíjiān le, kuài bǎ gōngzuò zuò wán! Stop dawdling and finish your work! See 泡pāo
花生 peanut; groundnut
瓜子 melon seeds 嗑瓜子兒 kè guāzǐr crack melon seeds
地毯 carpet; rug
毯子 blanket
燙 1 scald; burn 讓開水燙著了 Ràng kāishuǐ tàng zháo le be scalded by boiling water 燙了個泡 tàng le ge pào get a blister through being scalded (or burnt) 2 heat up in hot water; warm 燙酒 tàngjiǔ heat wine (by putting the container in hot water) 燙澡 tàngzǎo take a hot bath 燙腳 tàngjiǎo bathe one’s feet in hot water 3 iron; press 燙衣服 tàng yīfu iron (or press) clothes 4 very hot; scalding; boiling hot 這湯真燙! Zhè tāng zhēn tàng! This soup is boiling hot! 5 perm; have one’s hair permed 她頭髮剛燙過。 Tā tóufa gāng tàng guò. She just got her hair permed.
割草 mow grass
割 cut 割麥子 gē màizi cut (or reap) wheat 割草 gēcǎo cut grass; mow 割破手指 gē pò shǒuzhǐ cut one’s finger
打掃 sweep; clean 打掃房間 dǎsǎo fángjiān clean a room 打掃垃圾 dǎsǎo lājī sweep away rubbish 打掃戰場 dǎsǎo zhànchǎng clean up the battlefield 把院子打掃乾凈 bǎ yuànzi dǎsǎo gānjìng sweep the courtyard clean
掃 1 sweep; sweep away 掃雪 sǎoxuě sweep away the snow 掃街 sǎo jiē sweep the streets 2 eliminate; clear away ▶ 掃雷 sǎoléi , 掃盲 sǎománg 3 pass quickly along or over; sweep 他向聽眾掃了一眼。 Tā xiàng tīngzhòng sǎo le yī yǎn. He swept his eyes over the audience. 探照燈光掃過夜空。 Tànzhàodēng guāng sǎo guò yèkōng. The searchlights swept across the night sky. 4 put all together ▶ 掃數 sǎoshù See 掃sào
掃地 1 sweep the floor 2 (of honour, credibility, etc.) reach rock bottom; reach an all-time low; be dragged in the dust 名譽掃地 míngyùsǎodì be thoroughly discredited 威信掃地 wēixìnsǎodì be shorn of one’s prestige
掃毒 to scan and find then deal with; used for viruses in a computer or drug users and dealers in a society
院子 courtyard; yard; compound 我們家有個院子, 孩子們可以在那裡玩兒。 Wǒmen jiā yǒu ge yuànzi, háizi men kěyǐ zài nàli wánr. Our house has a yard for the children to play in. 院子裡練不出千里馬, 溫室里長不出萬年松。 Yuànzi lǐ liàn bù chū qiānlǐmǎ, wēnshì lǐ zhǎng bù chū wànnián sōng. A fiery steed is not trained in a courtyard, nor does a pine grow sturdy in a greenhouse.
後院 backyard
da4nan2ren2 zhu3yi4
大男人主義 male chauvinism/to be a male chauvinist
的確 adverb indeed; really 聽到這消息我的確很高興。 Tīngdào zhè xiāoxi wǒ díquè hěn gāoxìng. I was indeed very glad to hear the news. 我的確不知道。 Wǒ díquè bù zhīdao. I really don’t know.
職業婦女 woman professional, career woman
婦女 woman 婦女隊長 fùnǚ duìzhǎng woman leader (in charge of women’s affairs in a production team)
家庭主婦 housewife
恨不得 one wishes one could; one would if one could; be dying to 我恨不得立刻就去。 Wǒ hènbude lìkè jiù qù. I wish I could go immediately. 我恨不得立刻就認識他。 Wǒ hènbude lìkè jiù rènshi tā. I’m dying to meet him.
恨 1 hate 她恨你就因為你說了那句話。 Tā hèn nǐ jiù yīnwèi nǐ shuō le nà jù huà. She hates you for saying that. 2 regret ▶ 遺恨 yíhèn
負擔 1 bear (a burden); shoulder 旅費由東道國負擔。 Lǚfèi yóu dōngdàoguó fùdān. All the travelling expenses will be borne by the host country. 2 burden; load; encumbrance 財政負擔 Cáizhèng fùdān financial burden 家庭負擔 jiātíng fùdān family burden (esp. financial) 工作負擔 gōngzuò fùdān workload 思想負擔 sīxiǎng fùdān a load on one’s mind; mental burden 減輕學生負擔 jiǎnqīng xuésheng fùdān lighten the students’ load 解除精神負擔 jiěchú jīngshén fùdān free one’s mind of encumbrances
能幹 able; capable; competent 他是個很能幹的人。 Tā shì ge hěn néng gàn de rén. He is a man of great ability. 這些女電工真能幹。 Zhèxiē nǚ diàngōng zhēn néng gàn. These women electricians really know their job.
幹 1 trunk; main part ▶ 樹幹 shùgàn , 骨幹 gǔgàn 2 short for 幹部 gànbù 1 do; work 咱們幹吧! Zánmen gàn ba! Let’s get cracking! or Let’s get started! 叫我幹什麼都行。 Jiào wǒ gàn shénme dōu xíng. I’ll do whatever job I’m given. 幹革命 gàn gémìng make (or wage) revolution 幹社會主義 gàn shèhuìzhǔyì build socialism; work for socialism 2 work as; go in for 他幹過隊長。 Tā gàn guò duìzhǎng. He used to be a team leader. 3 dialect (of things) going wrong; involving trouble 要幹! Yào gàn! It’s going wrong! 4 capable; able 幹員 gànyuán a capable official See 干gān
事業 1 cause; undertaking; career 事業順利 shìyè shùnlì have a successful career 革命事業 gémìng shìyè revolutionary cause 共產主義事業 gòngchǎnzhǔyì shìyè the cause of communism 文化教育事業 wénhuà jiàoyù shìyè cultural and educational undertakings 2 institution; facilities 集體福利事業 jítǐ fúlì shìyè collective welfare facilities or services 公用事業 gōngyòng shìyè public utilities
真正 genuine; true; real 真正的吉林人參 zhēnzhèng de Jílín rénshēn genuine Jilin ginseng 真正的朋友 zhēnzhèng de péngyou a true friend 真正的革命者 zhēnzhèng de gémìngzhě a true (or genuine) revolutionary 真正領會文件的精神實質 zhēnzhèng lǐnghuì wénjiàn de jīngshén shízhì have a real grasp of the essence of the document 真正的馬列主義政黨 zhēnzhèng de Mǎ-Lièzhǔyì zhèngdǎng genuine Marxist-Leninist parties 真正負起責任來 zhēnzhèng fù qǐ zérèn lái shoulder the responsibilities in earnest 真正有力量的是人民。 Zhēnzhèng yǒu lìliang de shì rénmín. It’s the people who are really powerful.
nü3 qiang2ren2
女強人 a successful career woman
強人 1 strong man 2 (also 強徒 qiángtú) old robber; bandit
強 1 strong; powerful 身強體壯 Shēn qiáng tǐ zhuàng strong and healthy 能力很強 nénglì hěn qiáng very capable 責任心強 zérènxīn qiáng have a strong sense of responsibility 強冷空氣 qiáng lěng kōngqì a strong cold air current 決賽時兩強將有一場惡戰。 Juésài shí liǎng qiáng jiāng yǒu yī cháng èzhàn. There’ll be a fierce struggle between the two strong teams. 2 by force 強取 qiángqǔ take by force 3 better 我們的勞動條件一年比一年強。 Wǒmen de láodòng tiáojiàn yī nián bǐ yī nián qiáng. Our working conditions are getting better each year. 4 slightly more than; plus 三分之一強 Sānfēn zhīyī qiáng slightly more than one third See 強jiàng 強qiǎng
反而 adverb on the contrary; instead 風不但沒停, 反而更大了。 Fēng bùdàn méi tíng, fǎn’ér gèng dà le. Instead of going down, the wind blew even harder. 困難嚇不倒我們, 反而激起我們更大的幹勁。 Kùnnan xià bù dǎo wǒmen, fǎn’ér jīqǐ wǒmen gèng dà de gànjìn. We were not cowed by difficulties. On the contrary, they inspired us to even greater efforts.
沒面子 face; honor
面子 1 outer part; outside; face 大衣的面子 dàyī de miànzi the outside of an overcoat 2 reputation; prestige; face 保全面子 bǎoquán miànzi save face 撕破面子 sīpò miànzi cast aside all considerations of face; not spare sb.’s sensibilities 有面子 yǒu miànzi enjoy due respect 給面子 gěi miànzi show due respect for sb.’s feelings 3 feelings; sensibilities 給某人留面子 gěi mǒu rén liú miànzi spare sb.’s feelings 不顧面子 bù gù miànzi have no consideration for sb.’s feelings 1 See also 駁面子 bó miànzi 買面子 mǎi miànzi informal powder 藥面子 yào miànzi medicinal powder
離婚 divorce 他們離婚了。 Tāmen líhūn le. They divorced (or divorced each other). 她跟他離婚了。 Tā gēn tā líhūn le. She divorced him. 她已經離過三次婚了。 Tā yǐjing lí guò sān cì hūn le. She has been divorced three times. 離婚程序 Líhūn chéngxù divorce proceedings 離婚證明書 líhūn zhèngmíngshū divorce certificate
離婚率 divorce rate
比率 ratio; rate
成功率 strike-rate
出生率 birthrate
收視率 ratings
合不來 not get along well; be incompatible
整天 the whole day; all day; all day long 幹了三整天 gàn le sān zhěngtiān work for three whole days 他拆洗被褥忙了一整天。 Tā chāixǐ bèirù máng le yīzhěngtiān. He’s been busy all day (or the whole day) unstitching and washing his bedding.
整 1 whole; complete; full; entire 整磚 zhěng zhuān a whole (or an unbroken) brick 整夜 zhěngyè the whole night; all night long 敵人整團整團地投降。 Dírén zhěng tuán zhěng tuán dì tóuxiáng. Whole regiments of the enemy surrendered. 一整頁 Yī zhěng yè a full page 十二點整 shí’èr diǎn zhěng twelve o’clock sharp 恰好整一年。 Qiàhǎo zhěng yī nián. It’s a year to the day. 2 in good order; neat; tidy 儀容不整 Yíróng bù zhěng untidy in one’s appearance 衣冠不整 yīguānbùzhěng slovenly in one’s dress; not properly dressed 整然有序 zhěng rán yǒuxù be in good order 3 put in order; rectify 整一下領帶 zhěng yīxià lǐngdài adjust one’s tie 4 repair; mend; renovate 整舊如新 zhěngjiùrúxīn repair sth. old and make it as good as new 5 make sb. suffer; punish; fix ▶ 挨整 áizhěng 6 dialect do; make; work 這東西我看見人整過, 並不難。 Zhè dōngxi wǒ kànjian rén zhěng guò, bìng bù nán. I once saw someone do it. It’s not very difficult. 繩子給整斷了。 Shéngzi gěi zhěng duàn le. The rope was broken.
吵架 quarrel; have a row; wrangle 我跟他吵架了。 Wǒ gēn tā chǎojià le. I had a quarrel with him.
打架 come to blows; fight; scuffle
簡單 1 simple; uncomplicated 簡單明了 jiǎndānmíngliǎo simple and clear; concise and explicit 這機器構造簡單。 Zhè jīqì gòuzào jiǎndān. The machine is simple in structure. 吃得很簡單 Chī de hěn jiǎndān have simple food 生活得很簡單 shēnghuó de hěn jiǎndān lead a simple life 事情沒那麼簡單。 Shìqing méi nàme jiǎndān. There is more to it. 2 (usu. used in the negative) commonplace; ordinary 她的槍法那麼準,真不簡單。 Tā de qiāngfǎ nàme zhǔn, zhēn bù jiǎndān. She’s a marvel to be able to shoot with such accuracy. 這家伙鬼點子特多, 可不簡單。 Zhè jiāhuo guǐdiǎnzi tè duō, kě bù jiǎndān. This fellow is no simpleton. He is full of tricks. (see also 不簡單 bù jiǎndān) 3 oversimplified; casual 簡單粗暴 jiǎndāncūbào do things in an oversimplified and crude way 不能用簡單的方法去解決這個問題。 Bù néng yòng jiǎndān de fāngfǎ qù jiějué zhège wèntí. This matter cannot be settled in a summary fashion. 這篇文章我只是簡單地看了看。 Zhè piān wénzhāng wǒ zhǐshì jiǎndān de kàn le kàn. I only skimmed through this article.
dan1qin1 jia1ting2
單親家庭 single parent family
丟人 lose face; be disgraced 真丟人! Zhēn diūrén! What a disgrace!
丟臉 lose face; be disgraced 這不是丟臉的事。 Zhè bù shì diūliǎn de shì. There’s nothing to be ashamed of.
外遇 extramarital relations 她懷疑她丈夫有外遇。 Tā huáiyí tā zhàngfu yǒu wàiyù. She suspected her husband of carrying on with some other woman.
dan1shen1 gui4zu2
單身貴族 wealthy, unmarried man or woman
貴族 noble; aristocrat 封建貴族 fēngjiàn guìzú feudal nobles 精神貴族 jīngshén guìzú intellectual aristocrats 貴族老爺式的態度 guìzú lǎoye shì de tàidu an aristocratic attitude
上班族 office workers (as social group)
y4mao1 zu2
夜貓族 night owl
追星族 groupie; hard core fans
煩惱 vexed; worried 何必為這些小事煩惱? Hébì wèi zhèxiē xiǎoshì fánnǎo? Why should you fret over such trifles?
重男輕女 regard men as superior to women
觀念 sense; idea; concept 組織觀念 zǔzhī guānniàn sense of organization 私有觀念 sīyǒu guānniàn private ownership mentality 破除舊的傳統觀念 pòchú jiù de chuántǒng guānniàn break away from outdated traditional modes of thought
甚至於 1 adverb even to the extent that 他忙得甚至好幾夜沒睡覺。 Tā máng de shènzhì hǎo jǐ yè méi shuìjiào. He was so busy that he didn’t even go to bed for several nights. 2 conjunction (go) so far as to; so much so that 他對同志們的批評置若罔聞, 甚至反唇相譏。 Tā duì tóngzhì men de pīpíng zhìruòwǎngwén, shènzhì fǎnchúnxiāngjī. He not only ignored the criticism of his comrades but went so far as to be sarcastic.
薪水 salary; pay; wages
加薪 to raise salary
升級 1 go up one or more grades 連升三級 Lián shēng sānjí be promoted three grades in succession 2 escalate 戰爭升級 zhànzhēng shēngjí escalation (of a war) 個別地區的衝突還存在著升級的危險。 Gèbié dìqū de chōngtū hái cúnzài zhe shēngjí de wēixiǎn. There is still a danger of escalation of some regional conflicts.
歧視 discriminate against 種族歧視 zhǒngzú qíshì racial discrimination 歧視婦女 qíshì fùnǚ discriminate against women
zhong3zu2 qi2shi4
種族歧視 racial discrimination
xing4bie2 qi2shi4
性別歧視 sexism; sexual discrimination; discrimination against women
平等 equality 男女平等 Nán-nǚ píngděng equality between the sexes 平等互利 píngděnghùlì equality and mutual benefit 平等協商 píngděng xiéshāng consultation on the basis of equality 平等待遇 píngděng dàiyù equal treatment 平等待人 píngděng dàirén treat others as equals 在平等的基礎上 zài píngděng de jīchǔ shàng on an equal footing 各國主權平等 gèguó zhǔquán píngděng sovereign equality of all nations
對待 treat; approach; handle 對待同志象春天般的溫暖 duìdài tóngzhì xiàng chūntiān bān de wēnnuǎn treat one’s comrades with the warmth of spring 用無產階級觀點對待一切問題 yòng wúchǎn jiējí guāndiǎn duìdài yīqiè wèntí approach all problems from the proletarian point of view 正確地對待群眾 zhèngquè de duìdài qúnzhòng adopt a correct attitude towards the masses
提高 raise; heighten; enhance; increase; improve 提高水位 Tígāo shuǐwèi raise the water level 提高警惕 tígāo jǐngtì enhance (or heighten, sharpen) one’s vigilance 提高認識 tígāo rènshi deepen one’s understanding 提高勇氣 tígāo yǒngqì pluck up one’s courage 提高部隊的戰鬥力 tígāo bùduì de zhàndòulì increase the combat effectiveness of the troops 提高單位面積產量 tígāo dānwèi miànji chǎnliàng raise the per unit yield 提高產品質量 tígāo chǎnpǐn zhìliàng improve the quality of products 人民生活水平逐年提高。 Rénmín shēnghuó shuǐpíng zhúnián tígāo. The living standards of the people rise year by year. 也許我的方法不對頭, 所以工作效率提不高。 Yěxǔ wǒ de fāngfǎ bù duìtou, suǒyǐ gōngzuò xiàolǜ tí bù gāo. Maybe my method is incorrect, so I haven’t been able to raise my working efficiency.
提早 shift to an earlier time; be earlier than planned or expected 汛期提早了。 Xùnqī tízǎo le. The flood season is here earlier than expected. 提早出發 Tízǎo chūfā set out earlier than planned 提早通知一聲 tízǎo tōngzhī yī shēng notify in advance
靠 1 lean against; lean on 扁擔靠在門背後。 Biǎndan kào zài mén bèihòu. The shoulder pole is standing behind the door. 把梯子靠在牆上 Bǎ tīzi kào zài qiáng shàng lean a ladder against a wall 2 stand by the side of; get near; come up to 車輛一律靠右走。 Chēliàng yīlǜ kào yòu zǒu. All vehicles should keep to the right. 船已經靠碼頭了。 Chuán yǐjing kào mǎtou le. The ship has docked. 療養院靠海。 Liáoyǎngyuàn kào hǎi. The sanatorium stands by the sea. 他已是靠五十的人了。 Tā yǐ shì kào wǔshí de rén le. He’s already close on fifty. 3 depend on; rely on 他家裡靠他維持生活。 Tā jiālǐ kào tā wéichí shēnghuó. His family depended on him for support. 4 trust ▶ 可靠 kěkào (in traditional opera) stage armour (made of silk and embroidered back and front) 扎靠 Zhā kào wear stage armour
可靠 reliable; dependable; trustworthy 可靠消息 kěkào xiāoxī reliable information 可靠的同盟軍 kěkào de tóngméngjūn dependable allies 可靠性 kěkàoxìng reliability 這個人很可靠。 Zhège rén hěn kěkào. This person is reliable (or trustworthy).
繼續 1 continue; go on 繼續工作 Jìxù gōngzuò continue working 繼續有效 jìxù yǒuxiào remain valid; remain in force 繼續執政 jìxù zhízhèng continue in office; remain in power 會議繼續到深夜。 Huìyì jìxù dào shēnyè. The meeting went on till late at night. 有些問題仍需繼續研究。 Yǒuxiē wèntí réng xū jìxù yánjiū. Some problems require further study. 他們第二天又繼續會談。 Tāmen dì-èr tiān yòu jìxù huìtán. They resumed the talks the next day. 大雨繼續了三晝夜。 Dàyǔ jìxù le sān zhòu-yè. It rained heavily for three days and nights. 2 continuation 中國革命是偉大的十月革命的繼續。 Zhōngguó gémìng shì wěidà de Shíyuè Gémìng de jìxù. The Chinese revolution is a continuation of the great October Revolution.
努力 make great efforts; try hard; exert oneself 努力工作 Nǔlì gōngzuò work hard 努力發展生產 nǔlì fāzhǎn shēngchǎn actively expand production 為實現科學技術現代化而努力奮鬥 wèi shíxiàn kēxué jìshù xiàndàihuà ér nǔlì fèndòu exert oneself in the struggle for the modernization of science and technology 盡最大努力 jìn zuì dà nǔlì do one’s utmost; do the best one can 大家再努一把力。 Dàjiā zài nǔ yī bǎ lì. Let’s make still greater efforts. 學好一門外語要作出極大的努力。 Xué hǎo yī mén wàiyǔ yào zuò chū jí dà de nǔlì. It takes great effort to master a foreign language. 努力辦好廣播, 為全中國人民和全世界人民服務。 Nǔlì bàn hǎo guǎngbō, wèi quán Zhōngguó rénmín hé quánshìjiè rénmín fúwù. Strive to do broadcasting work well and serve the people of China and the world.