Bones Flashcards
Components of bone
Extracellular matrix - majority of bone mass; consists of fibers and ground substances (mineralized)
Periosteum that lines the external surface of bones
Endosteum that lines the central cavity of bones
Found on external surface of bones; well vascularized. Meant to maintain the bone and functions in remodeling and repair of bone. Helps to anchor tissues and ligaments
Outer layer has dense collagenous connective tissue with collagen fibers, blood vessels, and fibroblasts
Inner cellular layer has osteoprogenitor cells and osteoblasts
Found in lacunae in the extracellular matrix. Mature bone cells
Narrow channels in the bone matrix radiating from the lacunae of osteocytes
Contain cytoplasmic processes that extend from osteocytes and make contact via gap junctions
Large multinucleated cells with acidophilic cytoplasm
Resorb bone
Occupy small depressions in the bone surface (resorption bays)
Osteoprogenitor cells
found in inner cellular layer of periosteum. Produce osteoblasts
Found on bone surfaces. Produce the organic matrix (osteoid). When surrounded by extracellular matrix, become osteocytes
Active osteoblasts are cuboidal or columnar with basophilic cytoplasm
Inactive osteoblasts are flattened with reduced basophilic staining of their cytoplasm
Thin layer of cells lining the internal surface of bone. Contains osteoprogenitor cells, osteoblasts, and “bone lining cells” (flattened, quiescent osteoblasts)
Two types of bone
Compact bone - very dense
Trabecular bone - consists of trabeculae and spicules
Compact bone
Basic structures are osteons/Haversian canal systems
Composed of concentric lamellae and osteonal (Haversian or central) canals
Concentric lamellae of compact bone
In a circular arrangement of bone around a central canal. Contain osteocytes
Osteonal (Haversian or central) canals of compact bone
Spaces in the center of osteons. Lined by endosteum, contain blood vessels and nerves
Interstitial lamellae
Irregular pieces of lamellae scattered among the intact osteons. Contains transverse canals which are vascular channels connecting adjacent central canals of osteons
Two types of bone formation during embryonic development
Intramembranous and endochondral
Intramembranous bone formation
Mesenchymal cells are stimulated to differentiate into osteoblasts that secrete bone matrix
Bone replacing mesenchyme
Most flat bones are formed this way
Endochondral bone
Requires presence of hyaline cartilage template model that is replaced by bone
Most long and short bones are formed this way
5 zones of the epiphysial plate
1) zone of reserve cartilage - chondrocytes are randomly oriented and mitotically active
2) zone of proliferation - chondrocytes rapidly divide and line up in isogenous rows paralleling the direction of bone growth
3) zone of maturation and hypertrophy - chondrocytes mature and hypertrophy; interterritorial matrix gets thin
4) zone of calcification - hypertrophied chondrocytes die, cartilage matrix becomes calcified using calcium provided by invading blood vessels
5) zone of ossification - osteoprogenitor cells invade and differentiate into osteoblasts that form bone matrix
Large cells found in bone marrow
Extend cytoplasmic processes into the sinusoids and break off pieces that become platelets