The brain trauma unit received a patient with damaged
greater wing of the sphenoid bone. The fracture line crosses
the spinous foramen of the sphenoid. What vessel was
A Lateral pterygoid artery
B Superficial temporal artery
C Middle meningeal artery
D Anterior deep temporal artery
E Posterior deep temporal artery
passes through the spinous foramen
A 62-year-old man comes to the clinic complaining of
problems with his vision and a horrible headache that
began earlier in the day. He reports bumping into objects
and not being able to read half the printed page of the
newspaper. He has a history of hypertension and
diabetes mellitus. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. PCA infarct
B. ACA infarct
C. MCA infarct
D. MMA infarct
PCA (Posterior cerebral artery ) infarct
occlusion of this artery resules in controlateral hemanopia with macular sparing
A 61-year-old woman collapsed in the supermarket and was
in a coma when admitted to the emergency department of
the local hospital. Twenty-four hours later, she recovered
consciousness and was found to have paralysis on the left
side of her body, mainly involving the lower limb. There was
also some sensory loss of the left leg and foot. She was able
to swallow normally and did not appear to have difficulty with
her speech.
A. PCA infarct
B. ACA infarct
C. MCA infarct
D. MMA infarct
Anterioir cerebral artery infarct
this artery supplies leg-foot area motor and sensory cortices
Sub arachnoid hematoma is due to
Rupture of the berry
aneurysm in the circle of
Willis and its branches
Laceration of “briging
Between the meningeal
dura and arachnoid leads to
subdural hematoma
epidural hematoma
-Trauma to the lateral
aspect of the skull
-Laceration of the Middle Meningeal Artery
-Occurs rapidly
-Between periosteal dura
and the skull
branch of the ophthalmic artery which when occluded leads to blindness
Central artery of the retina
connects internal carotid artery and vertebrobasillary artery (PCA)
artery that irrigates the hypothalmus and thalamus
posterior communivating artery
causes 3rd nerve palsy (occulomotor)
most common aneurysm of circle of willis
anterioir communicating artery
branch of the ICA which isn’t a part of the circle of willis
anterioir choroidal artery
anterioir cerebral artery supplies
medial hemisphere from the frontal to parietoccipital sulcus
the. paracentral lobule which has the leg-foot area of the motor & sensory cortices is supplied by
anterior cerebral artery
meaning of bitemporal lower quadrantanopia
you have a loss of vision in one quarter (one-fourth) of your visual field.
most common site of aneurysm of the circle of willis which may cause bitemporal lower quadrantanopia
anterior communicating artery
second most common site of aneurysm of the circle of willis
posterioir communicating artery
penetrating arteries of ACA
penetrating branches of MCA
medial striate artery
lateral striate arteries (stroke artery)
lateral hemisphere is supplied by
includes broca’a and wernickes area, frontal eye lid, face and arm (sensory & motor cortices)
Middle cerebral artery
vertebral artery branches off
subclavian artery
Vertebral A. gives rise to
anterior spinal A. and Posterioir inferior cerebellar artery
supplies dorsolateral quadrant of the medulla( inferioir cerebellum & CN IX, X, XI
BRANCHES OF THE basillar artery
Anterioir inferoir cerebellar A
Labyrinth A.
pontine A (supplies lower pons)
posterioir cerebral
superioir cerebellar A (supplies rostral pons )
major blood supply to the midbrain & also to occipital lobe + inf. temporal lobe & PRIMARY VISUAL CORTEX
posterioir cerebral A.
controlateral hemanopia with macular sparing means
a clinical term used to describe the loss of one half of a vertical visual field
occlusion of what artery causes controlateral hemanopia
posterior cerebral artery
medulla is supplied by
anterior + posterioir spinal artery
medial structures of medulla: medial longitudinal fasciculus, medial lemniscus, are supplied by
anterior spinal artery
caudal medulla: fascilculus gracilis,cuneatus is supplied by
post. spinal A
ANTERIOIR 2/3RD od spinal cord is supplied by
anterioir spinal artery