Body Wellness and Stress Management Flashcards
Holds that physical illness is caused by a complex interaction of biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors
Biopsychosocial Model of Illness
being both healthy and happy
Six Domains of Wellness:
Physical Intellectual Emotional Social Career Spiritual
Circumstances that threaten or are perceived to threaten one’s well-being and thereby tax one’s coping abilities
Is stress a stimulus or a response?
Neither, instead researchers have concluded that it’s a transaction between stimulus and response
Sources of Stress:
Environmental - traffic on daily commute, weather, living situation
Culture - social attitudes, acculturation
Acute stressors - threatening event that has a relatively short duration and clear end point; deadline, exam, presentation
Chronic stressors - threatening events that don’t have a readily apparent time limit; relationship distress, dissatisfaction at work
Internal conflict - When two or more motivations or behavioral impulses compete
Change/New Experiences - Many people are uncomfortable with the idea of change; Life changes: moving, new job, relationship change
Pressure - Self-imposed, from others
Long-term effects of stress:
Hypertension (high-blood pressure)
Cholesterol plaque build up -> heart attack or stroke
Insulin Resistance
Short-term effects:
Muscle tension
Sexual Dysfunction
“Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers”
Zebras have just as much if not more reason to stress than humans (threat of death in the wild)
Humans consistently experience higher rates of stress related diseases i.e.; ulcers than zebras
Negative coping skills:
Giving up Getting angry/aggressive Indulging Blame Defensiveness
Positive coping skills:
Journaling Exercise Self care Listening to music Therapy
An intentional, nonjudgmental awareness and observation of our experiences in the present moment without seeking to change them immediately (much is taken from the Buddhist philosophies)
Why is mindfulness helpful?
it increases our ability to develop Meta-awareness - an awareness of what we are experiencing right now
Mindfulness benefits:
Helps decrease emotional reactivity
Building awareness and focusing on the present moment helps build the ability to adapt
Staying focused on the present keeps you from losing out
Promotes openness, humanity, and acceptance of clients
TED Stress Video:
Stress can be advantageous, but when activated too often or too long, your primitive fight or flight response not only changes your brain but also damages many of the other organs and cells throughout your body.
TED Stress Video:
When your brain senses stress, it activates your autonomic nervous system. Your brain communicates stress to your intestinal nervous system and can disturb the natural rhythmic contractions which can lead to IBS.