bonhoeffer Flashcards
obedience leadership and doing God’s will
costly grace is true discipleship and can only be achieved by having a single-minded obedience to the will of God, he condemns cheap grace
He strongly criticised leaders such as Hitler who placed themselves above the community, highlighting the need for leaders to serve rather than to dominate.
justification of civil disobedience
BH justified civil disobedience. You have your duty to the state as the state is ordained by God. But, if the state negates itself and imposes unjust measures – it is not fulfilling the will of God and so it is justified to engage in civil disobedience.
Bonhoeffer’s role in the Confessing
Bonhoeffer was instrumental in the establishment of Karl Barth’s Confessing Church. He proclaimed Jesus Christ was the only true leader, not figures appropriating Christianity such as Hitler.
Bonhoeffer’s own religious community
at Finkenwalde
dancing cats move brown bins
bonhoeffer obedience quote
only he who believes is obedient and only he who is obedient believes’
the call to sicipleship is the call to obedience to the leadership of jesus christ. all christians are called to the discipleship and obedience to the leadership of christ
what was the aryan paragraph
declared jews were forbidden form the church and exluded
what was the barment declaration
decalred jesus as the true leader and established the confessing church.
two types of kingdom did luther suggest
- political, governed by the state and ordained by God
- spiritual, governed by the church
HItler’s church based on nazi idoltry
biblical quotes suggesting obedience to the state
‘give to caesar what is caesar’s’
‘blessed be the peacemakers’
bonhoeffer book
the cost of discipleship
bonhoeffer obedience comparison in bible
wanted single minded obedience to God’s will just as peter was compelled to in Matthew 14 ‘take courage, do not be afraid’
bonhoeffer still relevant x4
- christians still persecuted.
- religionless christianity becomes more necessary as society becomes more materialistic. ‘spiritual corpses’
- christianity is still being appropriated eg the russian orthodox churhc is used by Putin to enable the invasion of Ukraine
- teaches orthopraxis rather than orthodoxy which is important in a materialistic world.
Stanley Hauerwas on Bonhoeffer relevance
argued BH’s emphasis on truth was particulary needed in western democracy
is NH relevant today NO x3
- finkenwalde was short lived and BH was usually head. plus they lived far from commnity
- BH circumstances veyr extreme, not as now
- ethics focus on a single threat - threats are far more complex in modern western society
4.many argue his end goal with saving jewish people was actually to convert them to christianity = he is not compatible with multi-faith