Bloom and Lahey's Flashcards
Content Categories of Bloom and Lahey’s
-refers to semantics or the ideas that language CODES
Phase 1
- Child’s lang. is concrete (here and now)
- single word level
- 1st vocab is mostly nouns, verbs, negation, prepositions
- up to about 16 months
- 9 categories in phase 1
- by end of phase 1 children produce successive 1 word utterances (truck…go…stop)
Existence Phase 1
- primarily nouns and pronouns
- talk about things in present (here and now) that, this, mommy, bird
- phase 1
Non-existence Phase 1
- disappearance
- immediately removed
- all gone, no more
- no more milk, bubble popped
- phase 1
Recurrence Phase 1
- child wants something to reappear or re-occur
- more, again, nother
- phase 1
Rejection Phase 1
- reject offer
- no
- phase 1
Action Phase 1
- use verb
- object/person doing something
- eat, play, sleep, drink, read, look
- holds bottle up and says drink
- phase 1
Locative Action Phase 1
- change in location, MOVEMENT
- go, truck go, sit, up
- sit sit sit (from standing to sitting)
- phase 1
- ability to encode ownership
- mine, daddy’s, my
Denial *
- denial of identity of something/someone
- that not sock
- encoding using adj
- dirty, pretty
Phase 2
- syntax emerges
- use of word order codes meaning relations
- c talking about here and now
- same content categories, though form in changing
- 2 word utterances (relational words verbs and adj and substantive word-objects
- function words (glue words) she the in and
- structure and form are only changing
Existence phase 2
- 2 word utterance= relational word + object name
- this necklace
- a rabbit
Non-existence Phase 2
- 2 word utterance relational + object name
- no pocket
- airplane gone
Recurrence Phase 2
- more soap
- more cookies
- more light
Action Phase 2
- do it
- baby eat
- ride this
- 2 words verb +noun or pronoun + verb
Locative Action Phase 2
- 2 words verb + noun/pronoun
- put in, man car, in box
Phase 3
- here and now
- 3 new content categories: locative state, state, quantity
Action Phase 3
- I do it
- man fix car
Locative Action Phase 3
- put ball box
- put it here
- I sit chair
Locative State Phase 3
- no movement (form=preposition)
- blocks in box (no change of location)
- fish IN pond
State Phase 3
- of being, describes internal states such as feelings (tired, hungry), attitudes (like, love), emotions (happy, sad), intentions (want, need)
- I want it
- That’s pretty
Quantity Phase 3
- plural 1+
- more than one as identified by a # word (two) use of the plural-s inlfection (hats) or adjs (many, some, all)
- there cars, two car
Early Phases (1-3)
- children speak of objects and events in the here and now
- many utterances are comments and requesting
- some are used to regulate the environment
- description not as important right now
Phases 4 and 5
- an increasing # of utterances are about objects and events that are not present (recently experienced or soon to experience)
- speaking about action of others (more elaborate)
- utterances are related to their own prior utterances or other’s prior utterances (mini convo)
- asking quesitons (what/where) understanding and responding
- Phase 4
- codes perception of an event or state (look, see)
- what he sees/hears
- calling attention to something/someone b/c he noticed it.
- look baby sleep (notice + existence + action)
- Phase 4
- codes mental states (know) I know
- Phase 4
- coding tense (inflected verbs) and relation btwn events or states
- durative (ing) continuous
- completive (momentary s, irregular past (ed) ate
Wh Questions
- Phase 4
- what is produced to question identity (existence) and where to question location (locative state/ action)
- What is that?
Volition (State)
- Phase 4
- I want to go outside
- intention to do something
- I want to go to sleep
- I am going to school now
- Phase 5
- indirect objects
- designates the recipient of an object or action w/ or w/o a preposition (3-4 word utterances)
- give milk to cat
- give cookies me
- i want to give the cookies (DO) to the baby (IO)
- Phase 5
- conjunctions
- evidence of emergent narratives
- co-occurrence of 2 events- no dependency- reverse w/o altering meaning
- conj. may or may not be used (I sit here you sit there)
- 2 clauses connected to each other I want cookies juice
- can switch phrase around w/o changing meaning
-Phase 5
-conjoined utterances via cause/effect relationships btwn states and events
-have dirty hands/hafta wash them; my toy break/fix it
so/ because are understood
-order matters
- Phase 5
- this/that
- used to specify which object
- must be used w/ noun or pronoun
Phase 6
- encode more relational events
- emerging use of conj.
- i want cookies AND juice
- my hands are dirty AND i have to wash them
- grammatical morpheme (the-to code specific referents) (I want that cup, the yellow one)-more specific
- that track, the long one.
Phase 7
- state verbs may have a different subj. I want mommy eat cookie (to is eliminated)
- notice verb is with another verb (watch me jump)
- epistemic and specification more elaborated (I know daddys working)
- causal is coded by because or so
- Phase 7
- and/but
- contrasting events or states
- this one big but this one small
- i like your shoes but not your sweater
Internal State
- Phase 7
- can is used (the mood or possibility or certainty or permission)
- i can clean my room
Temporal Phase 7
-then and when are used
Notice Phase 8
- new verbs show/watch
- watch me, let me show you this…
State Phase 8
-connective “to” is used w/ infinitives (have to go, want to eat)
Phase 8 Causal
Communication Content Category
- Phase 8
- ability to encode talking about something
- i told (comm + temporal)
- mommy said (comm + temporal)
- tell mommy (comm)