Book 29 Elevators Flashcards
Book 29 Elevators
There are numerous (over 60) elevator manufacturers
Currently, there are two types of elevators:
Cable operated elevators (sometimes referred to as an electric elevator)
Hydraulic operated elevators
Book 29 Elevators
A typical cable elevator consists of an elevator shaft for the car to travel within, an elevator car, cables attached to the car, counterweights, vertical tracks, emergency safety brakes, and an equipment room for the electrical equipment (electric motor and winding drum) to raise or lower the elevator.
Book 29 Elevators
A winding drum type elevator consists of a car attached to one or more ( 1 or more cables!! ) cables that pass around a winding drum and to a moving counterweight.
Both sets of cables run in the same grooves (counterweight cables unwind when car cables wind and vice-versa).
The equipment room for drum type may be located in a basement or on the roof of a building.
Limitations in the length and diameter of the winding drum restricts this type of elevator to ___ foot lifts and slow speeds.
Book 29 Elevators
Traction type elevators are used for higher lifts and greater speeds than drum type elevators and use a traction sheave instead of a winding drum.
In this configuration, cables passing over the traction sheave unwind as fast as they wind and car speed is dependent on the size of the traction sheave and the electric motor speed. There are two types of traction equipment:
High speed direct traction or gearless type traction consists of a slow speed DC motor directly coupled to a traction sheave with a brake wheel mounted on the motor shaft.
Geared traction type uses a high speed motor. The motor is geared to a traction sheave through worm gears with a brake wheel between the worm gears and motor.
equipment room is usually located on the roof or above an elevator shaft in high-rise buildings.
Book 29 Elevators
generally limited to ___ story buildings.
Older type use water, newer use hydraulic oil
Some less modern hydraulic elevators and hydraulic elevators that travel over six stories may use cables and
The equipment rooms for hydraulic elevators are normally located at the lower level of a building, but can be at any floor level or ___ to ___ feet away from the elevator shaft.
Equipment room consists of -
Controller or relay panel
Hydraulic power unit.
50 to 100
Book 29 Elevators
freight elevators can be as large as ___ feet by ___ feet and have a carrying capacity of up to ___ tons.
Usually not under computer control and will service the entire building
12 x 14’
Book 29 Elevators
The door on the elevator car is referred to as the inner or car door and travels with the elevator car.
The door that is seen from each floor of a building is referred to as the outer or hoistway door.
Book 29 Elevators
Four types of doors:
Swing Hall
Single Slide
Center Opening
Two Speed
Book 29 Elevators
They are made of various plastic or phenolic materials.
Gib blocks are approximately __” wide, __” high, __” thick
Installed every ___-inches across the underside of the door panel.
Normal hoistway doors can be expected to utilize two gib blocks.
3” wide, 1” high, 1/2” thick
Book 29 Elevators
A centrifugal force governor is provided on most elevators to guard against overspeeding (when a car travels in excess of ___% of top speed, the governor will activate a safety stop device).
On elevators capable of high speeds, wedges are forced between two jaws and the vertical rail is gripped with increasing force to slow a runaway elevator car to a gradual stop.
Book 29 Elevators
Have the trapped passengers verify the status of the Emergency Stop Button.
Remember that if an elevator is stalled due to a malfunction, (one that can be quickly corrected, i.e. overheated relay, loss of power from an activated main switch, etc.), it is necessary for the Emergency Stop Button to be activated before power will be returned to an inoperative elevator, (placed in the normal/run position.)
Book 29 Elevators
Instruct the passengers to push the Door Open Button (if so equipped).
If the elevator car is within a few inches of the landing floor, and the power is off in the equipment room, instruct the passengers to try to manually open the car door. This may require some effort as the car door operates the hoistway door through a clutch mechanism. Moving the car door will release the latch on the hoistway door and allow the door to be opened.
Book 29 Elevators
If there is power to the elevator, turn the power off for at least __ seconds and then back on again.
(at least __ seconds is necessary to clear any previous programming in the elevator computer).
30 seconds
Book 29 Elevators
If an elevator is equipped with a recall system, a key can be used to recall the elevator to the ground floor and open its doors. If the elevator returns to the ground floor but does not open its doors, instruct the passengers to push the Door Open Button
Book 29 Elevators
There are generally three valves in this unit, one to raise the car, one to lower the car, and one that will level the car to a floor landing. Most bleeder valves have a manual lowering screw built into the valve and are marked:
near the lowering screw. No valve should be fully opened. Open the bleeder valve slowly, just enough to hear the sound of fluid flowing, and the elevator car will slowly lower.
Book 29 Elevators
Side emergency exits are usually at least ___ inches wide and ___ feet high, located so there is free access to the side exit of an adjacent car, will open inward, and are either hinged or removable. The removable emergency side exit panel is held in place by at least four fasteners, so arranged that they can be operated by hand from both the inside and outside of an elevator. The hinged emergency exit panel is provided with a lock arrangement so that such lock can be operated from the inside of an elevator by means of a removable key (the key is kept on the premises by the person responsible for the maintenance and operation of the elevator), and from the outside by means of a non-removable handle.
Book 29 Elevators
Forcing doors
Insert a hayward, crow bar, or other similar tool at the top portion of the doors and force the two doors apart until a small air bag can be inserted. Instruct the passengers to move to the back of the car and face the rear of the car. Ensure the electrical power to the car has been de-energized. Inflate the air bag until the doors are forced open.
Book 29 Elevators
Elevators of more sophisticated design have access panels
from blind floors. These panels may be every ___ floors or ___-feet apart.
Consider use of the Heavy Rescue for wall breaching. Their jackhammers will go anywhere a 1” hose line will go.
Book 29 Elevators
This rescue method cannot be utilized when the inoperative elevator is located at the top floor of a building.
On the floor above the elevator, cut the gib blocks on one of the hoistway doors.
Utilizing the top of the hoistway door as a hinge, the bottom of the door may be pushed into the elevator shaft, allowing personnel to look down at the inoperative hoistway door linkage-locking mechanism, allowing personnel to use a pike pole (or other similar tool) to release the locking mechanism.
Book 29 Elevators
An escalator traveling between 90 to 120!! feet per minute can carry as many as 5000 passengers per hour.
A stop button that may be located externally and adjacent to the top and bottom of each unit.
An escalator cannot be restarted without the use of a key-operated switch located in a covered compartment at the bottom of the escalator.
By clearing the escalator of all passengers, the treads can be moved backwards by hand pressure.
Book 29 Elevators
Blind Section
The part of an elevator shaft that for ___ or more consecutive floors has no hoistway doors to access the floors.
Book 29 Elevators
Pick-Up Arm Clutch, Vane, Cam, or Bayonet
Located on the hoistway door of an elevator and actuates the door roller that operates the door latch. It is generally, ___ inches long on hydraulic elevators, and ___ inches long on cable elevators.
Book 29 Elevators
Door Roller, or Release Roller
Generally on the hoistway doors. Activation of this roller will open the door latch, lock, or interlock.
As a moving elevator approaches a landing, a pick-up arm on the elevator car will engage rollers on the hoistway doors and allow the hoistway doors to be opened as follows:
On hydraulic elevators and some cable elevators, the hoistway doors will open if the elevator is either __ inches above or below the floor level.
On cable some elevators, the hoistway doors will open if the elevator is either __ inches above or below the floor level.
six (6) inches
18 inches