Blood and blood vessels Flashcards
What are the 3 layers of the blood vessel wall?
Tunica intima, Tunica media and Tunica externa/adventitia
What are the 2 components of the Tunica intima?
Squamous Endothelium supported by a basal lamina and sub-endothelial connective tissue
What is the tunica media composed of?
Smooth muscle (some elastic fibres and external elastic lamina)
What is the Tunica externa/adventitia formed from?
Connective tissue
What is the name given to the blood cells that supply the tunica externa/adventitia?
Vasa vesorum
What layer separates the Tunica intima and the Tunica media?
The internal elastic membrane
What layer operates the Tunica media and the Tunica adventitia?
The external elastic membrane
What colours does Verhoeff’s/Mason trichome stain colour the walls of an elastic artery?
Elastic fibres - Black, Collagen - Green, Smooth muscle cells - Red
What adaptation occurs within the largest arteries (e.g. the aorta)?
A large amount of the smooth muscle within the tunica media is replaced my many sheets of elastic fibres to provide elastic recoil
Which layers of the blood vessel wall are supplied by the vasa vasorum?
The tunica adventitia and the furthest parts of the tunica media
What supplies the vasa vasorum with its blood?
The artery itself
What is the typical diameter of an arteriole?
30-200 micrometres
What are the 4 main structures between the small arteriole and the post-capillary venue?
metaarterioles, thoroughfare channels, capillaries and precapillary sphincters
What is the structure and function of the a pre-capillary sphincter?
They are composed of smooth muscle at the beginning of the capillary to help control blood flow through the network
What is the diameter of a capillary?
4-8 micrometres
What type of tissues contain no capillaries?
Epithelial cells resting on the basement membrane, the epidermis of the skin, hair and nails, the cornea of the eye and hyaline cartilage.
How are the epithelial cells resting on the basement membrane supplied?
They diffuse up from the lamina propria
What are the 3 types of capillary?
Continuous, Fenestrated and Discontinuous/Sinusoidal
Where are continuous capillaries found?
Muscle, nerve, lung and skin
What is the average size of the fenestrations within a fenestrated capillary?
50 nanometres
What type of endothelium is found in a continuous capillary?
Continuous epithelium
What are the characteristics of the epithelium of a fenestrated capillary?
They have no breaks, but small fenestrations
What are the characteristics of the epithelium of a sinusoidal capillary?
Breaks between epithelial cells
Where are fenestrated capillaries found?
Gut mucosa, endocrine glands and in the kidneys
Where are discontinuous/sinusoidal capillaries found?
In the liver, spleen and bone marrow
What is the diameter of a post-capillary venule?
10-30 micrometres
What is the structure and function of a post-capillary venule?
They are endothelial cell lined and contain a thin layer of connective tissue. They are important sites of exchange e.g. cells moving into the tissue during inflammation
At what point does a post-capillary venue become a venule?
When they begin to acquire intermittent smooth muscle cells in the tunica media
What are the characteristics of a vein?
They have a Tunica intima, a thin but continuous tunica media, typically consisting of a few layers of smooth muscle cells. There is an obvious Tunica adventitia
What are the characteristics of the Tunica adventitia of a large vein?
It incorporates bundles of longitudinally orientated smooth muscle
How do small veins prevent the back flow of blood?
They have valves which are inward extensions of the Tunica intima
What is the function of the lymph system?
They drain excess tissue fluid into the blood stream and transport lymph to lymph nodes for immunological surveillance
How does the lymph system produce flow?
Though there is no central pump, smooth muscle in the vessel walls, hydrostatic pressure in the tissue and compression of the vessels by voluntary muscle all produce flow
What percentage of the blood is made up of formed elements?
What percentage of the blood is made up of plasma?
What are the 3 main types of formed elements?
Red cells, white cells and platelets
What are the 2 main types of white cells?
Granulocytes and Agranulocytes
What is the difference between a granulocyte and an agranulocyte?
Granulocytes contain many granules in their cytoplasm while agranulocytes contain none
What are the 3 types of granulocytes?
Neutrophils, Eosinophils and Basophils
What are the 2 types of agranulocytes?
Lymphocytes and monocytes
What percentage of plasma is water?
What are the 3 most common types of proteins found in the plasma?
Albumin, immunoglobulins and clotting factors
What is the average adult blood volume?
4.5-6 litres
How is blood separated?
By centrifugation
What is the hematocrit?
The proportion of blood that is red blood cells
What is the average male hematocrit?
42 =42% of blood volume is red blood cells
What is the average female hematocrit?
What is the term given to the blood after the clotting factors are removed?
How is serum usually obtained?
It is usually obtained by allowing the blood to clot, and then removing the clot, before spinning the blood
What are the 3 layers of a centrifuged hematocrit tube?
Plasma, buffy coat and erythrocytes
What is contained in the buffy coat of hematocrit tube?
leukocytes and platelets
What is the medical name of a red blood cells?
What are the characteristics of an erythrocyte?
They are biconcave discs, around 7 micrometers in diameter. mature erythrocytes are not true cells as they have no nucleus or organelles. Around 1/3 of the cells volume is taken up by haemoglobin
What allows erythrocytes to deform and slip through spaces smaller than themselves?
They have a flexible cytoskeleton
How long do erythrocytes last in circulation?
They last approximately 4 months
Which organs remove aged cells?
The spleen and liver
What percentage of white blood cells are neutrophils?
What percentage of white blood cells are Eosinophils?
What percentage of white blood cells are basophils?
What percentage of white blood cells are Lymphocytes?
What percentage of white blood cells are monocytes?
What are the characteristics of a neutrophil?
Their cytoplasm contains many granules that only show under neutral stains (hence ‘neutro’) They have a prominent multi-lobed nucleus.
What is the function of a neutrophil?
They circulate in an inactive state, but if stimulated by bacteria or inflammation, they enter tissue where they act as highly mobile phagocytes
What are the characteristics of a Eosinophil?
They have a bi-lobed nucleus. Their granules contain many hydrolytic enzymes. The prominent granules in the cytoplasm have an affinity for the stain Eosin.
What is the function of an Eosinophil?
They are important in inducing and maintaining inflammation, especially in allergic reactions and asthma. They are also important in fighting parasitic infection.
What is the life cycle of an eosinophil?
They are released from the marrow and circulate for 8-12 hours before moving into the tissue of the spleen, lymph nodes and GI tract.
What are the characteristics of Basophils?
Their prominent granules in the cytoplasm have an affinity for basic dyes such as methylene blue. they have a bi-lobed nucleus. Their granules contain histamine, heparin and other inflammatory mediators
What is the function of a Basophil?
They act as effector cells in allergic reactions. High affinity IgE receptors in their cell membrane are directed against a particular allergen, and when they bind to their antigen, the cell is stimulated to release its granules (degranulation). This leads to hay fever, allergic asthma and allergic dermatitis
What are monocytes?
Monocytes are the precursors of tissue macrophages.
What do monocytes and tissue macrophages form?
The mononuclear phagocyte system
Where are macrophages most commonly found?
In loose connective tissue
What are the characteristics of monocytes?
They have numerous small lysosomal granules in their cytoplasm. They are the largest circulating blood cells and have a non-lobulated nucleus, which appears kidney-bean shaped.
What are examples of resident cells (none moving) of the mononuclear phagocytic system?
Kupffer cells in the liver, microglia in the brain and Langerhans cells in the skin
What are the characteristics of a lymphocyte?
They have a round nucleus surrounded by a thin to moderate rim of cytoplasm
What are the 2 general classes of lymphocytes
T and B
What is the function of a B cell?
Give rise to antibody secreting plasma cells
What are some of the functions of T cells?
Aiding other immune cells and killing defective cells.
Where do T cells differentiate?
In the Thymus
What are platelets?
Small cell fragments
What is the average diameter of a platelet?
around 2 micrometres
What are the characteristics of a platelet?
They have a well developed cytoskeleton. they have some organelles but no nucleus. They have conspicuous granules that include, among other things, some coagulation factors
What does the cytoskeleton of a platelet participate in?
Extrusion of granules and clot retraction
Where is the earliest site for erythrocyte formation?
Outside the embryo in the yolk sac, beginning at about 3 weeks gastration
What are the later sites for erythrocyte formation during development?
The liver and spleen are colonised by hematopoetic stem cells. During the second trimester, the liver is the principle site of blood formation.
Where is the main site of hematopoesis by birth?
The bone marrow of essentially all bones, however, as bones grow, there is excess capacity, some it shuts down in many bones
Which bones are the site of hematopoesis after bone growth?
vertebrae, ribs, skull, pelvis and proximal femurs.
What is the marrow of non-hematopoetic bones made of?
Adipose tissue, however, they can revert to blood formation
What type of bone marrow cell is responsible for platelet production?
What is the diameter of a megakaryocyte?
30-100 micrometres
What are the characteristics of a megakaryocyte?
Their nucleus undergoes multiple duplications of its nuclear material, but doesn’t undergo nuclear or cell division, so it has a very large nucleus.
How are platelets formed?
They are formed from extensions of the outer margin of the megakaryocytes, which fragment from the cell