Boards and Beyond- Cardio Flashcards
Which valve problem?
Turner syndrome or aortic coarctation
Bicupsid aortic valve
Early stenosis
Aortic regurg
which blood vessel has the highest velocity? Lowest?
Highest: Large arteries
Lowest: Capillaries
_______________ ischemia occurs with flow obstruction but some distal blood flow.
Subendocardial ischemia
Kussmaul’s sign
Inspiration causes rise in JVP
*Classic sign of restrictive heart disease
Complications of Ischemia weeks later
Dressler’s syndrome
LV Thrombus/ stroke
Loud S3 heart sound. Disease?
Rapid ventricular filling (such as mitral incompetence or congestive heart failure)
3 main ways to decrease conduction in AV node
Carotid massage
Vagal maneuvers
What conditions decrease oncotic pressure?
Nephrotic syndrome
Liver failure
Rhythm signs of restrictive heart disease
- Arrythmias (sudden death)
- AV block
Symptoms of atrial fibrillation
Palpitations, fatigue, dyspnea
Which baroreceptor only senses elevated BP?
Aortic arch
which genetic disorders has conotruncal anomalies?
DiGeorge syndrome
- Outflow tract anomalies
- Truncus arteriosus
- Conus arteriousus
CO calculation
Neprilysin inhibitors
Side effects of neprilysin inhibitors
Which heart problem?
Healthy, young athelete, syncope
Carvallo’s sign
Right -sided murmurs increase with inspiration
Left sided murmurs increase with exhalation
Which drugs are implicated in causing coronary steal?
Mg blocks influx of _____ into cells.
________ (acute/chronic) regurgitation may cause shock.
_____________ inhibits sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase. What effect does this have?
Phospholamban; prevents Ca2+ uptake by SERCA and prevents relaxation
When is a S3 heard?
- Acute heart failure
- Young patients
- Pregnant women
- Prostaglandin E1
- Maintains patency of ductus arteriosus
- Delivers blood to lungs
Therapies for systolic HF
Drugs: ACE-inhibitors, beta blockers, aldosterone antagonists
Bi-ventricular pacemakers
Type of shock?
Low CO
High cardiac pressures
High SVR
How is prinzmetal angina treated?
- Quit smoking
- Calcium channel blockers, nitrates
- Avoid propranolol
Key control variables for autoregulation in kidneys
NaCl feedback
In systolic heart failure, ejection fraction is ___________. In diastolic heart failure, ejection fraction is _________.
Reduced; normal
In what condition can you see a prolonged PR interval?
Primary AV block
Infundibulum develps from ______.
Bulbus cordis
*infundibulum is a funnel leading to pulm valve
Dystrophic calcification of coronary arteries is the result of ____________.
Chronic inflammation
Truncus arteriosus gives rise to what structures
Pulm artery
How is prinzmetal angina diagnosed?
- Intracoronary ergonovine
- Acts on smooth muscle serotonergic receptors
- Vasospasm visualized on angiogram
- Intracoronary acetylcholine
- Acts on endothelial muscarinic receptors
- Endothelial dysfunction leads to vasoconstriction
ACE inhibitors
Side effects of loop diuretics
Volume deplettion
- Renal failure
- hypotension
Venous return is blood returned to the _____________.
Left ventricle
In which conditions are u waves seen?
Systolic crescendo-decrescendo murmur
Aortic stenosis
Class _______ antiarrhythmic drugs block K channels.
Conditions with right axis deviation
Right bundle branch block
Right ventricular hypertrophy
Structures effected by central cyanosis
Nail beds
*Warm extremities
normal QRS axis
Between -30 and +90
which blood vessel has the highest area? Lowest?
Highest: Capillaries
Lowest: Large arteries
Why are headaches an adverse of nitrates?
Meningeal vasodilation
For left axis deviation, lead ____ is negative.
Three major classes of calcium antagonists
- Dihydropyridines (nifedipine)
- Phenylalkylamines (Verapamil)
- Benzothiazepines (Diltiazem)
Causes of pulmonic regurg
Repaired tetralogy of fallot
Rheumatic heart disease
If you notice a wide QRS and V1 is facing downward. What is the prognosis?
Conginetal heart defects seen in fetal alcohol syndrome
Tetralogy of Fallot
What venous pressure tracing is seen in tricupsid stenosis?
Large a wave
All forms of HF have a low CO except________.
High output heart failure
When do systolic murmurs occur?
Between S1- S2
Decreased S2 heart sound. Disease?
Aortic stenosis
Key control variables for autoregulation in brain
Class ____antiarrhytmic drugs block Na channels
Which valve problem?
Young female, otherwise healthy
Typical symptoms of cardiac ischemia
Chest pain
Symptoms of coarctation of the aorta are caused by closure of the ___________.
Ductus arteriosus
In which cases is emergent cardioversion performed regardless of possible thrombus?
Hypotension and shock
White infarcts
- Occlusion of arterial supply to a solid organ
- Common in heart, kidneys, spleen
- Limited blood seepage from healthy tissue
- Tissue becomes pale
WHat drugs is used during cardioversion
Lysosomal storage disease
Deficiency of a-galatosidase A
Accumulation of ceramide trihexoside
Fabry disease
ST elevation if lead avR. Which artery is occluded?
Left coronary
Class IB antiarrhythmics
What viruses are associated with nonischemic cardiomyopathy
Chemical cardioversion
- Administration of antiarrhythmic medication
How should a NSTEMI be treated?
Angioplasty (non-emergent)
how are the murmurs heard in aortic stenosis and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy differentiated?
- Decreases venous return/preload
- Increase HCM murmur
- Decrease Aortic stenosis murmur
Key control variables for autoregulation in skeletal muscle
Excess fluid movement out of capillaries results in ___________.
In which conditions do we see a cannon a wave?
Complete heart block
Ventricular tachycardia
Rank calcium channel blockers based on vascular smooth mucscle effects (greatest to least)
Nifedipine>Diltiazem> Verapamil
Maternal _________ can lead to Ebstein’s anomaly.
General symptoms of endocarditits
Fever, chills, sweats, petechiae
AV block seen in Lyme disease improves with _________.
Neprilysin inhibitors should not be administered with ______.
ACE inhibitors
*Same side effects
HF leas to the activation of what two physiological systems
- Sympathetic nervous system
- Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
What conditions increase capillary permeability (Kf)?
Types of Shock
Prolonged Qt conditions
LQTS (Long QT syndrome)
Culture negative endocarditis
Coxiella burnetii
Diastolic murmur. Disease?
Turbulence during ventricular filling (mitral stenosis or aortic regurgitation
Results of K Channel blockage on EKG
Prolong Qt
Key control variables for autoregulation in heart
Most common manifestation of chronic Q fever
How is acute heart failure treated?
Most: Daily diuretic
Some: Daily long acting nitrate (often oral isosorbide mononitrate)
Rare: Chronic IV infusion inotrope, heart transplant, left ventricular assist device (LVAD)
How does digoxin supress AV node conduction?
Increased vagal tone
- can be used to decrease heart rate
Where are aortic regurgitations heard?
Left sternal border
familial cuases of nonischemic cardiomyopathy
- Sacromere proteins
- Beta myosin heavy chain
- Alpha myosin heavy chain
- Troponin
Symptoms of acute heart failure
Pulm edema
Pitting edema
Increased JVP
Valvular atrial fibrillation is associated with ___________.
Rheumatic heart disease
*Usually mitral stenosis
NOTE: Non-valvular fibrillation is NOT associated with rheumatic disease
B blocker used to treat glaucoma
Loop diurectics
Ethacrynic Acid
Phase 0 of myocyte AP
- Nearby myocytes raise membrane potential via gap junctions
- Rising potential opens fast Na Channels
- Threshold potential reached (about -70mV)
- Large Na+ currents leads to rapid depolarization
- Membrane potential overshoots (>0mV)
- Fast Na+channels close
a2 agonist
Side effects of RAAS drugs
Hyperkalemia (due to decreased aldosterone)
Renal failure (due to decreased GFR)
Mechanism by which viridians strep causes endocarditits
- Bacteria synthesize dextran
- Dextran adheres to fibrin
- Fibrin found with endothelial damage
Which valve problem?
IV drug abuser
Tricupsid regurgitation
Results of Na Channel blockage on EKG
Prolonged QRS
Acute exacerbations of HF
- Infection/trauma/ surgery
- Ischemia
- Dietary indiscretion
- Poor medication compliance
How is dressler’s syndrome treated?
NSAIDs or steroids
Class IV antiarrhythmics
Ca channel blockers
When afterload ____________ (falls/rises), stroke volume and CO increase.
How is stable angina usually treated?
Cuases of heart block
- Beta blockers, calcium channel blockers
- Digoxin
High vagal tone
- Athletes
Fibrosis and sclerosis of conduction system
Which layer of the heart is infiltrated by eosinophils?
Which antiarrythymics prolong Qt?
Class Ia, III drugs
_________ (fast/slow) HR shortens diastole.
Supravalvular aortic stenosi
Narrowing of ascending aorta above aortic valve
Severe disease findings in aortic stenosis
- Late peaking murmur
- Soft/ quiet S2
- Stiff valve can’t slam shut
- Pulsus parvus et tardus
- Weak and small carotid pulses
- Delayed carotid upstroke
Which organs are great autoregulators?
Skeletal muscle
S3 and S4 are heard during ______.
Forms of nitrates
- Nitroglycerin Tablets/ Spray
- Take during angina attack, before exercise
- Isosorbide Dinitrate
- Isosorbide Mononitrate
- Topical nitroglycerin
Which volumes are effected by an increase in afterload?
- Increased ESV
- Decreased SV
- Decreased EF
Side effects of ranolazine
Secundum type of ASD
- Defects at site of foramen ovale/ ostium secundum
- Poor growth of secundum septum
- Or excessive absorption of primum septum
- Often isolated defect
What two classes of drugs affect pacemaker AP?
- Calcium channel blockers
- Slow rate sinus depolarization (slow HR)
- Slow AV node conduction
- Beta blockers
- Slows phase 4
- Makes it longer to reach threshold
- Decreases HR
- Prolong repolarization
- Slow AV node conduction
Why does the LVEF increase during exercise?
More vigorous contraction causes the ESV to decrease. There is more preload but less filling time at fast heart rates.
Which valve problem?
Immigrant or pregnant
Mitral stenosis
In which cases can the recurrent laryngeal nerve be compressed?
Aortic dissection
Massive LA enlargement
What factors cause a decrease in preload?
- Remove volume
- Raise heart rate
- Rool blood in veins
Phospholamban is phosphorylated by ____________. What effect does this have?
Beta adrenergic stimulation; this causes phospholamban to stop inhibiting SERCA. SERCA takes up calcium. Muscle relaxes.
Which factor drives smooth muscle proliferation in the intima of arteries?
PDGF (Platelet derived growth factor)
Cause of NSTEMI
- Atherosclerotic plaque rupture
- Thrombus formation
- Subtotal vessel occlusion
What venous pressure tracing is seen in tricupsid regurgitation?
Giant v wave
Mechanism of action of digoxin
Inhibits the Na-K pump, increases calcium in myocytes
Side effects of class Ib drugs
- CNS stimulation
- Tremor, agitation
- CVS side effects
- Bradycardia, heart block, hypotension
What is the effect on the arterioles of stenotic vessels in angina?
Arterioles are maximally dilated to maintain flow
*Arterioles are not maximally dilated in normal vessels.
- Sacromeres added in parallel
- Left ventricular mass increased
- Wall thickness increased
Concentric hypertrophy
Phase 1 of myocyte AP
- Membrane potential is positive
- K+ channels open
- Outward flow of K+ returns membrane to approximately 0 mV
most common cause of paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia
Atrioventricular nodal rentrant tachycardia
*More common in young women and requires dual AV nodal pathways
What does a LVEDP pressure considerably greater than PCWP indicate?
There is a pressure gradient across the mitral valve, indicating stenosis
Nitroprusside can cause _______ toxicity with prolonged use.
How is stable angina diagnosed?
Cardiac stress test, which increases demand for O2
How does cushing’s syndrome cuase HTN?
Cortisol increases vascular sensitivity to adrenergic agonists
How does the kidney regulate high BP?
Decreases salt/ water retention
Common sites of red infarcts
Small intestines
*Places with dual blood supply
What leads to a patent foramen ovale?
Septum primum and secundum fail to fuse
Organ that receives 100% of CO
Short Qt conditions
Types of systolic clicks. When are they heard?
- Ejection click
- Early in systole
- Before carotid pulse
- Non-ejection click
- Late in systole
- After carotid pulse
EKG changes in NSTEMI
St depressions
T-wave inversions
Tamponade EKG
Sinus tachycardia
Prominent x decent
Blunted y descent
Type of shock?
High CO
Inotropes are only for ________ heart failure.
Which drugs can cause long qt syndrome?
Antiarrhythmic drugs
Severe hypertension whithout end organ damage?
Hypertensive Urgency
What conditions decrease viscocity?
In which conditions do we see a giant v wave?
Tricupsid regurgitation
Complications of treating a STEMI with B-blockers
Bradycardia and AV block can develop
Results of rupture of posteromedial papillary muscles in mitral valve
Severe mitral regurgitation
Acute heart failure
Classic causes of cardiogenic shock
Large MI
Advanced heart failure
Angiotensin Receptor blockers
Complications of Ischemia in first 4 days
On what phase of myocyte AP do verapamil/ diltiazem work?
Phase 2
Digoxin benefits in HF
Increased CO
Improved symptoms and quality of life
What EKG change is an early sign of ischemia?
Hyperacute T waves
*Seen before ST elevations
Class II antiarrhythmics
Beta blocks
Of the a1 blckers which is “uroselective”?
Tamsulosin (less hpotensive effect)
Pacemakers do not require stimulation to initiate action potential. Capable of sel-initiated depolarization
Main regulator of contractility
Sympathetic nervous system
Clinical feautures of pericarditis
- Chest pain
- Fever
- Leukocytosis
- Elevated ESR
Digoxin Toxicity
visual changes
cardiac arrhythmias
Normal PR interval
Atherosclerosis Complications
- Ischemia
- Plaque Rupture
- Thombi
- Emboli
- Hemorrhage into plaque
- Aneurysm
All forms of heart failure lead to decrease in _________
Valsalva manuever
- Patient bears down as if moving bowels
- Increased thoracic pressure
- Aortic pressure rises
- Decreased heart rate and AV conduction
IVC comes from __________
Posterior veins
Main use for Class Ib drugs?
Ischemic ventricular tachycardia
- Fast heart rates
- Depolarized Na channels
What are two main steps of atheroma growth?
- Fatty streaks
- Atherosclerotic plaque
- Intima thickens
- Lipids accumulate
Symptoms of hypercalcemia
Complications of Ischemia in first 5-10 days
Free wall rupture
Papillary muscle rupture
Possible triggers of atrial fibrillation
- Binge drinking
- Increased catecholamines
Lung findings of HF
- Rales
- Fluid filled alveoli “pop” open with inspiration
- X-ray: Congestion
Fatty streaks
- Macrophages filled with lipids
- Form line along vessel lumen
- Do not impair blood flow
Clinical features of tamponade
Distant heart sounds
elevated JVP
Key side effect of nifedipine
- Edema
- Increases capillary hydrostatic pressure
- Pre-capillary arteriolar vasodilation
Type of shock?
Low CO
Low cardiac pressures
High SVR
Common location of ventricular pseudoaneurysm
Inferior wall
Pressure in the left ventricle when filled
Causes of mitral regurg
Mitral valve prolapse
Left ventricular dilation
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Rheumatic heart disease
Causes of congenital long qt syndrome
Abnormal K/Na channels
- Amount of blood loaded into left ventricle
- How much stretch is on fibers prior to contraction
Bacterial endocarditis complications
- May form abscess beneath valve annulus
- Persistent fever, bacteremia often indicates abscess
- Aortic valve abscess can lead to heart block
3 causes of holosystolic murmurs
Mitral regurgitation
Tricupsid regurgitation
Symptoms of hypocalcemia
Murmur heard in VSD. Where is it heard?
Harsh, holsystolic mumur in tricupsid area
Atrial fibrillation treatment
- Control Heart rate (slow AV node conduction)
- Beta blockers
- Calcium channel blockers
- Digoxin
- Control heart rhythm
- Cardioversion
- Anticoagulation
EKG findings of pericarditis
Diffuse ST elevation
PR depression
PV loop: Isovolumic contraction disrupted
Mitral regurgitation
Results in an irregularly, irregular pulse
Atrial fibrillation
prophylaxis for endocarditis
WPW syndrome
- Causes “pre-excitation”
- Ventricular depolarization before AV nodal impulse
What do the different waves represent on venous pressure tracings?
- a wave= Atrial contraction
- v wave= Venous filling
- c wave= tricupsid valve
- x descent= atrial relaxation
- y descent= emptying of the atrium
Treatment for ventricular tachycardia?
Emergent electrical cardioversion
Absent a wave
No organized atrial contraction
Organ that receives highest blood flow by weight
only available oral inotrope
Escape Rhythm
- Heart block: Lower pacemaker depolarizes ventricles
- Rate of lower pacemaker determines symptoms
- Very slow: Dizziness, syncope, hypotension
- Less slow: Fatigue, exercise intolerance
Clinical features of primary aldosteronism
Resistant HTN
Normal volume status on physical exam
paradoxical S2 splitting
Delayed closure of aortic valve
What conditions increase interstitial osmotic pressure?
Lymphatic blockage
What maneuvers cause a decrease in afterload?
Amyl Nitrate- vasodilator
What molecules are produced by skeletal muscles during exercise that cause vasodilation?
Class III drugs bind best in ______ state.
*More binding at slow rates
Side effects of a1 blockers
Postural hypotension
Atrioventricular nodal rentract tachycardia (AVNRT) treatment
- many patients need no therapy
- Beta blockers, verapamil/ diltiazem
- Surgical ablation of slow pathway
Enteroccoccus endocarditis is associated with….
Manipulation of the GI/GU tract
- Abdominal surgery
- Urinary catheter
- TURP for treatment of BPH
Factors resisting flow out of left ventricle
How do ACE inhibitors precipitate renal failure?
- Normal GFR depends on angiotension II
- ATII causes efferent arteriole vasoconstriciton, which maintains GFR
Channels prominent in phase 3 of pacemaker action potential
Delayed rectifier K+ channels open, return cell to -60 mV
In what cases, do you see eccentric hypertrophy?
- Volume overload of LV
- Aortic regurgitation
- Mitral regurgitation
- Cardiomyopathy
How is mean arterial pressure calculated?
Diastolic BP + 1/3(Systolic-Diastolic)
Eventual result of L-transposition of great arteries
Eventually right ventricle fails
Side effects of methyldopa
Hemolytic anemia
Normal QRS
<120 ms
Two cardiac effects of digoxin
- Increases contractility
- Used in systolic heart failure with decreased LVEF
- Slows AV node conduction
- Used in atrial fibrillation to slow ventricular rate
Early filling sound. S3 or S4?
Calcium channel blockers
Side effects of clonidine
Rebound hypertension
Complications interventricular septal rupture
Loud, holosystolic murmur
RHF (increases JVP, edema)
Side effects of potassium-sparing diuretics
- Hyperkalemia
- Gynecomastia in men (not eplerenone)
- Amenorrhea in women
What endocrine problem can lead to atrial fibrillation?
How is Wall tension calculated?
Tension= (P x r)/(2h)
h= wall thickness
When is a s4 heard?
Stiff left ventricle
- Long-standing HTN
- Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
- Diastolic heart failure
Late filling sound. S3 or S4?
Restrictive heart disease leads to severe ________ dysfunction.
Heart failure
Impaired ability of the heart to pump blood. Hallmark: low CO
Risk factors for coronary artery disease
- prior coronary disease
- Coronary risk equivalents
- Diabetes
- Peripheral artery disease
Prolonged QRS interval
Right bundle branch block
Left bundle branch block
Class I drugs bind best in the _________ state. These drugs are said to exhibit ________ dependence.
open/inactive; use
*Class1 drugs work best at a fast HR
least effect on AP of class 1 drugs
Causes of 1st degree AV block
- Beta blockers
- Calcium channel blockers
- Well-trained athletes
How is obstructive shock treated?
resolve obstruction
Class Ia
Can decrease recurrence rate of atrial fibrillation
Associated with increased mortality
Causes of obstructive shock
Tension pneumothorax
Massive PE
Large a wave
Increased atrial contraction pressure
Electrical cardioversion
- Deliver “synchronized” shock at time of QRS
- Adminster anesthesia
- Deliever electrical shock to chest
- All myocytes depolarize
- Usually sinus node first to repolarize/depolarize
How is distributive shock treated?
- Phenyephrine
- Epinephrine
- Norepinephrine
____________ is caused by untreated, rapid atrial fibrillation.
Cold skin indicates what type of shock
Cardiogenic and hypovolemic
Phase 2 of myocyte AP
- L- type Ca2+ channels open, leading to inward Ca2+ current
- Contraction trigger: excitation-contraction coupling
- K+ leaks out (down gradient)
- Delayed rectifier K+ channels
- Plateau of membrane charge
Class Ia antiarrythmic
Determinants of CO
- Preload
- Afterload
- Contractility
- HR
If leads ____ and _________ are both positive, axis is normal.
Weak peripheral pulses. Disease?
Aortic stenosis
Common sites of white infarct
Heart, kidneys, spleen
Causes of distributive shock
- Selective sinus node inhibitor
- Inhibits funny current
- Used in patients on max-dose beta blocker with increased HR
Carotid massage
- Examiner presses on neck near carotd sinus
- Strech of baroreceptors
- CNS response as if high BP
- Increased vagal tone
- Decrease in AV node conduction
What conditions can cause high viscocity?
Multiple myeloma
What is the relationship between anticoagulant administration and cardioversion?
If symptoms have lasted more than 48 hrs, a possible thrombus could have formed. Before conducting cardioversion, antiagulatants should be given for 3 weeks. Anticoagulants should be given 4 wks after cardioversion as well
Which maneuvers increase preload/venous return?
leg raise
Which class I antiarrhythmic?
Increase QRS and QT
Increase AP and ERP
Volume of blood in the left ventricle when filled
Heaves. Disease?
Left ventricular hypertrophy or right ventricular hypertrophy
Continous, “machine-like” murmur
Patent ductus arteriosis
Abnormal heart sounds associated with heart failure
- S3 (associated with high left atrial pressure)
- S4 (associated with stiff left ventricle)
- Displaced apical impulse- enlarged heart
What effect does exercise have on pulse pressure?
Increase in PP
- SBP rises
- DBP decreases slightly or stays normal
Potential causes of high output heart failure
Severe anemia
Thyroid disease
AV fistulas (post- surgical)
What venous pressure tracing is seen in atral fibrillation?
Absent a wave
Low flow symptoms
Cool extremities
___________ is life-threatening in WPW.
Atrial fibrillation
What maneuvers cause an increase in afterload?
Hand grip-clench fist
What are the 3 main situations that lead to a red infarct?
- Blockage of venous drainage
- Tissues with dual circulation
- Flow re-establoshed to necrotic area
Causes of diastolic murmurs
Aortic regurgitation
Mitral stenosis
Pulmonic regurgitation
Tricupsid stenosis
Liddle syndrome
Genetic disorder
Increased activity of epithelial sodium channels
Low aldosterone levels
Types of Aortic dissection
Type A
- Involves ascending aorta and/or arch
- Surgically
Type B
- Descending aorta
- Can be treated medically
When do diastolic murmur occur?
Between S2-S1
For right axis deviation, lead _________ is negative.
Venous return should be equal to the __________.
Major effect of a vagotomy
Decreases acid production in stomach
Organ that receives largest O2 content from blood
medical therapy for ischemia
- Increase O2 supply
- Dilate coronary arteries
- Increase diastole
- Decrease O2 demand
- Decrease HR
- Decrease contractility
- Decrease afterload
- Decrease preload
Role of vasa vasorum
Supplies blood to medial layer in thick vessels
What are the two ways the an ASD can form?
Septum secundum too short
Septu primum excessively reabsorbed
- Filling completed
- Contraction beginning
What factors increase afterload?
- Raise in mean blood pressure
- Obstruct outflow of left ventricle
- Aortic stenosis
- Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Why are weak lower extremity pulses associated with coarctation of the aorta?
- Low BP in lower extremities
- Increase renin release
- Salt/water retention
- Vasoconstriction
- Weak pulse
In what condition can you see a short PR interval?
Wolff-Parkinson White Syndrome
Special complications of an inferior MI
- Right ventricular infarction
- Loss of RV contractility
- Elevated JVP
- Decreased preload to left ventricle
- Hpotension
- Sinus bradycardia and heart block
- Vagal stimulation from inferior wall ischemia
What is the primary determinant of systolic BP?
Supravalvular aortic stenosis is seen in ___________ syndome.
Phases of valsalva maneuver
Phase I
- Increased thoracic pressure
- Decreased venous return (compression of veins-> increased RA pressure)
- Transient rise in aortic pressure
- Decrease in heart rate and AV node conduction
Phase II
- Decreased preload, leads to decreased CO
- Increased HR and AV node conduction
SVC comes from _______ and __________.
R common cardinal vein and R anterior cardinal vein
How is hypovolemic shock treated?
Blood transfusions
IV fluids
Degrades ANP/BNP
*Also degrades bradykinin
In which conditions, do we see a large a wave?
Tricupsid stenosis
Right heart failure/ Pulm HTN
Bilbus cordis gives rise to what structures
Smooth LV/RV
___________ in a patient on mexiletine indicates toxicity.
Causes of bundle branch blocks
- Slowly progressive fibrosis/sclerosis
- LBBB: Prior MI, cardiomyopathy
- RBBB: Right heart failure
*More common in older patients
Stent complications
- Restenosis
- Slow, steady growth of scar tissue over stent
- Thrombosis
a1 blockers
What is the key regulatory protein of lusitropy?
Causes of T wave inversions
- Raised intracranial pressure
- Resolving pericarditis
- Bundle branch blocks
- Ventricular hypertrophy
Phase 4 of myocyte AP
- Resting potential: about -85 mV
- Constant outward leak of K+
- “Inward rectifier channels”
- Na + and Ca2+ channels are closed
There are no signs of volume overload with renal artery stenosis. Why?
Normal kidney compensates
- Direct arteriolar vasodilator
- Rarely used for hypertension
- Combined with nitrates for HF
- Safe in pregnancy
- Causes drug induced lupus
Viridans strep causes __________ endocarditis.
Anterior ST elevation in V1-V4. Artery?
Subtotal occlusion of the coronary artery can result in..
Unstable angina
Non ST elevation myocardial infarction
Classic imaging findings in restrictive heart disease
Normal left ventricular function/size
Bi-atrial enlargement
Which type of cardiomyopathy is often seen in systolic heart failure?
Dilated cardiomyopathy (eccentric hypertrophy)
How can the risk of recurrent events be reduced after coronary artery disease?
- Aspirin
- Statins
- B-blockers
- Used in patients with prior infarction (STEMI/NSTEMI)
Complications of papillary muscle rupture
- Acute mitral regurgitation (holosystolic murmur)
- HF
- Respiratory distress
Requirement for endocarditis diagnosis
2 major
1 major 3 minor
5 minor
Older patients and hypertensive patients have a/an ___________ (decreased/increased) pulse pressure
Pheochromocytoma diagnosis
Catecholamine breakdown products
- Metanephrines
- Vanillylmandelic acid (VMA)
Lateral wall of the heart is supplied by __________.
Left cicumlflex artery
Ejection fraction calculation
Primitive ventricle gives rise to what structure
Trabeculated LV/RV
Warm skin indicates what type of shock
a ___________ aortic valve in seen in 60% of coarctation cases.
Cannon a wave
Atria against closed tricupsid valve
________ sometimes used for diagnosis in dyspnea. High levels suggest HF.
BNP (brain natriurectic peptide), released by ventricles
Which drugs are associated with Drug induced Lupus
*Anti-histone antibodies
Primitive atrium gives rise to what structure
Trabeculated atria
How does digoxin increase contractility?
- Inhibits Na-K- ATPase
- Na trapped inside of cell
- Less Na exchange for Ca
- More Ca inside of cell
Adenosine effects are blocked by ______ and __________.
Theophylline; caffeine
Index of contractility
Ejection fraction
Organ that receives largest systemic blood flow
Physiological S2 splitting
Increased venous return delauys P2 by 40-60 ms
*Single to split inspiration
Treatment of STEMI
- Emergency angioplasty
- Should be done <90 mins
- Thrombolysis
- Should be done <30 mins
Class Ia
Slows conduction in accessory pathways (WPW)
used in arrhythmias associated with bypass tracts
Clinical features of constrictive pericarditis
Prominent right heart failure
What EKG effect can be seen with ranolazine use?
QT prolongation
In which types of CAD do you see subendocardial ischemia?
Stable angina, undtable angina, NSTEMI
Which parts of the heart receive blood supply from the LAD?
Anterior wall
Anterior septum
Pheochromocytoma symptoms
Episodic sweating
Which valve problem?
Side effects of adenosine
- Skin flusing, hypotension
- Dyspnea, chest pain
how can fibrinous pericarditis be distinguished from Dressler’s syndrome?
- Occurs days after MI
- Not autoimmune
What effect do beta blockers have on the graph for pacemaker cells?
Decrease the slope of phase 4
Prolong repolarization (phase 3)
What factors increase contractility?Decrease?
Increase: Exercise, Inotropes
Decrease: MI, HF
Complications of treating STEMI with nitrates
Potassium sparing diuretics
Sinus p waves are upright in which leads?
II, III, and F
Clinical feautures of restrictive heart disease
Prominent right heart failure
Mechanism of action of loop diuretics
Inhibit Na-K-Cl pump in ascending loop of Henle, result in salt-water excretion, which relieves congestion
Endocardial cusion defects are common in __________.
Down syndrome
How is cardiogenic shock treated?
- Milrinone
- Dobutamine
Causes of Torsade de Pointes
Antiarrhytmic drugs
Hypocalcemia (rare)
Low flow symptoms are seen in ________ (systolic/ diastolic) heart failure only.
Which maneuvers decrease preload/venous return?
How do nitrates relieve angina?
Cause pool of blood in veins, which lowers preload and leads to less work for the heart
Symptoms of left heart failure
- Dyspnea especially on exertion
- Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
- Orthopnea
When is alprostadil a useful drug?
Useful when poor RV to pulm artery flow
- Tetralogy of Fallot
- Pulmonary atresia
Which type of Step bovis has the strongest association with colon cancer?
S. gallolyticus
Which volumes increase with an increase in preload?
- SV
- EF (slightly)
Where is the murmur heard in mitral regurgitation?
Holosystolic murmur heard best at the apex (at the 5th intercostal space, mid-clavicular line)
Major indications for revascularization
Systolic dysfunction
What venous pressure tracing is seen in AV dissociation?
Cannon a wave
Cause of STEMI
- Atherosclerotic plaque rupture
- Thombus formation
- Complete vessel occlusion
which blood vessel has the highest change in pressure? Lowest?
Highest: Arterioles
Lowest: Veins
Why does an ASD result in a wide, fixed splitting of S2?
Increased volume in RA/RV delays closure of the pulmonic valve
Rank calcium channel blockers based on HR/contractility effects (greatest to least)
Verapamil> Diltiazem> Nifedipine
What part of the brain senses signals from baroreceptors?
Nucleus Solitarius
Why is S4 not heard in atrial fibrillation?
You need the atria to contract to hear this sound
Classic causes of concentric hypertrophy
Aortic stenosis
Drugs used to treat STEMI
- Aspirin
- Heparin
- B-blockers
- Nitrates
- Clopidogrel
- Eptifibatide
- Bivalirudin
Risk factors for atrial fibrillation
- >80 yrs
- More common in women
- Heart failure, valvular disease
- Emptying completed
- Relaxation beginning
Verapamil/diltiazem actions
- Negative inotropes
- Reduced HR/ contractility
- Can precipitae acute heart failure if LVEF is very low
What factors decrease afterload?
- Lower the mean blood pressure
- Treat aortic valve disease, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Key control variables for autoregulation in lungs
Poor R wave progression seen in ___________ ischemia.
Atrial fibrillation eliminates ventricular _________.
Prefilling, which leads to a decrease in preload.
*Can lead to low CO and hypotension, especially in preload dependent patients.
Coronary arteries are perfused during ________ (diastole/systole).
How digoxin toxicity treated?
- Digibind
Nonselective b blockers
In which conditions are peaked T waves seen?
Early ischemia (hyperacute)
Amiodarone aslso hase effects of which class of drugs?
I, II, and IV antiarrythmics
Patent ductus arteriosus becomes the ___________.
Ligamentum arteriosum
Class Ic antiarrhythmics
Major determinant of systolic BP
In the body, which compartments are used to calculate the change in pressure?
Arterial pressure-right atrial pressure
Which three beta blockers are useful in chronic systolic HF?
What conditions increase capillary pressure?
Heart failure
Clinical features of HCM
HF, angina, sudden cardiac death, syncope, mitral regurg
Delta Wave
Short PR
Which baroreceptor senses elevated and low BP?
Carotid sinus
Result of severed CN X on heart?
- Vagotomy
- Unopposed sympathetic cardiac stimulation
- Increase in heart
Causes of tamponade
Which Beta blockers should be used to treat angina? Which should not?
Use: B1 selective drugs (Metoprolol, atenolol)
Don’t use: partial agonist (Pindolol, acebutolol)
Slowest conduction is through __________. Fastest conduction is through ______.
AV node; Purkinje fibers
Purkinje>Atria>Ventricles> AV node
Minor criteria for endocarditits
Risk factors
Roth spots, Osler node, Janeway lesions, splinter
Conditions with left axis deviation
Left bundle branch block
Ventricular rhythm
Casues of Systolic murmurs
- Aotic stenosis
- Mitral regurgitation
- Pulmonic stenosis
- Tricuspid regurgitation
- Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
- Ventricular septal defect
How does a decrease O2 effect the work of the heart?
Heart starved for O2->Reduce O2 demand->Low output->Need to increase work
magnesium is used in the acute management of _________. By what mechanism?
Torsade de pointes. Mg blocks influx of Ca into cells. Ca influx leads to early after depolarizations
What factors provide evidence of a hypertensive emergency?
- Neurologic impairment
- Retinal hemorrhages, encephalopathy
- Renal impairment
- Acute renal failure
- Hematuria, proteinuria
- Cardiac ischemia
Which class I antiarrhythmic?
Increased QRS
+/- QT
+/- AP
explain how epinephrine acts at different doses
Low dose: beta 1 and beta 2 agonis
High dose: alpha agonist
Baroreceptors sense ___________.
Symptoms of Mobitz II
Dizziness, syncope
PV loop: Isovolumic Relaxation disrupted
Aortic regurgitation
_________ is the most commonly injured cardiac chamber in penetrating chest trauma.
Diastolic rumbling murmur, preceded by opening snap
Mitral stenosis
*time to opening snap associated with severity. Higher left atrial pressure, leads to a decreased time to opening snap
which blood vessel has the highest resistance? Lowest?
Highest: Arterioles
Lowest: Veins
Complications of coarctation of the aorta
Heart failure
Aortic rupture/dissection
sinus venosus gives rise to what structure
Right horn: RA
Left horn: Coronary sinus
Why is there a widened pulse pressure in patent ductus arteries
- Loss of volume in arterial tree through PDA
- Low diastolic pressure, leads to increased pulse pressure
Which type of hypertrophy is often seen in systolic heart failure?
How can radiation cause restrive heart disease?
May cause inflammation
Fibroblast recruitment
Extracellular matrix deposition
Collagens and fibronectin
Major causes of restrictive heart disease
Fabry disease
Post-radiation fibrosis
Loeffler’s syndrome
Endocardial fibroelastosis
Hepatojugular reflux
- Pressure on abdomen raises JVP
- With failing RV, increase is greater
Endocardial cushions give rise to what structures
Atrial septum
Ventricular septum
AV valves
Semilunar valves
Primum type of ASD
- Defect at site of ostium primum
- Failure of primum septum to fuse with endocardial cushions
- Located near AV valves
- Often occurs with other defects
In which types of CAD do you see transmural ischemia?
How do viruses cause cardiomyopathy?
Virus enters myocytes causes myocarditis which leads to cardiomyopathy
Decresendo blowing diastolic murmur
Aortic regurgitation
Aorticopulmonary septum formed from ___________ and fuses with _________.
Neural crest cells; Interventricular septum
Risk factors for aortic dissection
Aortic damage
- Atherosclerosis
- Thoracic aneurysm
Abnormal collagen
- Marfan syndrome
- Ehler’s Danlos
- Bicupsid aortic valve
- Turner Syndrome
- Tertiary syphilis
explain how dopamine acts at different doses
Low dose: dopamine agonist
Medium dose: beta 1 agonist
High dose: alpha agonist
How do cyclosprine and tacrolimus cause hypertension?
- Calcineurin inhibitors
- Renal vasoconstriction
- Salt/water retention
Sings and symptoms of HF
- Low flow signs
- Loss of appetitie
- Cachexia
- Confusion
- Cool extremities
- “Narrow pulse pressure”
- Seen only with low CO
Which antihypertensive drugs cause orthostatic hypotension?
A-1 blokers
ACE inhibitors (especially in patients on diuretics)
Pulse pressure is _________ (directly/indirectly) related compliance.
Class Ib drugs, bind Na channels in the _______ state.
NOTE: These drugs alsor rapidly unbind, so are more effective in fast heart rates
Abdominal pain with isolated increase in ________ could be MI.
Main roles of calcium channel blockers
Negative chronotropes/inotropes
Recombinant BNP, vasodilator, decreases afterload and increases CO
Adverse effects of Nitrates
- PD3 breaks down cAMP in myocytes
- INhibition leads to an increase in cAMP, which increase contraction
- Vascular smooth muscle increase in cAMP leads to dilation
Which class I antiarrhythmic?
+/- QRS
Decreased QT
Decreased AP
Decreased ERP
Class 1b
Nitrates can be used to treat ischemia in what two ways?
- Venous dilation
- Lowers preload
- Arterial dilation
- Increase coronary perfusion, hence O2 supply
NOTE: In patients with severe CAD, sympathetic activation can cause a reflex effect, which increases contractility. Administering beta blocker Ca channel blockers blunt this effect.
Carcinoid heart disease
- Caused by carcinoid tumors of intestines
- Secrete serotonin
- Fibrous deposits tricupsid/pulmonic valves
- leads to stenosis and regurg
What phase of myocyte AP do class III antiarrhythmic drugs work?
What factors cause an increase in preload?
- Add volume
- Slow heart rate
- Constrict veins
Renin inhibitor
Reduces ATI levels
What volumes/ pressure are effected in systolic heart failure?
- Decreased contractility
- Decreased cardiac output
- Decreased SV
- Drastic increase in ESV
- Increase in EDV
- Increase in LVEDP
What drugs are used to prevent stent thrombosis
*After 1 year stent no longer exposed to blod and most patients take aspirin only
- Thiazide-like diuretic
- Inhibits Na-Cl reabsorption distal tubule
What factors increase contractility?
- Sympathetic nervous system activity
- Increased calcium
- Exercise, stress
- Sympathomimetic drugs
- Digoxin
- Inhibits Na-K pump, increases calcium in myocytes
EKG abnormalitiy with SVT
Retrograde P waves
side effects of amiodarone
Hyper and hypothyroidism
Increased liver function tests
Blue-grey discoloration
Corneal deposits
Pulmonary fibrosis
Atrial fibrillation ablation
Electrically isolation of pulm vein creates small scar in LA, preventing conduction in that area
Constrictive pericarditis venous curve signs
Rapid y descent
Result of carotid occlusion
Increase in HR and BP, due to an interpretation of a decrease in BP
Beta blockers used to treat portal hypertension
Side effects of metolazone
additional fluid
K+ loss
Thiazide diuretics
If you notice a wide QRS and V1 is facing upward. What is the prognosis?
Digoxin should not be used in people with…
Electrical causes of paradoxical splitting
Delayed LV activation
- RV pacing
Treatment for primary aldosteronism
*Aldosterone antagonists
3 types of AV blocks
- Type 1
- Prolongation of PR interval only
- All p waves conducted
- Type 2
- Some p waves conducted, some not
- Progressive PR prolongation (Mobitz Type 1)
- Two sub types: Mobitz 1 and Mobitz 2
- RR intervals NOT regular
- Type III
- No impulse conduction from atria to ventricles
- Regular RR intervals
Most common site of aortic rupture
How is cardiomyopathy caused by tachycardia-mediated?
- Constant, rapid heart rate for weeks/months
- Leads to depression of LV systolic function
*Reversible with slower heart rate
another name for a systolic crescendo-decrescendo murmur
Ejection murmur
WPW treatment
Ablation of accessory pathyway
Phase 3 of myocyte AP
- Ca 2+ channels inactivated
- Persistent outflow of K+
- Resting potential back to -85 mV
____________ aneurysms occur in about 10% of patients with coarctation.
Ebstein’s anomaly
- Apical displacement of TV leads to small RV
- Severe tricupsid regurg
- Can leads to right heart failure
Causes of loud P2
Pulmonary HTN
Which defects can cause central cyanosis early in life
Tetralogy of fallot
transposition of great vessels
Truncus arteriosus
Tricusid atresa
Total anomalous pulm venous return
Major determinant of diastolic BP
total peripheral resistance
Two main causes of AV blocks. compare the two
- AV node disease
- Less dangerous
- Conduction imprives with exertion
- HIS- purkinje disease
- More dangerous
- Usually does not improve with exertion
- Often progresses to complete heart block
- Often requires a pacemaker
Major sites of atherosclerosis
Abdominal aorta
Coronary arteries
Popliteal arteries
Internal carotid
Circle of Willis
Histology of HCM
Myocyte disarray
Interstitial fibrosis
_____________ is the most common cause of sudden death in adults.
Coronary artery disease
*In younger patients , its hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Class III antiarrhythmics
Mobitz II
- Block usually in the HIS-purkinje system
- Often seen with bundle branch block
Channels prominent in phase 4 of pacemaker action potential
Funny current
- Spontaneous flow of Na+
Major criteria for endocarditits
Positive blood cultures
Vegetation on echocardiogram
EKG abnormality seen in atrial fibrillation
No p waves
What factors are modified by baroreceptor response?
- HR/ contractility
- Arterial tone
- Venous tone
- Renal renin release
Pericarditis treatment
How should HTN as a rsult on cyclosporine and tacrolimus be treated?
Diltiazem (allows lower amount of cyclosporine to be used)
_____________ refractory period determines HR.
AV node
What murmurs can be heard at the left upper sternal border?
Pulmonic murmurs
patent ductus arteriosus
Lateral ST elevation in -> I,L,V5,V6.Artery?
Left circumflex artery
__________ ischemia occurs with complete % flow obstructions.
Where are baroreceptors located?
- Aortic arch
- Carotid sinus
- Kidneys
Causes of persistent S2 splitting
RBBB or Pulmonary Hypertension
Nifedipine function
- Vasodilator
- Lower blood pressure
- Reduce afterload
- Dilate coronary arteries
- May cause reflex tachycardia
Vagal manuevers
- Valsalva
- Breath holding
- Coughing
- Deep respirations
- Gagging
- Swallowing
Mechanical causes of paradoxical splitting
Delayed LV outflow
- LV systolic failure
- Aortic stenosis
- Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Result of severed CN IX
Increase in HR and BP, due to an interpretation of a decreased BP
Most common cause of systolic heart failure
B1 selective antagonist
Inferior ST elevation in II, III, F. Artery?
Posterior descending artery
SA and AV nodes supplied by the __________.
Myocardial relaxation
Valvular atrial fibrillation has a very high risk of _________.
Symptoms of AV blocks
- Bradycardia
- Fatique, dizziness, syncope
*Symptomatic AV block often treated with a pacemaker
Types of Cardioversion
- Electrical
- Chemical
- Spontaneous
Which drugs block L-type Ca channels?
Verapamil/ Diltiazem
Arteriolar Rarefaction
Loss of arterioles
Arterioles close off and get resorbed
Symptoms of chronic heart failure
Clear lungs
no pitting edema
JVP flat
In which conditions do we seen an absent a wave?
Atrial fibrillation
Pompe disease
Glycogen storage disease
Acid alpha-glucosidase deficiency
Enlared muscles, hypotonia
Cardiac enlargement
How does the cardiac tissue extract more O2 during exercise?
Coronary vasodilation, which leads to an increased blood flow.
NOTE: Cardiac tissues cannot extract more O2 from RBCs as they already extract the maximum amount
Coronary steal is induced by _________.
Symptoms of paroxysmal supraentricular tachycardia
- Sudden onset palpitations
- Chest discomfort
- Rarely syncope
bundle branch blocks interfere with detection of ________.
Result of carotid massage
- Decreased HR and BP due to interpretation of increased BP
What factors decrease contractility?
- Sympathetic system blocking drugs
- Beta blockers
- Calcium channel clockers
- Heart failure
Verapamil side effects
Gingival hyperplasia (seen in all types of calcium channel blockers)
What volumes/ pressure are effected in diastolic heart failure?
- Decrease in LV compliance
- Decrease in lusitropy (rate of myocardial relaxation)
- Decreased CO
- Decreased SV
- Decreased EDV
- Increase in LVEDP
Key control variables for autoregulation in skin
Sympathetic stimulation
SV calculation
Channels prominent in phase 0 of pacemaker action potential
L-type Ca2+ channels open, which depolarizes the cell
General mechanism of action of class II and IV antiarrhythmic
Slow sinus and AV node conduction
Pulse Pressure calculation
Systolic- Diastolic
Most murmurs increase with more preload except ________ and ________.
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; mitral valve prolapse
Key exam finding of renal artery stenosis
Renal bruit
Murmurs Grading
I- barely audible on listening carefully
II- faint but easily audible
III- loud and easily audible, no thrill
IV- loud murmur with a thrill
V- heard with scope barely touching chest
VI- audible with scope not touching the chest
STEMI “special” subtypes
- Left main
- ST-elevation aVR
- Diffuse ST depressions
- Posterior
- Anterior ST depressions with standard leads
- ST-elevation in posterior leads (V7-V9)
Mechanism of action of Ranolazine
- Inhibits late sodium current
- Reduces calcium overload
- Reduces wall tension and O2 demand
True or False. Stable Angina is a thrombotic problem.
*Stable coronary atherosclerotic plaque with no plaque rupture/ thrombus
Classic signs of restrictive heart disease caused by amyloidosis and Fabry’s disease
Low voltage on EKG