Book 29 Rope Systems Flashcards
Book 29 Rope Systems
Main Line (Red bag)
300 ft. 1/2” static kern mantle
Whitew/ blue or red strip
Belay Line (Orange Bag) 200 ft (book 29) (300 in field) Orange in color
Book 29 Rope Systems
Two 8-mm accessory cords ___ feet in length to build two load releasing hitches(LRH)
Book 29 Rope Systems
Two 8-mm x 6 foot accessory cord (long prusik)
Two 8-mm x 5 foot accessory cord (short prusik)
Book 29 Rope Systems
Two pieces of blue 1 inch tubular webbing ___ feet in length
Two pieces of yellow 1 inch tubular webbing ___ feet in length
Two pieces of red 1 inch tubular webbing ___ feet in length
Book 29 Rope Systems
One _ inch x _ foot anchor strap with “D” rings at both ends
Two pieces of yellow multi-loop webbing _ foot in length
2 inch x 7 foot
3 foot in length
Book 29 Rope Systems
The high strength core (Kern) can carry up to ___% of the load with the cover (Mantle) designed primarily for protection against abrasion.
Book 29 Rope Systems
This rope is rated at ____ pounds and weighs ___ pounds per –100 feet,
Book 29 Rope Systems
Tensile strength is the rated breaking strength of the rope when pulled in a straight line, with no knots, under laboratory conditions to a point where it can be expected to break.
To determine the safe working load of a rope, you divide the manufacturers rated tensile strength by the NFPA safety factor of 15. E.g.
10,000 - pound rope divided by 15 = 666 pound working load
Exceeds the NFPA standard of 600 pounds for a two-person rope.
Book 29 Rope Systems
place the rope in a mesh bag or a pillowcase, place in a washing machine on gentle cycle and wash in cold water. Use a mild chemical free soap such as _________, in the wash cycle. Allow the rope to drip dry out of direct sun light.
as lifeline cleaner, Ivory Snow or Woolite
Book 29 Rope Systems
The KM-III static kernmantle rope has a melting point of ___ degrees Fahrenheit.
Book 29 Rope Systems
Use only the following markers, as other markers will weaken the fibers of the rope?
The midpoint of the rope should be marked with one black stripe.
Stanford SHARPIE
Binney-Smith MAGIC MARKER.
Book 29 Rope Systems
Log the rope as soon as you receive it, log all training, emergency incidents and monthly checks on form ___.
During your monthly checks, or if any of the following problems exist, call US&R 88 and be guided by there instructions.
–If the sheath is abraded, showing extreme fuzziness or exposing the core.
–If the rope is lumpy or hard, or if a brittle spot is present.
–If the rope has an hourglass shape.
–If the rope comes in extended contact with any of the chemicals listed above, in cleaning and care procedures.
–If the rope has been shock loaded.
Book 29 Rope Systems
The webbing used by LAFD is 1 inch spiral weaved tubular and folded over flat webbing rated at ___ pounds.
Blue Webbing - 5 feet.
Yellow Webbing - 12 feet.
Red Webbing - 20 feet.
Book 29 Rope Systems
Accessory cord is 8-mm nylon cord.
rated at _____ pounds.
Book 29 Rope Systems
Carabiners rated at ___ pounds.
Carabiners are what size, ___ inches
How many provided for each two line rope system?
The basic parts of a carabiner include the spine, hinge, gate, and latch.
Never tighten a carabiner using channel locks.
Never re-tighten a carabiner when the system is loaded. This may damage the locking mechanism.
Never side load a carabiner.
Book 29 Rope Systems
The welded eye, on one end, is used for attachment and is rated at ____ pounds.
Book 29 Rope Systems
For a single person load (rappel or lower), start with ___ bars.
For a two-person loads, start with ___ bars.
The maximum would be ___, and the minimum should never be less than ___ during any operation.
Max 6, Min 3
Book 29 Rope Systems
Rappelling or lowering operations over ___ feet a brake bar rack should be used, due to the twisting of the rope.
Book 29 Rope Systems
The LAFD carries class III full body rescue harnesses.
Tighten straps in order:
The main line is connected to the ____ “D” ring.
The belay / safety line is connected to the ___ “D” ring.
Book 29 Rope Systems
There should be a ___ to ___ inch space between the carabiners.
Take both lines that exit the munter hitch and wrap them around the line between the carabiners ___ to ___ times.
4 to 5
3 to 6
Book 29 Rope Systems
Pickets should be three foot in length, one inch round steel stock preferred.
The pickets should be pounded ___ feet into the ground, at a ___ degree angle, away from the object.
Book 29 Rope Systems
Single picket ___ pounds
1-1 – ____ pounds
1-1-1 – ____ pounds
2-1 – ____ pounds
3-2-1 – ____ pounds
Single picket 700 pounds
1-1 - 1400 pounds
1-1-1 - 1800 pounds
2-1 - 2000 pounds
3-2-1 - 4000 pounds
Book 29 Rope Systems
- Pass the main line through the brake bar rack until the knot is about __ inches from the bottom of the brake bar rack.
- Set the prusik brake on the main line and allow the load to shift from the brake bar rack to the prusik brake.
- Remove the main line from the brake bar rack.
- Place the knot in front of the brake bar rack and re-weave the main line into the brake bar rack and tie it off.
- Attach another prusik, long or short on the rope in front of the brake bar rack. Attach the munter hitch end of a load release hitch to
the anchor, and the prusik to the other end of the load release hitch.
- Using the load releasing hitch on the prusik brake, extend the brake on the main line until the load is back on the brake bar rack.
- Replace the load releasing hitch on the brake, or re-tie the load releasing hitch you used and place it back into the system.
- Untie the brake bar rack and continue the lowering operation.
- Pass the belay line through the tandem prusik belay until the knot is about _ to __ inches from the tandem prusiks.
- Attach another set of tandem prusiks and load releasing hitch on the opposite side of the knot from the other set of tandem prusiks.
- Attach the load releasing hitch to the anchor.
- Remove the old tandem prusiks and load releasing hitch. Inform the person in charge that you are ready to belay.
6 inches
6 to 10 inches
Book 29 Rope Systems
“Ready on the Main Line”
Answer: “Main Line Ready”
“Ready on the Belay Line”
Answer “Belay Line Ready”
“Rescuer Ready”
Answer “Rescuer Ready”
“Ready Lower”
Anyone in the system can call out “STOP”
“Take up slack on belay line”
“Lower faster or slower”
If the rescuer disconnects from the ropes. Rescuer commands are “Off Belay”
If the rescuer is going to be raised back up, the next command from the rescuer is “Rig to Raise”
Book 29 Rope Systems
Never get closer than ___ feet to the edge without being tied-off.
Book 29 Rope Systems
__% Efficiency
Water Knot / Overhand Bend
__% Efficiency
Butterfly Knot
__% Efficiency
Figure eight stopper knot
__% Efficiency
Figure eight follow through
__% Efficiency
Figure eight on a bight
__% Efficiency
Figure eight bend (tie two ropes of same size together)
__% Efficiency
Double figure eight on a bite
__% Efficiency
Double overhand bend or “double fisherman” (attaching
two equal or unequal diameter ropes together)
__% Efficiency
Tensionless hitch or “No Knot” (minimum 3 wraps)
100% Efficiency
Volume 3
Percentage of Decrease:
Knot % of Loss Full strength, no knots 0% Eye Splice 10% Timber hitch; half hitch 35% Bowline; clove hitch 40% Square knot 50% Overhand knot 55%
Book 29 Rope Systems
65% Efficiency
Water Knot / Overhand Bend
65% Efficiency
Butterfly Knot
75% Efficiency
Figure eight stopper knot
75% Efficiency
Figure eight follow through
80% Efficiency
Figure eight on a bight
80% Efficiency
Figure eight bend (tie two ropes of same size together)
80% Efficiency
Double figure eight on a bite
80% Efficiency
Double overhand bend or “double fisherman” (attaching
two equal or unequal diameter ropes together)
80% Efficiency
Tensionless hitch or “No Knot” (minimum 3 wraps)
100% Efficiency
Volume 3
Percentage of Decrease:
Knot % of Loss Full strength, no knots 0% Eye Splice 10% Timber hitch; half hitch 35% Bowline; clove hitch 40% Square knot 50% Overhand knot 55%
Book 29 Rope Systems
LAFD carries two types of pulleys: The 2 1⁄2 inch aluminum prusik minding, and the 4 inch stainless steel.
Book 29 Rope Systems
Take a 20 foot piece of 8-mm accessory cord and make a bight in the middle of the line. Clip the first carabiner into the bight.
Take the two bitter ends and tie an overhand knot in them, leaving a 2 inch tail.
Going away from the bight and carabiner, take both pieces of rope and make a munter hitch as close to the bight as possible. Attach the second carabiner to the munter hitch.
Pull the slack rope through the munter hitch until both carabiners touch.
Pull the carabiner that is attached to the bight in the rope, until the munter hitch flips over in the second carabiner. There should be a 4 to 5 inch space between the carabiners.
Take both lines that exit the munter hitch and wrap them around the line between the carabiners three to six times.
Take a bight from each of the remaining ropes, and push it through the space between the bight and the first carabiner.
Tie an overhand knot over the bight that was pulled through the bight and the first carabiner.
Tighten all 6 lines.
Daisy chain the rest of the rope.
The carabiner with the munter hitch should always be placed on the anchor side of your system.
Book 29 Rope Systems
There should be a ___ to ___ inch space between the carabiners.
Take both lines that exit the munter hitch and wrap them around the line between the carabiners ___ to ___ times.
4 to 5
3 to 6
Book 29 Rope Systems
The following knots are to be used when working with LAFD 1/2 inch rope systems. These knots have been chosen because of their
EASE OF UNTYING after having been loaded.
Book 29 Rope Systems
The strength of the rope is restored fully when placed over a turn of a pulley that is at least ____ times the diameter or the rope.
Book 29 Rope Systems
To tie a chest harness, follow these procedures. To Anchor
Take a piece of one inch tubular webbing, approximately __ to __ feet in length.
Take the two ends and tie a water knot to make a loop.
Take the loop and twist it to create an “X” pattern in it.
Put each arm through the loopholes created by the “X” pattern.
Place the “X” pattern in the middle of your back.
Take both pieces of webbing that come over your shoulder and tie an overhand knot in them.
Connect both loops via a carabiner and then connect the same carabiner to the seat harness.
10 to 14 feet in length