Board Review Flashcards
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- Inhibits the affinity of SR Ca ATPase for Ca
- phosphorylation relieves inhibition
sacroplasmic reticulum Ca ATPas
- GDP –> GTP
- adenylate cyclase converts ATP –> cAMP
- PKA –> Ca release
- receptors: beta 1, 2, D1, V2
- reduce cAMP formation
- receptors = alpha 2
Flow =
change in pressure / resistance
Pm =
mean circulatory pressure (flow = 0)
Cerebral vasodilators
- CO2
- NO
- prostacyclin
- ET-1
- increased metabolism
CVP waveform - a wave
atrial contraction, = RVEDP
CVP waveform - c wave
early systole - TV elevates into the RA
CVP waveform - x descent
atrial relaxation
CVP waveform - v wave
filling of RA in late systole
CVP waveform - y descent
TV opens and RV passively fills
CVP waveform - cannon a-waves
AV discordance
CVP waveform - fused C-V waves
Normal CI
3.3-6 L/min/m2
Fick Equation
CO = VO2/(CaO2 - CvO2)
Thermodilution - AUC
inversely proportional to CO
Shunt fraction
Qs/Qt = (CpvO2 - CaO2)/(CpvO2 - CvO2)
Normal shunt fraction
O2 extraction ratio (ERO2)
avDO2/CaO2 (normal = 25%)
Qp/Qs =
(SaO2 - SvO2) / (PpvO2 - SpaO2)
alpha-1 receptor
Gq –> increased IP3, 1,2-DG and Ca
alpha-2 receptor
Gi –> decrease cAMP
beta-1 receptor
Gs –> increase cAMP
beta-2 receptor
Gs –> increased cAMP
D1 receptor
Gs –> increased cAMP
- phospholipase C (PLC) –> IP3 and DAG
- PKA –> increase Ca
- receptors: alpha 1, V1
V1 receptor
Gq; vascular bed and CNS
V2 receptor
Gs; renal collecting ducts
Vasopressin stimulation
- osmolality changes
- change in BP of blood volume
Milrinone MOA
PDE3 inhibitor (prevents hydrolysis of cAMP)
recombinant BNP –> direct vasodilation
Digoxin MOA
Inhibits Na/K ATPase –> increased intracellular Ca
Digoxin toxicity potentiated by
- hypoK
- alkalosis
- hypoxemia
- catecholamines
Mobitz type 1
progressively prolonged conduction; AV node
Mobitz type 2
abrupt failure to conduct; His conduction system
Pacing Terminology
Paced; Sensed; Response
Adenosine side effects
sinus arrest, bronchospasm, vasodilation
Action Potential - Phase 0 drugs
Quinidine, Procainamide, Lidocaine, Phenytoin, Flecainide
Action Potential - Phase 2 drugs
Verapamil, Diltiazem
Action Potenial - Phase 3 drugs
CaO2 =
(1.34 x Hgb x SaO2) + (0.003 x PaO2)
CaO2 units
mL O2/dL
Hemoglobin Saturation Curve - Left Shift
- increased affinity for O2
- decrease in CO2, temp, DPG
Hemoglobin Saturation Curve - Right Shift
- decreased affinity for O2
- increase in CO2, temp or DPG
Cardiac Transplant - Hyperacute Rejection
HLA comparability; Tx = PLEX
IL_2 receptor Ab
T cell lysis
Calcinuerin inhibitors
T cell inhibition; ex = cyclosporine, tacrolimus
LaPlace’s Law
P = 2T/r
Time constant =
R x C; time it takes for volume of respiratory system to decrease by 63%; normal 0.3 sec (children)
Dead Space Fraction =
PaCO2 - PetCO2 / PaCO2
Hypoxic Regulation of Breathing
Ventilation increases steeply if PaO2 < 50 (not O2 content)
Hypercarbic Regulation of Breathing
- H+ - carotid body
- PaCO2 - brainstem/medulla
- hypoxia –> augmented reponse
PAO2 =
- FiO2 x (Patm - PH2O) - PaCO2/R
- Patm = 760
- PH20 = 47
- R = 0.8
Normal A-a gradient
5-10 (increases with age)
Diaphragm Muscle Fiber
- type I = fast twitch
- type II A = good endurance
- type II B = more susceptible to fatigue
Intercostal Muscles
- external –> inspiration
- internal –> expiration
Treatment of Invasive Aspergillosis
Tidal Volume - Normal
7 mL/kg
Vital Capacity - Norma
65 mL/kg
Residual Volume - Normal
15 mL/kg
FRC - Normal
30 mL/kg
Expiratory Reserve Volume + Residual Volume
Myclonic spasm
Spinal cord mediated
DKA - risk factors for cerebral edema
- Demographic: new onset, male, < 5 yo
- Labs: hypocarbia, increased BUN
- Treatment: bicarbonate
Osmolality =
2 x NA + glucose/18 + BUN/2.8
Toxic metabolite of APAP metabolism
- combines with glutathione –> non-toxic conjugates
synthetic long-acting form of somatostatin
Liver failure - cerebral edema
NH3 –> astrocyte –> glutamine
- heme in ferric state unable to bind O2
- Dx = co-oximetry (> 30% –> symptoms)
- Tx = methylene blue
Organophosphate symptoms
Organophosphate mechanism
Binds acetylcholinesterase (AchE) –> increase Ach
Organophosphate treatment
- Pralidoxime = reactivates AchE
- Atropine = muscarinic receptor antagonist
RMSF rash
- wrists/ankles –> trunk
- erythematous/macular –> petechial
RMSF lab findings
thrombocytopenia, anemia, hypoNa
Neurologic complications of hypernatremia
- SDH - tearing of bridging veins
- CVST - hyperosmolality
Arterial line - dampening
- decreased SBP
- increased DBP
- capacitance increased by air bubbles, compliant tubing
Arterial line - ring
- increased SBP
- decreased DBP
- high spike
- resonance in system
- main inhibitory NT in CNS
- Cl channel complex = binding site for BZD and barbituates
- thiazide like diuretic
- inhibits Na reabsorption in the proximal convoluted tubule
- produces diuresis even in GFR is low
Myasthenia gravis pathophysiology
- autoimmune reduction in number of Ach receptors on skeletal muscle
- symptoms appear when < 30%
Long QT syndrome
- associated with congenital deafness
- avoid volatile anesthetics, ketamine, succinylcholine
Most common FA oxidation defect
EKG findings in hyperkalemia
narrow peaked T-waves –> prolonged PR and widened QRS –> sine wave
Timing of DAH after BMT
Peri-engraftment period
Pneumococci gram stain
lancet shaped gram postive diplococci
VOD risk factors
- female
- abdominal radiation
- elevated AST
- HLA disparity
Pharmacokinetics in infants
- elevated gastric pH
- slower gastric emptying and intestinal motility
- increased % body water
- lower capacity for protein binding
Renal failure in rhabdomyolysis
- rerrihemate
- tubular obstruction by myoglobin casts
- alteration in GFR
Uncal herniation
- lateral mass lesion
- temporal lobe herniates medially into tectorial notch
- stretching of 3rd CN
downward displacement of thalamus and hypothalamus
Myocyte resting state
actin inhibited from binding to myosin by troponin-tropomyosin complex
CSF passageways
- foramen of Monro = lateral ventricle to 3rd ventricle
- aqueduct of Sylvius = 3rd to 4th
- foramen of Magendie and Luschka = outlets of 4th ventricle
- Shiga toxin = verotoxin
- neurologic complications have greatest impact on mortality
- non-diarrhea associated = poorer prognosis
125 mL O2/min/m2
Chylous effusion - source of lipids
long chain triglycerides absorbed by lacteals in small bowel
Adrenal failure diagnosis
random cortisol < 18 and stimulation change < 9
Relative adrenal insufficiency diagnosis
random cortisol < 20-25 and stimulation change < 9
Cortisol and Mortality
greatest in patients with high random (> 34) and poor stimulation change (< 9)
Effects of ASA toxicity
- direct stimulation of respiratory center –> respiratory alkalosis
- compensatory metabolic acidosis from urinary exertion
- interferes with Krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation
Tx of ASA toxicity
- alkalization –> shifts ASA from tissue to blood enhancing urine exertion
- ASA = weak acid –> ionizes in alkaline urine (ion trapping)
EKG changes in ALCAPA
- Q waves and ST elevation in leads I and aVL
- LVH in precordial leads
Warfarin MOA
- inhibits hepatic production of vitamin K dependent factors (II, VII, IX, X)
- short half life = factor VII and protein C
- long half life = factors II, IX, X
Rationale for excluding high risk patients in RCT
reduce signal to noise ratio
Remifentanyl PK
elimination half-life = minutes regardless of liver/renal function or duration of infusion
Tx of flail chest
- Pain control
- Operative fixation = last resort
- mutation in NADPH oxidase complex
- PNA and skin/soft tissue infections
- Staph, Serratia, Burkholderia, Aspergillosis, Nocardia
- deficiency in ADA enzyme –> severe lymphopenia
- mutation in common gamma chain –> defective function of IL-2R
X-linked gammaglobulinemia
- mutation in Bruton tyrosine kinase
- Pseudomonas, HiB, S. pneumoniae, enterovirus
Naloxone dosing
- 0.001 to 0.005 mg/kg every 2 min
- 0.1 mg/kg = full reversal
Heparin MOA
binds ATIII –> converts to rapid inhibitor of serine proteases (factors Xa and IIa)
CO poisoning
- CO affinity for Hgb 204x greater than O2
- Binding of CO to Hgb –> decrease in DPG –> left shift
Indications for hyperbaric oxygenation in CO poisoning
- neurologic/cardiac symptoms
- unconscious on scene
- pregnant with COHb > 15%
- COHb > 25%
Definition of PH
- PAP > 25
- normal PCWP (< 15)
- elated PVR (> 3 Wood units)
Retinal findings in fungal infections
- Candida = cotton like lesions
- Aspergillus = yellowish macular infiltrates
- Clostridium tetani = gram positive, anerobic
- Tetanospasm - blocks release of inhibitory NTs (glycine, GABA)
- Tetanolysin - RBC hemolysis
- Tx = TIG, Flagyl, debridement
Hemolytic transfusion reactions
- IgM = severe reactions to major blood group Ag
- IgG = less severe reaction to minor antigens
Digoxin toxicity
- symptoms = fatigue, disturbed color perception, HA, delirium
- PVCs = earliest sign of toxicity
- HyperK = best prognostic correlation
- Tx = Dig-specific Ab fragments (Dfab)
- methanol
- uremia
- paraldehyde
- isoniazid
- lactate
- ethanol
- salicylates
West Zones
1 = apical, PA > Pa > Pv 2 = Pa > PA > Pv 3 = basilar, Pa > Pv > PA
Half life calculation
- Zero order: concentration/2 x kel
- First order: 0.694/kel
Volume of distribution (Vd) =
amount of drug in body (mg) / peak serum concentration (mg/L) x body weight (kg)
Tx of cerebral vasospasm
- hypertension
- hypervolemia
- hemodilution
- nimodipine
- released by JGA in response to low blood flow
- Converts AG to AG1 –> AGII –> vasoconstriction and release of aldosterone
- Aldosterone –> increased renal Na and water retention
- coefficient of determination
- % variability in x explained by y
Reye syndrome
- vomiting
- hyperNH3
- increases LFTs/PT
- cerebral edema
- noninflammatory vasculopathy
- “hazy, cloudy puff of smoke”
- T21, NF1, SCD, CCHD (TOF, CoA)
- gram negative coccobacillus
- resistance from 1) beta lactamase, 2) underexpression of porin, 3) over expression of efflux pumps
- increased cell membrane permeability by displacing Mg and Ca from LPS
- anti-endotoxin - binds to lipid A portion of LPS
- nephro and neurotoxicity
Acidosis _______ microvascular blood flow
Neontal myocardium
- SR underdeveloped - no T tubules
- predominance of PS innervation
- lower capacity to use fatty acids
- decrease proportion of contractile elements
- phenobarbital
- VPA - increases GABA concentration
AEDs - Na channel blockade
- Phenytoin
- Carbamazepine
Fe Overdose - Phases of Toxicity
1) vomiting
2) recovery
3) recurrent GI symptoms, coma, acidosis, coagulopathy, shock
4) hepatic failure
5) GI healing with pyloric scarring
Fe Overdose - Treatment
- whole bowel irrigation with polyethylene glycol
- deferoxamine = chelation; indicated if AG acidosis, Fe > 500 or significant pills on AXR
Heart surgeries associated with higher rate of phrenic nerve injury
- arterial switch
- Fontan
- BT shunt
Effects of hypocarbia
- cerebral vasoconstriction –> parasthesias, syncope
- SVR/BP decrease, CO increase
- cutaneous vasoconstriction
- decreased coronary blood flow
Cocaine MOA
- blocks catecholamine reuptake
- increased serotonin, glutamate and aspartate –> euphoria
Infections with Complement Deficiency
- S. pneumoniae
- H. influenzae
- Neisseria (but milder disease)
- abnormal packaging of neutrophil lysosomes
- staph aureus
- albinism, photophobia and nystagmus
Most common cause of sepsis after splenectomy
S. pneumoniae
Cryptococcal meningitis
- risk factors = HIV, steroids, organ transplant
- CD4 response important for eradication
- India ink stain
- Tx = amphotericin and flucytosine
- most common viral infection after transplant
- endoscopy = shallow erosions or ulcers
- pathology = intranuclear inclusion bodies (owl’s eyes)
- Tx = ganciclovir
Parkland formula
- 4 x wt x BSA = fluid over 24 hours
- 1/2 over 8 hours; 1/2 over 16 hours
- also add maintenance fluids
- LR
Phenytoin Toxicity
- ataxia, nystagmus, tremors
- hypoalbuminemia –> increased free phenytoin
- large Vd and extensively bound to plasma protein
EKG changes in hypothermia
- prolonged PR, QRS and QT
- J wave = upward deflection after QRS
- recurrent pyogenic pneumonia
- parasitic diarrhea
- stomatitis
- bind to L-type Ca channels
- Verapamil = most cardioselective
Hypoxemia after Bi-directional Glenn
hypoventilation –> increased CBF –> increased PBF
- dispersion of mean value calculated form experiment
- allows for 68% CI over the range of mean values
Tx of Mg Overdose
CPP (with correction for vertical height)
(mean MP - mean ICP) - elevation (in cm)/1.36
Lung development
- begins at 7 weeks
- conducting airways complete by 16 weeks
- mature alveoli at 36 weeks
- pre-acinar vessels follow development of airways
- alveolar septa transition from 2 –> 1 capillary system
Cold calorics
COWS = cold opposite, warm away (refers to fast nystagmus)
Sick euthyroid syndrome
- decrease in T3
- increase in rT3
- normal thyrotropin
- normal total T4
Neostigmine MOA
inhibits AchE –> muscarinic effects of PS nervous system (bronchorrhea, bronchospasm, bradycardia, miosis)
Most common cause of epiglottis
Medications removed with HD
- Li
- Theophylline
- Depakote
- Barbituates
- Ethylene glycol
- Methanol
Phase 1 reactions
= functionalization reactions (reduction/oxidation/hydrolysis)
Phase 2 reactions
= conjugation reactions
Incidence =
new cases in period / total population at risk (assess etiology)
Prevalence =
total # of cases in a period /total population at risk
Measure of CO2 production
exhaled volume x fraction of exhaled CO2
Sinogenic intracranial complications
- subdural/epidural empyema
- brain abscess
- orbital cellulitis
- Pott’s puffy tumor
- CSF WBC usually < 200
Airborne precautions
- Aspergillus
- TB
- Measles
- Varicella
Cost utility analysis =
cost vs. quality adjusted life-year
- folate antimetabolite
- CNS toxicity = AMS, hemiparesis, seizures
- vasoactive peptide
- activated by factor XIIa
- stimulates phospholipase A, ventilation, increased permeability
Phospholipase A/C
- activated by bradykinin
- hydrolyzes arachidonic acid and PAF from cell membrane
Thromboxane A (TXA)
- primary source = activated platelets
- platelet aggregation, vasoconstriction, increased permeability
Platelet activating factor (PAF)
- g-protein
- increased permeability, vasoconstriction, neutrophil activation
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
- trigger = bird droppings
- antigen binds to lung IgG –> complement and macrophages activation
Indications for surgery in hemothorax
> 20 mL/kg or 2-4 mL/kg/hr blood loss
Indications for intubation in GBS
VC < 12-15 mL/kg
NIF < - 20
NMB Monitoring
- TOF - 4 < 75%, 3 = 80%, 2 = 85%, 1 = 90%, 0 = 100%
- Onset: small muscles –> large muscles –> special muscles
- head lift > 5 second = most sensitive for assessing muscle strength
Wiskott Aldrich
- WASp protein
- thrombocytopenia
- severe eczema
- released from endothelial cells in repose to thrombin
- vasoconstriction
- urine reducing substances, GALT enzyme
- E. coli sepsis
- cataracts
Steroids in meningitis
benefit only demonstrated with H. flu
Citrate lock
- low iCa
- high total Ca
CGD diagnosis
NBT, DHR, cytrochrome reduction
CGD management
- Bactrim ppx
- IFN gamma
Lightning injury
- internal burns = rare
- massive catecholamine release –> HTN and tachycardia
- Keraunoparalysis = transient, lower extremities, loss of sensation
- Fixed/dilated pupils 2/2 ocular nerve damage
- gram positive bacillus
- toxin –> CNS and cardiac effects
Urea cycle defects
- NH3 > 150, normal AG and glucose
- arginine deficiency –> neurologic injury
- Tx = Na phenyl acetate and Na benzoate (N2 scavengers)
Methanol ingestion
- N/V, HA, blurred vision, metabolic acidosis
- primary toxin = formic acid
- Tx = bicarbonate, ethanol, HD
Thiazide diuretic site of action
distal convoluted tubule
Nephrotic syndrome
- increased glomerular permeability (injury to podocyte foot process)
- complications = infection (pneumoccocal peritonitis), VTE
- Tx = steroids
Hyperglycemia hyperosmlolar syndrome (HHS)
- Dx = glucose > 600, osm > 330, lack of significant ketosis
- Tx = more fluids, less insulin
- cerebral edema uncommon but risk of VTE
Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)
- RAAS antagonist –> reduced Na/H20 reabsorptoin
- vascular smooth muscle relaxation
Standard deviation
- measure of variability
- 68% of individuals w/in 1 SD
- 95% w/in 2 SD
- Ach receptor agonist
- metabolized by pseudocholinesterase
- adverse events = arrhythmias, HTN, increased IOP/ICP, myoglobinuria, hyperK
- activation of muscarinic receptors –> bradycardia
Pulmonary flow volume loop
- flow = y axis
- volume = x axis
- restrictive = normal/increased flows with small TV
- obstruction = scalloped, redid expiratory flow loop
- normal = mid points have equal flow rate
Coral snake
- neurotoxin –> blockage of nicotinic receptors
- ptosis, salivation, vomiting, fasciculation’s, weakness
Black widow
- alpha-latrotoxin –> influx of Ca and massive release of Its –> autonomic stimulation
- tachycardia, diaphoresis, HTN, muscle spasm, abdominal pain
Brown recluse
local skin ulceration, DIC, renal failure
Changes in venous return curve with PEEP
- decrease in maximum venous return
- shift inflection point of curve
- decrease slope of curve
- increase RAP required to inhibit venous return
FENa =
(Una x Pcr) / (Ucr x Pna)
competitive inhibitor of 11-hydroxylase
- tender hepatomegaly, hyperbilirubinemia, fluid retention
- 30 days post-BMT
- US - decreased hepatic vein flow, reversal of portal vein flow
TMA diagnosis
- 4% shistocytes
- thrombocytopenia
- increased LDH
- decreased Hgb and haptoglobin
Ludwig angina
- gangrenous cellulitis of neck/floor of mouth
- polymicrobial
- “woody” induration of submandibular area
Mycophenolate mofetil
inhibits inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase –> cytostatic effect on T/B cells
mTOR kinase inhibitor –> inhibits T cells
HIE pathophysiology
- increase in intracellular Ca
- release of glutamate
- vulnerable areas = CA1 region of hippocampus, cerebral cortical layers, basal ganglia, amygdala, cerebellar Purkinje cells
Ethylene glycol ingestion
- glycolic acid –> calcium oxalate –> AKI and shock
- metabolites inhibit mitochondrial e transport chain
- metabolism –> increased AG acidosis and decrease in osmolar gap
- Tx = ethanol/fomepizole, HD
Steady state drugs level after ____ half-lives
Malignant hyperthermia
- abnormal ryanodine receptor in skeletal muscle
- trigger –> massive release of Ca
- Tx = dantrolene, cooling
IEM and cardiomyopathy
- hypertrophic = Beckwitih Wiedemann, Hunter, Pompe
- dilated = oxidative phosphylation defects, FA oxidation defects
Tranexamic acid
antifibrinolytic - inhibits activation of plasminogen to plasmin
Toll-like receptors (TLRs)
- expressed on APC (phagocytes, NK cells)
- recognize DAMPs and PAMPs
- remove inhibition on NF-kB —> transcription of TNFa, IL-1, IL-2
Leukocyte adhesion deficiency
- mutation in beta2-integrin CD18
- high WBC
- imparted wound healing
NMB metabolism
- hepatic = rocuronium
- renal = pancuronium, vecuronium
Rapid shallow breathing index
< 8 breaths/min/mL/kg = predictive of extubation success in children
Ideal position for PWCP
west zone 3
Carbamazepine overdose
- hepatic metabolism
- active metabolite = 10-11-epoxide
- symptoms = AMS, ataxia, hallucinations, blurred vision, abdominal pain, shock
- blood dyscrasia
- blocks muscarinic Ach receptors
- acts on proximal airways
- onset = 15-30 minutes
Action Potential: Phase 0
- rapid depolarization
- rapid influx of Na (m gate, h gate)
Action Potential: Phase 1
- early repolarization
- K efflux
Action Potential: Phase 2
- plateau
- C influx
Action Potential: Phase 3
- repolarization
- K efflux > Ca influx
CO2 transport
- bicarb (60%), carbaminohemoglobin (30%), dissolved (10%)
- deoxygenation –> increased ability to carry CO2 (Haldane effect)
Nicotinic receptors
- autonomic ganglia
- skeletal muscle
Muscarinic receptors
- cardiac/visceral smooth muscle
- secretory glands
- sweat glands (innervated by SNS)
Eagle effect
Decrease effectiveness in PCN at high concentration of organisms
Risk factors for coronary artery aneurysm in KD
- age < 1 or > 8 yo
- CRP > 100
- WBC > 30 K
- male
Coronary perfusion pressure =
aortic DBP - RA pressure
Miller Fischer varient
Sodium correction for hyperglycemia
True NA = measure Na + 1.6 x ((glucose - 100)/100)
- PDE5 inhibitor
- blocks degradation of cGMP
Reynolds number =
2Vrp/n (< 2000 = laminar, > 4000 = turbulent)
Pheochromocytoma management
- phentolamine (alpha blockade)
- beta blockade AFTER
Arsenic poisoning
- bloody, “rice water” diarrhea
- stocking glove peripheral neuropathy
Lead poisoning treatment
- dimercaprol (BAL) and EDTA (lead > 70)
- succorer (lead 45-69)
Mercury poisoning treatment
- dimercaprol (BAL) if clear history
- Do NOT give BAL if organic mercury –> increased CNS concentration
Edrophonium MOA
AchE inhibitor
- Phigh - set at/above plateau pressure
- Thigh = 4-6 s
- Plow
- Tlow = 0.3-0.8 s
- requires spontaneous ventilation
- superficial = 1st degree
- superficial dermal = superficial 2nd degree (painful, dry edema, blanching, resemble sunburn)
- deep derma = deep 2nd degree (waxy)
- full thickness = 3rd degree (leathery, dry, painless)