Bones of the hand Flashcards
Name the bones of the hand
Start from thumb and second row from try:
Some- scaphoid
Lovers- lunate
Try- triquetrium
Positions- pissiform
That- trapezoid
They- trapezium
Can’t- capitate
Handle- hamate
Bones of the feet and ankle
Start from big toe downwards and then right:
Medial cuneiform
-Intermediate cuneiform
-Lateral cuneiform
-proximal=top phalanges
Middle= middle phalanges
Distal= bottom phalanges
Bones of the shoulder and arm
Start from collar bone and work down:
-shoulder girdle
-elbow joint
- radius (outside of arm)
-ulna (inside of arm)
Bones of the pelvis
Start from right side and work around:
-posterior superior iliac spine
-ischial spine
-ischial tuberosity
-obturator foramen
-subpubic angle
-ischiopubic ramus
-lesser sciatic forsaken
-greater sciatic foremen
Bones of the knee
-femur (above patella)
-patella (knee)
-tibia (below patella)