Bone Part 1 ,2 Flashcards
Give me Three Structural classification of joint ?
1- Fibrous
2- Cartilaginous
3- Synovial
Functional of Joint give me three
And meaning
1- Synthroses ➡️immovable
2- Amphiarthroses ➡️slightly movable
3- Diarthtoses➡️freely movable
Fibrous tissue : Type , Function ,Example
Suture ➡️Synarthrosis ➡️Temporofrontal
Gomphosis ➡️Synarthrosis ➡️Teeth
Syndesmosis ➡️Amphiarthrosis ➡️Tibia-Fibula
Fibrous structural
Give me example
Immovalible to slightly Varible
Tibia and fibula and Radius And ulna
Cartilage joint: Type and Function Example
Synchordrisis ➡️Synarthrosis ➡️ribs and sternum
Symphysis ➡️Amphiarthrosis ➡️pubis
Type and movment and example
Type :Hyaline cartilge
Movment : Synthrotic
Example :
Epiphysel plate of Childern
Joint between costal cartilage of the first rib and sternum
Give me type and movment and Example :
1- type : Hylain cartilage ,Fibrocartilage
2- movment :Amphiathrotic flexabilaty
3- Example : Intervertbral joint pubic symphasis of the pelvis
Synovial joint
Type , functional , Example
Type and example
1- Monoaxial ➡️Hinge &pivot
2-Biaxial ➡️Elliposodial & saddle
3- Triaxial ➡️ball and socket
Movement Diarthrosis
Synovial joint have general Structure
1- Articular Cartilage
2- joint synovial cavity
3-Articular capsule
4-Synovial fluid
5-Reinforcing ligamint
Synovial -joint frication-Reducing
1- Bursa : Flattented ,Fibrosis saces lined with synovial membrane contaning fluid
Ex: ligamint , muscle , skin tendone or bone rube togather
2- Tendon sheath : elongate bursa compeletely around tendone
Stability of Synovial joint
Articular surfaces – shape determines what
movements are possible • Ligaments – unite bones and prevent excessive or
undesirable motion
Muscle tendons across joints are the most important
stabilizing factor • Tendons are kept tight at all times by muscle tone
Synovial joint Movement
Muscle attachment across a joint
• Origin – attachment to the immovable bone • Insertion – attachment to the movable bone
• Described as movement along transverse, frontal, or
sagittal planes
Synovial joint : Range of movement
Nonaxial – slipping movements only • Uniaxial – movement in one plane • Biaxial – movement in two planes • Multiaxial – movement in or around all three planes
Gliding Movement
One flat bone surface glides or slips over another similar
surface • Examples – intercarpal and intertarsal joints, and between
the flat articular processes of the vertebrae
Angular movement
Flexion • Extension • Dorsiflexion and
plantar flexion of
the foot • Abduction • Adduction • Circumduction
Rotation (Synovial joint )
The turning of a bone
around its own long
axis • Examples:
• Between first two
vertebrae (C1 & C2) • Hip and shoulder
Special Movement of (Rotastion )
and pronation • Inversion and
• Protraction
and retraction • Elevation and
• Opposition
Types of Synovial Joints
Ball and socket
(Synovial joint) Plane joint
De .EX
Articular surface are essenastially flat
Allow only slibbing or gliding
Nonaxial joint
Hinge joint (synovial joint )
Defenation and example
Cylinder projection
Flextion and extenation only
Motion single plane
Elbow and interphalange joint
Pivot joint (synovial joint )
Rounded end of one
bone protrudes into a “sleeve,” or ring, composed of bone (and possibly ligaments) of another
Axis and dense proximal radioandulnar joint
Only unixial movement allowed
Condyloid or ELLipsidal joint (Synovial joint )
Oval articular surface
of one bone fits into a complementary depression in another
• Both articular surfaces
are oval • Biaxial joints permit
all angular motions • Examples: radiocarpal
(wrist) joints, and
(knuckle) joints