BODY Flashcards
quadrate lobe
segment IV
caudate lobe
segment 1
hot quadrate sign
SVC obstruction
hot spot in segment 1
dorsal pancreatic duct
ventral pancreatic duct
entrance air kerma for abdominal radiograph
3 mGy
MC duodenal malignancy
HIV cholangiopathy papillary stenosis
4 phases of renal contrast
- non-contrast
- corticomedullary
- nephrographic
- excretory (pyelographic)
pancreas divisum
- main pancreatic duct (solid arrow, Santorini) drains into minor papilla
- CBD and smaller ventral duct (Wirsung, curved arrow) drain inferiorly into major papilla
caudate lobe hypertrophy
- Budd Chiari
- clover leaf sign
- healed peptic ulcer of duodenal bulb
MC locations of GIST
stomach > duodenum > anorectum
median survival after successful surgical resection of pancreatic cancer
1.5 years
septate uterus
- horizontal/normal uterine fundal contour
bicornuate uterus
- heart-shaped fundus, with indentation of outer contour
MC associated abnormality with Mullerian Duct Anomalies
- ipsilateral renal agenesis
goblet sign
- urothelial neoplasm
septate uterus
Zuckerkandl fascia
posterior perirenal fascia
Gerota fascia
anterior perirenal fascia
epiphrenic diverticula usually occur on which side?
cone shaped cecum
- Entamoeba histolytica
what is the finding and what does it indicate?
- pear-shaped bladder
- retroperitoneal lipomatosis
interruption of IVC with hemiazygos continuation is due to..?
failure of right subcardinal vein to communicate with hepatic sinusoids
MR contrast agents contraindicated in GFR < 30
- gadodiamide
- gadopentate dimeglumine
- gadoverstamide
low-osmolality iodinated contrast media t 1/2
2 hours
which low-osmolality iodinated contrast media are approved for intrathecal use?
- iohexol (Omnipaque)
- iopamidol (Isovue)
Because they are nonionic
how long to wait after IV iodinated contrast material before therapeutic I-131?
3-4 weeks
which iodinated contrast material is preferred for angiography of small arteries, ie hand?
iodixanol (iso-osmolal)
macrocyclic Gd contrast agents
- gadobutrol
- gadoteridol
- gadoterate meglumine
dose of IV epi
0.1 mg (1 mL)
- inverted M waveform in renal artery (reversed diastolic flow)
- renal vein thrombosis
associations with duplicated IVC
GU anomalies:
- cross-fused ectopia
- horseshoe kidney
- cloacal exstrophy
area of kidney most vulnerable to ischemia
inner cortex
renal artery stenotic segment velocity and ratio of stenotic:pre-stenotic segments
> 200 cm/s
> 2:1
Meckel Gruber
- renal cysts
- encephalocele
- polydactyly
medullary sponge kidney associations
- Caroli’s
- Ehlers-Danlos
- Beckwith-Wiedeman
vessels arising from false lumen in aortic dissection
- right coronary
- left renal
- left iliac
renal vein thrombus with infarction and cortical rim sign
when is intradecidual sign seen?
4.5 weeks
embryo is visible when?
6 weeks
dx of pregnancy failure
- CRL > 7 mm + NO heartbeat
- MSD 25 mm + NO embryo
- NO embryo with hearbeat > 2 WEEKS after a scan that showed a GS WITHOUT yolk sac
- NO embryo with heartbeat > 11 DAYS after a scan that showed a GS WITH a yolk sac