Blue Box Flashcards
Vasa nervorum
- Small vessels and nerves of the fascial compartment
- Vulnerable to compression
Compartment syndrome
- Increased pressure in a confined anatomical space
- Adversely affects circulation and viability of tissue
Obvious sign of arterial compression?
Loss of distal leg pulses
Incision of overlying fascia to relieve pressure in compartments
Varicose veins
- Dilated so that the valve cusps can’t close
- Common in posteromedial parts of lower leg
DVT with inflammation around involved veins
Which vein is often used for CABG?
Great saphenous
Saphenous cutdown
To insert a cannula for prolonged administration of blood, electrolytes, drugs
Hip pointer
- Contusion of iliac crest
- MC injury to hip, especially collision sports
Psoas abscess
Can be formed due to TB or gastroenteritis
Paralyzed quadriceps
Cannot extend leg against resistance
Chondromalacia patellae
“Runner’s knee”
Quadriceps imbalance
Bipartite or tripartite patella
- Abnormal ossification resulting in 2 or 3 ossification centers
- Can be mistaken for fractures
Rider’s strain
Strain of adductor longus that can occur in horseback riders
Trochanteric bursitis
Results from repetitive climbing stair or running steeply elevated treadmill
Ischial bursitis
Results from repetitive hip extension while seated (cycling, rowing)
Trendelenburg test
Stand on one leg, abnormal side of pelvis descends
Results from common fibular nerve paralysis
Shin splints
Tibialis anterior strain
Sesamoid bone that the lateral gastroc may contain
Intermittent claudication
Leg pain and cramps upon walking (absent during rest)
Babinski sign
- Slight fanning of 4 toes and dorsiflexion of big toe
- Indicates brain injury/disease except in infants
Angle of Wiberg
- Decreased degree to which ilium overlies femoral head
- May indicate joint instability
Q angle
Angle between femur and tibia
Genu varum
Bow leg
Small Q angle
Genu valgum
Knock knee
Large Q angle
Lachman test
Tests ACL
Anterior drawer sign
Housemaid’s knee
Prepatellar bursitis
Can happen with people who work on the ground w/o knee pads
Baker cysts
Cysts in popliteal fossa
Pott fracture-dislocation
Foot is forcibly everted
Hallux valgus
Foot deformity caused by pressure from footwear and degenerative joint disease