Block V Flashcards
Liquid casualty agents that disrupt nerve impulses. Examples: Sarin (GB) and Tabun (GA)
Nerve Agents
Liquid or solid casualty agents that cause inflammation, blisters, and general destruction of tissues. Examples: Distilled Mustard (HD) and Lewisite (L)
Blister Agents
Gaseous casualty agents that attack the enzymes carrying oxygen in blood stream. Rapid breathing or chocking may occur due to lack of oxygen. Examples: Hydrogen Cyanide (AC) and Arsine (SA).
Blood Agents
Gaseous or liquid casualty agents with initial symptoms that include tears, dry throat, nausea, vomiting, headache. The lungs become filled with fluid, making the victim feel like they are drowning. Examples: phosgene (CG) and diphosgene.
Choking Agents
This detects the presence of liquid chemical agents by turning red or reddish color, but does not detect vapors.
M9 Chemical Agent Detector Paper
Used as biological agents that include bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc.
Used as biological agents and is based on organisms that produce it
Major groupings are mycotoxins, bacterial toxins, animal venoms, and plant toxins.
What occurs at altitudes in excess of 100,000 feet, with ionosphere disruptions and EMP
High altitude air burst
Where the fireball does not reach the surface. The vacuum collects debris
Air burst
Had worst radiation fallout due to fireball touching the surface
Surface burst
Small fireball and blast wave, but causes large waves and water contamination
Shallow underwater burst
Less visual effect than shallow but yields greater contaminated water
Deep underwater burst
These are just inside the weather envelope. They provide minimum shielding from radiation and allow crew to remain close to battle stations.
Ready-shelter stations
These are low in the ship and near the centerline. Provide maximum shielding from radiation, requiring personnel to be far from battle stations.
Deep-shelter stations
This is a non-self-reading high range dosimeter to determine amount of gamma radiation is exposed in the 0-600 roentgens.
DT-60 dosimeter
used as specific therapy for nerve agent casualties, issued for intramuscular injection, self-aid or first aid
Atropine/2-PAM-chloride Auto Injector
most important decision in the risk management of chemical agent environments
Employ Individual Protective Equipment (IPE)
IPE for chemical/biological agent environments consists of
- Protective mask
- Advanced chemical protective garment (ACPG)
- Chemical protective gloves and liners
- Chemical protective overboots and laces
- Skin decontamination kit
What is MOPP?
Mission Oriented Protective Posture
management tool used to coordinate use of systems and equipment in chemical or biological environment
How many MOPP levels?
(Level 0 - Level 4)