bones of the body Flashcards
what is the skull
entire head bones
what is the cranium
top of head bones(above face)
facial bones
bones in your face
shoulder blades
middle of ribs
what bones are in the bony thorax
ribs and sternum
what is the vertebral column
what is the llium
top of the hip bone(looks like elephant ears)
what is the ischium
connects your hip together(tbottom bone that connects the pelvic girdle: think little circles where nerve and blood vessels travel)
what is the pubis
top bone of the pelvic girdle that connects together(above ischium)
what is the talus
bone right under the tibia(highest bone in the ankle)
what are the tarsals
small bones that are 2nd closest to the ankle(think bones right in front of wrists but for foot:like carpals)
what are the metatarsals
bones in-between the toes and the tarsals
what are the phalanges
toes! and finger!
what is the calcaneus
the heel bone
what is the fibula
bone that connects the knee to the ankle, is the smaller bone on the outside
what is the tibia
the bigger bone that connects the knee to the ankle, on the inside
what is the patella
what is the femur
bone that connects the hip to the knee(largest, most blood cells, large)
what are the metacarpals
bone in the hand that is between the fingers and carpals(think what tony broke)
what are the carpals
bone closest the wrist(small, just like tarsals)
what is the radius
one of the bones that connects the elbow to the hand(bone on the outside if palm is up)
what is the ulna
one of the bones that connects the elbow to the hand(bone on the inside if palm is up)
what is the vertebra
bones of the back
what is the humerus
bone that connects the shoulder to the elbow(bone with tricep and bicep)
what is the the sacrum
second lowest vertebra in the back(fuse together, right above tailbone)
what is the coccyx
the tailbone(bottom of the spine
what is the lower limb
the leg
what is the upper limb
the arm
what are the coxal bones of the pelvis girdle
the back top of the hip bone
what are the bones in the pectoral girdle
clavicle and the scapula