Bone surface markings Flashcards
What is a Foramen?
- Give an example
= A rounded passageway (hole) in the bone surface (compact bone) for blood vessels or nerves to pass through.
e.g. Optic foramen of the sphenoid bone
What is a Fossa?
- Give an example
= A shallow depression that receives an articulating bone.
e.g. Coronoid fossa of the humerus
What is a Sulcus?
- Give an example
= A narrow groove.
e.g. Intertubercular sulcus of humerus
What is a Condyle?
- Give an example
= A smooth, rounded articular process (bump).
e.g. Lateral condyle of femur
What is a Facet?
- Give an example
= A small, flat articular surface.
e.g. Superior articular facet of vertebrae
What is a Head?
- Give an example
= An expanded articular end of an epiphysis, separated from the shaft by a neck.
e.g. Head of the femur
What is a Crest?
- Give an example
= A prominent ridge.
What is a Epicondyle?
- Give an example
= A process near a condyle (bump on a bump).
e.g. Medial epicondyle of the femur
What is a Line?
- Give an example
= A low ridge.
e.g. Linea aspera of the femur
What is a Trochanter?
- Give an example
= A large, rough projection for muscle attachment.
e.g. Greater trochanter of the femur
What is a Tubercle?
- Give an example
= A small, rounded projection (small Tuberosity).
e.g. Greater tubercle of the femur
What is a Tuberosity?
- Give an example
= A small, rough oblong projection.
e.g. Ischial tuberosity of