Bone Marrow Examination Flashcards
Bone Marrow Exam Indications
Most commonly used to monitor
-course of a disease
-effectiveness of treatment
Confirm suspected diagnosis
A few diseases can only be made by BM exam
-Lipid metabolism disorders
-Tumor metastasis
-Myelodysplastic Syndromes (Refractory anemias)
Sites of Bone marrow aspiration
Posterior iliac crest
Anterior iliac crest
BM Aspirate preparations
-Fresh aspirate smears – small gray marrow spicules - pull prep
-EDTA specimen- for flow cytometry
-Na+ heparin – for Cytogenetics
BM Biopsy Preparations
-Touch Prep –uses core biopsy
-Preserved for Histology tissue sectioning
Marrow Interpretation
Low Power (100x)
-Cellularity - Touch prep
Normal ratio fat to hematopoetic tissue is 50:50
-Megakaryocyte estimate
Reference: 3-6 / lpf ; OHSU 1% of wbcs
-Scan for focal infiltrates
Marrow Interpretation
Oil Immersion (1000x)
Confirm focal infiltrates
Differential - Aspirate smears
-count 300 - 1000 wbcs
-as wbcs are counted rbc precursors (nrbs only) are counted and classified by stage also
Determine M:E ratio
-Ex: 300 wbc differential and 75 nrbcs were noted
*M:E ratio = 300:75 or 4:1
*Reference range: 3:1 to 4:1
Nurse Cell
macrophage surrounded by a ring of maturing erythroid cells. It is thought to provide substances important for the growth of the erythroid cells. Together these cells form a structure known as an erythroblastic island.
Lymphocytes in marrrow
-few in number
-included in differential
-excluded from the M:E ratio
Plasma Cells in marrow
Can comprise up to 5% of wbcs
Osteoblast in Marrow
-bone forming cell
-most resembles a plasma cell
*slightly larger
*nucleus so eccentric as to appear almost extruded
*halo separate from nucleus
Prussian Blue stain on Bone marrow
-3-6 iron laded macrophages(nurse cells) / lpf
-rbc precursors
*normally 20 - 50% of rbcs will contain
some iron granules
*siderocyte - nonnucleated rbc with Fe granules
*sideroblast - nucleated rbc with Fe granules
*increased siderocytes or ringed sideroblasts may be an indication of a sideroblastic anemia
Prussian Blue stain of bone marrow
Sideroblasts in Prussian blue stained iron surrounding rbc nucleus
Osteoclast in BM
-responsible for bone reabsorption
-most resembles a megakaryocyte
*it is multinucleated and nuclei are very round and clearly separate from one another
What should normal Bone Marrow reference ranges show
A higher concentration of the more mature cells in the lineages.
Mast Cell in bone marrow
-Morphology similar to blood basophils
-Has been determined to arise from a separate stem cell line
Increased in
*chronic infections
*autoimmune diseases
*systemic mastocytosis
Mast Cell
Allogeneic BM Transplant Process
-Collection from BM or Blood
-Processing to purify and concentrate stem cells
-Cryopreservation - to preserve it
-Chemotherapy - prep patient
-Reinfusion into recipient
3 ways to donate Bone marrow
Bone marrow
Peripheral blood donation
Cord Blood