Book 4 Chapter 7 Flashcards
親眼 with one’s own eyes; personally 這是我親眼看見的。 Zhè shì wǒ qīnyǎn kànjian de. I saw it with my own eyes. 我們親眼看到了貴國人民對中國人民的友好情誼。 Wǒmen qīnyǎn kàndào le guìguó rénmín duì Zhōngguó rénmín de yǒuhǎo qíngyì. We have seen for ourselves how friendly the people of your country are towards the people of China.
親口 (say sth.) personally 這是他親口告訴我的。 Zhè shì tā qīnkǒu gàosu wǒ de. He told me this himself.
親耳 with one’s own ears
親手 with one’s own hands; personally; oneself 這些是他親手種的樹。 Zhèxiē shì tā qīnshǒu zhòng de shù. Those are the trees he planted with his own hands. 你親手做一做。 Nǐ qīnshǒu zuò yī zuò. Do it yourself.
親自 personally; in person; oneself 親自動手 qīnzì dòngshǒu personally take a hand in the work; do the job oneself 親自拜訪 qīnzì bàifǎng make a personal call 你親自去看看。 Nǐ qīnzì qù kànkan. Go and see for yourself. 他親自帶領我們參觀博物館。 Tā qīnzì dàilǐng wǒmen cānguān bówùguǎn. He showed us round the museum himself.
信心 confidence; faith 滿懷信心 mǎnhuái xìnxīn full of confidence 有信心提前完成任務 yǒu xìnxīn tíqián wánchéng rènwu be confident of fulfilling a task ahead of schedule 我對這藥信心不大。 Wǒ duì zhè yào xìnxīn bù dà. I haven’t much faith in this medicine.
可惡 hateful; abominable; detestable 這些棉鈴蟲真可惡! Zhèxiē miánlíngchóng zhēn kěwù! What a curse those bollworms are! 他那樣對待她, 太可惡了。 Tā nàyàng duìdài tā, tài kěwù le. It’s hateful of him to treat her that way.
騙 1 deceive; fool; hoodwink 受騙 shòupiàn be taken in; be deceived 這種花招騙不了人。 Zhèzhǒng huāzhāo piànbuliǎo rén. Nobody will be fooled by such tricks. 2 cheat; swindle 騙錢 piànqián cheat sb. out of his money swing (or leap) into the saddle; mount a horse
騙子 swindler; impostor; cheat; trickster 政治騙子 zhèngzhì piànzi a political swindler
分手 part company; say good-bye 我們是在車站分手的。 Wǒmen shì zài chēzhàn fēnshǒu de. We said good-bye to each other at the station. 他們因意見分歧而分手了。 Tāmen yīn yìjian fēnqí ér fēnshǒu le. They parted company due to a difference of opinion.
解釋 explain; expound; interpret 解釋一個新詞 jiěshì yī ge xīncí explain a new word 解釋法律 jiěshì fǎlǜ interpret laws 河水的流動可以用重力原理來解釋。 Héshuǐ de liúdòng kěyǐ yòng zhònglì yuánlǐ lái jiěshì. The flow of water in a river is explained by the principle of gravity. 對這件事你作何解釋? Duì zhè jiàn shì nǐ zuò hé jiěshì? How do you account for this? 這些事實不能有別的解釋。 Zhèxiē shìshí bù néng yǒu bié de jiěshì. The facts admit of no other explanation. 這是誤會, 解釋一下就行了。 Zhè shì wùhuì, jiěshì yīxià jiù xíng le. This is a misunderstanding. A little explanation will clear it up. 你應該虛心聽取同志們的批評, 不要老是解釋。 Nǐ yīnggāi xūxīn tīngqǔ tóngzhì men de pīpíng, bùyào lǎoshi jiěshì. You should listen carefully to the criticism of the comrades and not keep trying to explain things away. 對本協定在解釋上遇有分歧, 應以中文本為準。 Duì běn xiédìng zài jiěshì shàng yù yǒu fēnqí, yīng yǐ zhōng wénběn wéi zhǔn. In case there is any divergence of interpretation of this agreement, the Chinese text shall prevail.
誤會 1 misunderstand; mistake; misconstrue 你誤會了我的意思。 Nǐ wùhuì le wǒ de yìsi. You’ve mistaken my meaning. 你一定是搞誤會了。 Nǐ yīdìng shì gǎo wùhuì le. You must have misunderstood. or You must be mistaken. 2 misunderstanding 小小的誤會 Xiǎoxiǎo de wùhuì a minor misunderstanding
發生 happen; occur; take place 發生了意外。 Fāshēng le yìwài. Something unexpected happened. 那裡發生了強烈地震。 Nàli fāshēng le qiángliè dìzhèn. A violent earthquake occurred there. 發生了巨大的變化。 Fāshēng le jùdà de biànhuà. Tremendous changes have taken place. 發生新的困難。 Fāshēng xīn de kùnnan. New difficulties cropped up (or arose). 機器發生故障。 Jīqì fāshēng gùzhàng. The machine broke down. 故事發生在一九六二年秋天。 Gùshi fāshēng zài yī jiǔ liù èr nián qiūtiān. The story is set in the autumn of 1962. 她對養蜂發生了興趣。 Tā duì yǎng fēng fāshēng le xìngqù. She’s become interested in apiculture.
求 1 beg; request; entreat; beseech 求你幫個忙, 行嗎? Qiú nǐ bāng ge máng, xíng ma? May I ask you a favour? 2 strive for 求進步 qiú jìnbù strive for further progress 求解放 qiú jiěfàng strive for liberation 生物都有求生存的本能。 Shēngwù dōu yǒu qiú shēngcún de běnnéng. All living beings are endowed with an instinct for survival. 3 seek; try 求學問 Qiúxué wèn seek knowledge 不求名利 bù qiú mínglì not seek fame and gain 4 demand ▶ 供求 gōngqiú
要求 1 ask; demand; require; claim 要求增加工資 yāoqiú zēngjiā gōngzī demand a raise in pay 要求發言 yāoqiú fāyán ask to be heard; ask for the floor 要求入黨 yāoqiú rùdǎng ask to join the Party; apply for admission to the Party 嚴格要求自己 yángé yāoqiú zìjǐ set strict demands on oneself; be strict with oneself 要求賠償 yāoqiú péicháng claim compensation 這項工作要求精神高度集中。 Zhè xiàng gōngzuò yāoqiú jīngshén gāodù jízhōng. This job calls for intense concentration. 對他不要要求過高。 Duì tā bùyào yāoqiú guò gāo. Don’t ask too much of him. 2 requirement; demand; claim 達到質量要求 Dádào zhìliàng yāoqiú fulfil quality requirements 提出領土要求 tíchū lǐngtǔ yāoqiú make territorial claims 滿足他的要求 mǎnzú tā de yāoqiú satisfy (or meet) his demands
心軟 be softhearted; be tenderhearted
軟 1 soft; flexible; supple; pliable 軟椅 ruǎn yǐ a soft chair 柳條很軟。 Liǔtiáo hěn ruǎn. Willow twigs are pliable. 2 soft; mild; gentle 你對他軟了些。 Nǐ duì tā ruǎn le xiē. You’ve been a bit soft with him. 他話說得太軟了。 Tā huà shuō de tài ruǎn le. He spoke too mildly. 她看兒子哭了, 心軟了下來。 Tā kàn érzi kū le, xīnruǎn le xiàlai. When she saw her son cry, her heart softened 3 weak; feeble 他兩腿發軟。 Tā liǎng tuǐ fā ruǎn. His legs felt weak (or like jelly). 最近以來, 爺爺的身子骨兒越來越感到軟了。 Zuìjìn yǐlái, yéye de shēnzigǔr yuèláiyuè gǎndào ruǎn le. Grandfather has been getting feebler lately. 4 poor in quality, ability, etc. 貨色軟 Huòsè ruǎn poor-quality goods 工夫軟 gōngfu ruǎn inadequate skill 5 easily moved or influenced 他心腸軟。 Tā xīncháng ruǎn. He is tender-hearted.
軟體 1 software 2 soft-bodied (animal)
軟 1 soft; flexible; supple; pliable 軟椅 ruǎn yǐ a soft chair 柳條很軟。 Liǔtiáo hěn ruǎn. Willow twigs are pliable. 2 soft; mild; gentle 你對他軟了些。 Nǐ duì tā ruǎn le xiē. You’ve been a bit soft with him. 他話說得太軟了。 Tā huà shuō de tài ruǎn le. He spoke too mildly. 她看兒子哭了, 心軟了下來。 Tā kàn érzi kū le, xīnruǎn le xiàlai. When she saw her son cry, her heart softened 3 weak; feeble 他兩腿發軟。 Tā liǎng tuǐ fā ruǎn. His legs felt weak (or like jelly). 最近以來, 爺爺的身子骨兒越來越感到軟了。 Zuìjìn yǐlái, yéye de shēnzigǔr yuèláiyuè gǎndào ruǎn le. Grandfather has been getting feebler lately. 4 poor in quality, ability, etc. 貨色軟 Huòsè ruǎn poor-quality goods 工夫軟 gōngfu ruǎn inadequate skill 5 easily moved or influenced 他心腸軟。 Tā xīncháng ruǎn. He is tender-hearted.
軟體 1 software 2 soft-bodied (animal)
原諒 excuse; forgive; pardon 我來晚了, 請原諒。 Wǒ lái wǎn le, qǐng yuánliàng. Please excuse me for being late. 不能原諒的錯誤 Bù néng yuánliàng de cuòwù an unpardonable mistake
花 1 flower; blossom; bloom 一朵花 yī duǒ huā a flower 2 anything resembling a flower ▶ 火花 huǒhuā , 雪花 xuěhuā 3 fireworks 放花 fànghuā let off fireworks 4 pattern; design 白底紅花 bái dǐ hóng huā red flowers on a white background 她織的花兒真好看。 Tā zhī de huā’ér zhēn hǎokàn. The pattern she knitted is really beautiful. 這被面的花兒很大方。 Zhè bèi miàn de huā’ér hěn dàfang. The design on this quilt cover is quite elegant. 5 multicoloured; coloured; variegated 花衣服 huāyīfú bright-coloured clothes 花蝴蝶 huā húdié variegated butterfly 小花狗 xiǎo huā gǒu spotted puppy 布染花了。 Bù rǎn huā le. The cloth is dyed unevenly. 6 flower-decorated; coloured ▶ 花籃 huālán 7 blurred; dim 看書看得眼睛都花了 Kàn shū kàn de yǎnjing dōu huā le read until the print looks blurred 8 fancy; florid; flowery; showy 你的字太花了。 Nǐ de zì tài huā le. Your handwriting is too fancy. 9 cream; essence 文藝之花 Wényì zhī huā the cream of literature and art 10 used metaphorically for women ▶ 姊妹花 zǐmèihuā 11 used metaphorically for courtesans or prostitutes ▶ 尋花問柳 xúnhuā-wènliǔ 12 cotton ▶ 軋花 yàhuā 13 smallpox ▶ 出花 chūhuā , 種花 zhònghuā 14 wound ▶ 掛花 guàhuā 15 (Huā) a surname spend; expend 花不少錢 huā bùshǎo qián spend a lot of money 很花時間 hěn huā shíjiān take a lot of time; be time-consuming
hua1hua1 gong1zi3
花花公子 playboy; dandy; coxcomb; fop
老是 adverb always; all the time 他老是犯錯誤。 Tā lǎo shì fàn cuòwù. He is always making mistakes.
腳踏兩條船 1 lit. to stand with each foot in a different boat (idiom) 2 fig. to have it both ways 3 to run after two hares 4 (especially) to have two lovers at the same time
口才 eloquence 他很有口才。 Tā hěn yǒu kǒucái. He is an eloquent speaker.
傷心 sad; grieved; broken-hearted 傷透了心 shāng tòu le xīn feel extremely heartbroken 傷心落淚 shāngxīn luòlèi shed sad tears; weep in grief 別為這事傷心。 Bié wèi zhè shì shāngxīn. Don’t let it grieve you. 這麼好的莊稼給雹子打了, 真叫人傷心。 Zhème hǎo de zhuāngjia gěi báozi dǎ le, zhēn jiào rén shāngxīn. It’s really heartrending to see such fine crops damaged by the hailstorm. 丈夫有淚不輕彈, 只因未到傷心處。 Zhàngfu yǒu lèi bù qīng tán, zhǐ yīn wèi dào shāngxīn chù. A man does not easily shed tears until his heart is broken.
話說回來 1 returning to our main topic,… 2 that said,… 3 again,… 4 in this connection 5 in passing 6 nevertheless,… 7 anyhow
變心 cease to be faithful; change loyalties; break faith
痛苦 pain; suffering; agony 我得離開老家, 感到很痛苦。 Wǒ děi líkāi lǎojiā, gǎndào hěn tòngkǔ. It pains me to have to leave my old home. 關心病人的痛苦 Guānxīn bìngrén de tòngkǔ be concerned about the sufferings of the patient 精神上的痛苦 jīngshén shàng de tòngkǔ mental agony
再說 1 put off until some time later 這事先擱兩天再說。 Zhè shìxiān gē liǎng tiān zàishuō. Let’s put the matter aside for a couple of days. 等他打定了主意再說。 Děng tā dǎ dìng le zhǔyi zàishuō. Wait until he’s made up his mind. 2 conjunction what’s more; besides 現在去找他太晚了, 再說我路也不熟。 Xiànzài qù zhǎo tā tài wǎn le, zài shuō wǒ lù yě bù shú. It’s too late to go and see him now; besides, I don’t quite know the way.
談戀愛 1 to court 2 to go steady 3 to be dating
戀愛 1 romantic love; love affair 談戀愛 tán liàn’ài be in love; have a love affair 2 be in love; have a courtship 他們兩個人在戀愛呢。 Tāmen liǎng ge rén zài liàn’ài ne. They are falling in love. 他們沒戀愛就結婚了。 Tāmen méi liàn’ài jiù jiéhūn le. They had no courtship, they just got married.
打傘 To hold up an umbrella
毛巾 towel 毛巾布 máojīnbù towelling 毛巾架 máojīnjià towel rail or rack
毛衣 woollen sweater; sweater; woolly
擦 1 rub 擦根火柴點煙 Cā gēn huǒchái diǎn yān strike a match and light a cigarette 他擦傷了膝蓋。 Tā cāshāng le xīgài. He skinned his knee. 沒關係, 就擦破了一點皮。 Méi guānxi, jiù cā pò le yīdiǎn pí. Nothing serious. Just a scratch. 2 wipe 擦桌子(地板, 玻璃, 自行車) Cā zhuōzi ( dìbǎn, bōli, zìxíngchē ) wipe a table (mop the floor, clean a pane of glass, clean a bike) 你擦擦汗吧, 這兒有毛巾。 Nǐ cā cā hàn ba, zhèr yǒu máojīn. Wipe the sweat away, here’s a towel. 他的皮鞋擦得很亮。 Tā de píxié cā de hěn liàng. His shoes are well shined. 3 apply or spread sth. on 擦藥水或藥膏 Cā yàoshuǐ huò yàogāo apply medicinal lotion or ointment (to an affected spot) 擦粉 cāfěn powder one’s face 我的皮鞋該擦點兒油了。 Wǒ de píxié gāi cā diǎnr yóu le. My shoes need a shine. 4 touch lightly or come close to in passing; shave; brush 他擦著我的肩膀走過去了。 Tā cā zhe wǒ de jiānbǎng zǒu guòqu le. He brushed past me. 飛機擦著山頂飛過。 Fēijī cā zhe shāndǐng fēiguò. The plane swept the hilltops. 5 scrape into shreds 把蘿卜擦成絲兒。 Bǎ luóbo cā chéng sīr. Shred the turnips.
作文 1 (of students) write a composition 2 composition
心情 frame (or state) of mind; mood 心情愉快 xīnqíng yúkuài be in a cheerful frame (or state) of mind; be in a good (or happy) mood; have a light heart 心情沉重 xīnqíng chénzhòng with a heavy heart 心情舒暢 xīnqíngshūchàng have ease of mind 心情激動 xīnqíng jīdòng be excited; be thrilled 心情不一樣, 感受也不同。 Xīnqíng bù yīyàng, gǎnshòu yě bùtóng. People in different frames of mind feel differently about things.
勸 1 advise; urge; try to persuade 勸他戒煙 quàn tā jièyān advise him to give up (or quit) smoking 勸他休息 quàn tā xiūxi urge him to take a rest 我勸了半天, 他就是不聽。 Wǒ quàn le bàntiān, tā jiù shì bù tīng. I spent a long time trying to talk him round, but he just wouldn’t listen. 我們勸他別去了。 Wǒmen quàn tā bié qù le. We tried to persuade him not to go. 2 encourage ▶ 勸學 quànxué 3 comfort 他心裡不好受, 你去勸勸吧。 Tā xīnli bù hǎoshòu, nǐ qù quàn quàn ba. He’s feeling bad; please go and say a few words to comfort him.
想開 accept a situation; not take to heart 想開點兒, 別生氣了。 Xiǎngkāi diǎnr, bié shēngqì le. Calm down, don’t take it to heart.
安慰 1 be comforted; feel encouraged 我聽了這些話心裡很安慰。 Wǒ tīng le zhèxiē huà xīnli hěn ānwèi. I felt much comforted at hearing these words. 2 comfort; console 我安慰了他幾句。 Wǒ ānwèi le tā jǐ jù. I said a few words to comfort him (or gave him a few words of comfort). 他沒考上大學, 你多安慰安慰他。 Tā méi kǎoshang dàxué, nǐ duō ānwèi ānwèi tā. He failed his college entrance exams. Try to comfort him as best as you can. 自我安慰 zìwǒ ānwèi console oneself 3 consolation; comfort 同志們的關懷是對我的極大安慰。 Tóngzhì men de guānhuái shì duì wǒ de jí dà ānwèi. The comrades’ solicitude was a great comfort (or consolation) to me. 孩子成了她唯一的安慰。 Háizi chéng le tā wéiyī de ānwèi. The child became her only consolation.
失戀 be disappointed in a love affair; be jilted 失戀的痛苦 Shīliàn de tòngkǔ the bitter taste of disappointed love
自殺 commit suicide; take one’s own life
結婚 marry; get married; be married 她結婚了嗎? Tā jiéhūn le ma? Is she married? 她跟誰結婚了? Tā gēn shuí jiéhūn le? Who did she marry? 她是什麼時候結的婚? Tā shì shénme shíhou jié de hūn? When did she get married? 她結過兩次婚了。 Tā jié guò liǎng cì hūn le. She’s been married twice.
訂婚 be engaged (to be married); be betrothed
求婚 make an offer of marriage; propose
懷孕 be pregnant 懷孕五個月了 huáiyùn wǔ ge yuè le be five months pregnant; be five months gone 懷孕期 huáiyùn qī period of pregnancy; gestation period
避孕 contraception
墮胎 1 induced abortion 2 have an (induced) abortion
胎兒 1 (human) foetus 2 foetus (of a domestic animal)
生命 life 生命不息, 戰鬥不止 shēngmìng bùxī, zhàndòu bùzhǐ fight as long as one has a breath in one’s body; go on fighting till one breathes one’s last 政策和策略是黨的生命。 Zhèngcè hé cèlüè shì dǎng de shēngmìng. Policy and tactics are the life of the Party. 學習古人語言中有生命的東西 Xuéxí gǔrén yǔyán zhōng yǒu shēngmìng de dōngxi learn whatever is alive in the classical Chinese language 貪污受賄使他喪失了政治生命。 Tānwū shòuhuì shǐ tā sàngshī le zhèngzhì shēngmìng. Corruption and bribe-taking cost him his political career.
養 1 support; provide for 養家 yǎngjiā support a family 我從小沒了父母, 是姑姑把我養大的。 Wǒ cóngxiǎo méi le fùmǔ, shì gūgu bǎ wǒ yǎng dà de. I lost my parents when I was a child, and was brought up by my aunt. 2 raise; keep; grow 養鴨 Yǎng yā raise ducks 養鳥 yǎngniǎo keep pet birds 養花 yǎnghuā grow flowers 3 give birth to 她養了個兒子。 Tā yǎng le ge érzi. She gave birth to a boy. 4 foster; adoptive 養父(母) yǎngfù(mǔ) foster father (mother) 養子(女) yǎngzǐ(nǚ) adopted son (daughter) 5 form; acquire; cultivate 養成良好的習慣 yǎngchéng liánghǎo de xíguàn cultivate good habits 6 rest; convalesce; recuperate one’s health; heal 養身體 yǎng shēntǐ recuperate 你這回病得不輕, 應該好好養養。 Nǐ zhè huí bìng de bù qīng, yīnggāi hǎohāo yǎng yǎng. You’ve been seriously ill and should take a good rest. 7 let (one’s hair) grow 8 maintain; keep in good repair ▶ 養路 yǎnglù
收養 take in and bring up; adopt 收養孤兒 Shōuyǎng gū’ér adopt an orphan 爹媽死後, 周伯伯就把我收養下來了。 Diē-mā sǐ hòu, zhōu bóbo jiù bǎ wǒ shōuyǎng xiàlai le. After my parents died, Uncle Zhou took me in.
領養 adopt (a child)
即使 conjunction even; even if; even though 即使下雨我也去。 Jíshǐ xiàyǔ wǒ yě qù. I’ll go anyway even if it rains. 即使條件再好, 也還要靠自己努力。 Jíshǐ tiáojiàn zài hǎo, yě hái yào kào zìjǐ nǔlì. No matter how favourable the conditions are, we’ll still rely on our own efforts. 今年的糧食即使不能達到畝產一千斤, 也還能打個八百斤。 Jīnnián de liángshi jíshǐ bù néng dádào mǔchǎn yīqiān jīn, yě hái néng dǎ ge bābǎi jīn. The per mu yield of grain for this year can be at least eight hundred jin , if not one thousand. 即使跟我沒有關係, 我也要管。 Jíshǐ gēn wǒ méiyǒu guānxi, wǒ yě yào guǎn. I shall make it my business even if it has nothing to do with me.
保守 1 guard; keep 保守國家機密 bǎoshǒu guójiā jīmì guard state secrets 2 conservative 保守觀點 bǎoshǒu guāndiǎn conservative point of view 保守思想 bǎoshǒu sīxiǎng conservative ideas (or thinking) 保守的估計 bǎoshǒu de gūjì a conservative estimate 保守派 bǎoshǒupài conservatives 這計劃定得有些保守。 Zhè jìhuà dìng de yǒuxiē bǎoshǒu. This is rather a conservative plan.
與其…,不如 It’s better to… rather than…
性教育 sex education
同性戀 homosexuality 他搞同性戀愛。 Tā gǎo tóngxìngliàn ài. He’s homosexual.
糊裡糊塗 muddle-headed; mixed up 他覺得自己有點糊裡糊塗。 Tā juéde zìjǐ yǒu diǎn húlihútū. He felt rather confused. 我糊裡糊塗地跑到這兒。 Wǒ húlihútū de pǎo dào zhèr. Somehow I stumbled here in a daze. 這個人糊裡糊塗的, 管帳不行。 Zhège rén húlihútū de, guǎn zhàng bùxíng. That chap’s no good for book-keeping; he’s so muddle-headed.
未婚媽媽 Unmarried mother
傳染病 infectious (or contagious) disease
傳染 infect; be contagious 接觸傳染 jiēchù chuánrǎn contagion 空氣傳染 kōngqì chuánrǎn infection through air 水傳染 shuǐ chuánrǎn waterborne infection 這病不傳染。 Zhè bìng bù chuánrǎn. This disease is not contagious (or infectious). 感冒很容易傳染。 Gǎnmào hěn róngyì chuánrǎn. Colds are highly infectious.
艾滋病 AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome)
口罩 gauze mask (worn over nose and mouth); surgical mask
染 1 dye 把一塊布染成綠色 Bǎ yī kuài bù rǎn chéng lǜsè dye a piece of cloth green 我們的戰旗是烈士的鮮血染紅的。 Wǒmen de zhànqí shì lièshì de xiānxuè rǎn hóng de. Our standard is dyed with the blood of our martyrs. 2 catch (a disease); acquire (a bad habit, etc.) 染上了痢疾 Rǎn shàng le lìji have caught dysentery 染上了賭博的惡習 rǎn shàng le dǔbó de èxí have contracted the bad habit of gambling 母親不允許我們染上一點壞習慣。 Mǔqin bù yǔnxǔ wǒmen rǎn shàng yīdiǎn huài xíguàn. Mother doesn’t allow us to acquire any bad habits. 3 soil; contaminate ▶ 污染 wūrǎn 4 add details to a painting, etc. ▶ 渲染 xuànrǎn
保險套 condom
保險 1 insurance 人壽(海損)保險 rénshòu(hǎisǔn)bǎoxiǎn life (maritime) insurance 你的汽車保了險沒有? Nǐ de qìchē bǎo le xiǎn méiyǒu? Is your car insured? 保了火險 bǎo le huǒxiǎn have insured against fire 2 safe 騎車太快可不保險。 Qíchē tài kuài kě bù bǎoxiǎn. It’s not safe to cycle too fast. 你還是帶上雨衣吧, 保險點兒。 Nǐ hái shì dài shàng yǔyī ba, bǎoxiǎn diǎnr. You’d better take your raincoat just to be on the safe side. 3 be sure; be bound to 他明天保險會來。 Tā míngtiān bǎoxiǎn huì lái. He is sure to come tomorrow. 保險能行! Bǎoxiǎn néng xíng! It’s bound to work. 你依我的話, 保險不會出錯。 Nǐ yī wǒ de huà, bǎoxiǎn bù huì chūcuò. If you follow my advice, then I can assure you that nothing will go wrong.
套 1 sheath; case; cover 毛筆套 Máobǐ tào cap of a writing brush 沙發套 shāfātào slipcover for a sofa; sofa cover 給電視機加上一個套兒 gěi diànshìjī jiāshàng yī ge tàor put a cover on the TV set 2 cover with; slip over; encase in 套上毛衣 tào shàng máoyī slip on a pullover 把枕套套上 bǎ zhěntào tào shàng put the pillow in the pillowcase 套上罩衣 tào shàng zhàoyī put on a dustcoat 3 that which covers (other garments, etc.) ▶ 套鞋 tàoxié 4 overlap; interlink 生產上一個環節套一個環節 shēngchǎn shàng yī ge huánjié tào yī ge huánjié a closely linked succession in the production chain 5 the bend of a river or curve in a mountain range ▶ 河套 hétào 6 dialect cotton padding (or wadding); batting 襖套 ǎo tào the padded lining of a Chinese jacket 7 dialect pad a quilt or jacket with cotton or silk floss 8 traces; harness 牲口套 shēngkou tào harness for a draught animal 雇套 gù tào hire a draught animal and a plough 9 harness (a draught animal); hitch up (a draught animal to a cart) 我去套牲口。 Wǒ qù tào shēngkou. I’ll go and harness the beast. 10 knot; loop; noose 拴個套兒 Shuān ge tàor tie a knot; make a loop 活套兒 huótàor slipknot; running knot 11 put a ring, etc. round; tie 套上救生圈 tào shàng jiùshēngquān put on a life buoy 用繩子套一隻狼 yòng shéngzi tào yī zhī láng catch a wolf with a lasso 12 model on (or after); copy 套公式 tào gōngshì apply a formula 這是從歐陽修的《秋聲賦》套下來的。 Zhè shì cóng Ōuyáng xiū de 《Qiūshēng Fù》 tào xiàlai de. This is modelled on Ouyang Xiu’s “Autumn Fu”. 13 convention; formula ▶ 客套 kètào 14 coax a secret out of sb.; pump sb. about sth. 拿話套他 Ná huà tào tā coax the secret out of him; trick him into telling the truth 套口供 tào kǒugòng trick the accused into confession 15 try to win (sb.’s friendship) ▶ 套交情 tào jiāoqing 16 measure word (for books, furniture, rooms, methods, remarks, etc.) set; suit; suite 一套書 yī tào shū a set of books 一套唱片 yī tào chàngpiān a set of phonograph records 一套郵票 yī tào yóupiào a set of stamps 一套西服 yī tào xīfú a suit (of Western-style clothes) 一套房間 yī tào fángjiān a suite of rooms or a flat 一套規章制度 yī tào guīzhāng zhìdù a set of rules and regulations 一套唱腔 yī tào chàngqiāng a score of voices (in a Chinese opera) 你這一套把戲我們早就識破了。 Nǐ zhè yī tào bǎxì wǒmen zǎo jiù shípò le. We have already seen through all these tricks of yours. 他講了一大套客氣話。 Tā jiǎng le yī dà tào kèqihuà. He made a lot of polite remarks. 種莊稼他很有一套。 Zhòng zhuāngjia tā hěn yǒu yī tào. He’s proficient in growing crops. 別來這一套! Bié lái zhè yī tào! Don’t give me that stuff! 我不聽你那一套。 Wǒ bù tīng nǐ nà yī tào. I won’t listen to any more of your nonsense. 嘴裡一套, 心裡一套, 這樣不好。 Zuǐlǐ yī tào, xīnli yī tào, zhèyàng bù hǎo. Saying one thing and meaning another, that’s not a good way to be. 17 cut the thread (of a screw) with a die or tap
筆套 1 the cap of a pen, pencil or writing brush 2 the sheath of a pen (made of cloth, silk or thread)
手套 1 gloves; mittens 2 baseball gloves; mitts
宣傳 conduct propaganda; propagate; disseminate; give publicity to 宣傳共產主義思想 Xuānchuán gòngchǎnzhǔyì sīxiǎng disseminate communist ideas 宣傳黨的方針政策 xuānchuán dǎng de fāngzhēn zhèngcè publicize the Party’s general and specific policies 宣傳群眾 xuānchuán qúnzhòng spread propaganda among the masses 廣為宣傳 guǎngwéi xuānchuán give wide publicity to 做宣傳要看對象。 Zuò xuānchuán yào kàn duìxiàng. In doing propaganda we must consider our audience.