BMS11004 WEEK 10 - WEDNESDAY Flashcards
patellar reflex, muscle spindle, golgi tendon organ, flexors
define reflex
rapid, involuntary, stereotyped and coordinated response to sensory stimulus (usually involving muscle contractions or gland)
what can somatic reflexes also be known as
spinal reflex as involve spinal cords circuitary
outline spinal reflex characteristics, speed, suggestions
requires sensory input (stimulation)
quick, involves few synapses
involuntary, automatic, hard to suppress
stereotyped, occuring same way each time suggesting underlying circuitry to be simple
what is patellar reflex
sensory input (tap above patella) causes afferent to relay signal into spinal cord and motor neuron
fires = muscle contraction
define monosynaptic
only one synapse involved
describe stretch (knee) myotactic reflex
tap on knee stretch thigh extensor muscle and associated tendon
corrects stretch, important to maintain body posture using proprioceptive system
muscle spindles (sensory fibres) sense muscle stretch and send signal to spinal cord
direct monosynapse on motor neuron fire AP
reciprocacl inhibition of other muscle to relax
what is a muscle spindle
proprioceptor- sense organs monitoring position and movement of body parts
found in most striated muscle
what are muscle spindles innervated by
1a sensory fibres, providing feedback to alpha motor neurons innervating surrounding muscle on amount of muscle stretch
what are the muscles IN muscle spindles innervated by
axons from gamma (y) motor neurons, stimulates infrafusal muscle fibres to adjust tension in spindle as extrafusal muscle fibres surrounding muscle contract, so muscle spindle is never slack
what are golgi tendon organs
type of proprioceptor detecting muscle tension due to muscle contraction (NOT STRETCH)
how do golgi tendon organs use GTO sensory afferents to work
activate GTO sensory Ib afferents activates inhibitory interneurons, which inhibit alpha motor neurons that innervates same muscle
explain how golgi tendon reflex is a negative feedback circuit
regulates muscle tension and protects muscle by regulating muscle contraction, maintaining muscle length, preventing over-contraction
outline flexor withdrawal reflex
quick contraction of flexor muscles to withdraw limbs from injury due to activating nocieptive sensory receptors (nociceptors)
what receptors sense pain
nocieptive sensory receptors (nociceptors)
despite speed of response, explain why flexor reflex is a polysynaptic reflex
activate many excitatory interneurons sustains response
“parallel after-discharge circuit”
inhibitory interneurons also activated to relax extensor muscles (reciprocal inhibtion)
how is balance maintained in flexor reflex
rapid withdrawal of limb causes imbalance = contralateral element
crossed extensor reflex provides postural support during limb withdrawal
what is parallel-after-discharge circuit
assume time taken to cross each synapse is same
stimulus initiated by A will take different time to reach output neurons Z
meaning inital signal are sustained over extended periods
explain how simple reflex could underlie repetitive behaviours
when walking, extensors and flexors are alternatively activated/inhibited
central pattern generators is presence of local circuit that generates pattern of alternating flexion and extension
explain sigmoidal movement and its importance
simple organism movements (worm wiggling) used to study proprioception