Block I Flashcards
The chain from President thru SECDEF to Commander of unified or specified command to the assigned ops.
Operational Chain
Chain that’s thru SECNAV and CNO to ops
Administrative Chain
Who is the SECNAV?
Carlos Del Toro
Who is the CNO?
Admiral Lisa Franchetti
What fleet(s) does CINCPACFLT command?
3rd and 7th
What fleet(s) does CINCLANTFLT command?
What fleet(s) does CINCUSNAVEUR command?
Who is the SECDEF?
Lloyd Austin III
Who is the MCPON?
MCPON James Honea
What report is used to provide NCA and naval commanders with immediate notification of any accidental or unauthorized incident involving a possible detonation of nuclear weapon.
Operational Report (OPREP)
The primary source of location information concerning ships.
Movement Report (MOVREP)
This is submitted by a ship prior to entering a port to notify proper commands of its logistics requirements while visiting that port.
Logistical Requirements (LOGREQ)
When should a LOGREQ be transmitted to arrive at destination port?
No later than 48 hours
What reports the ships status of conditions of readiness?
Status of Requirement and Training Support (SORTS)
What is used for any incident not meeting OPREP-3 special incident criteria. Examples include: bomb threats that were a hoax, reporting violent crime, discrimination, suicide.
Situation Report (SITREP)
Where is PACOM headquarters?
Camp Smith, Hawaii
Where is EUCOM headquarters?
Stuttgart, Germany
Where is SOUTHCOM headquarters?
Doral, Florida
Where is CENTCOM headquarters?
Tampa, Florida
Where is NORTHCOM headquarters?
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Where is SOCOM headquarters?
Tampa, Florida
Where is TRANSCOM headquarters?
Scott Air Force Base, Illinois
Where is STRATCOM headquarters?
Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska
Where is AFRICOM headquarters?
Stuttgart, Germany
Where does the 2nd fleet operate? Located?
Atlantic Ocean / Norfolk, VA
Where does the 3rd fleet operate? Located?
Eastern Pacific Ocean / San Diego, CA
Where does the 4th fleet operate? Located?
Caribbean, Central, and South America / Mayport, FL
Where does the 5th fleet operate? Located?
Arabian Gulf/Indian Ocean/Persian Gulf / Manama, Bahrain
Where does the 6th fleet operate? Located?
Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea areas / Gaeta, Italy
Where does the 7th fleet operate? Located?
Western Pacific/Indian Ocean / Yokosuka, Japan
Where does the 10th fleet operate? Located?
Operate in conjunction with 2nd thru 7th fleets.
Ammunition Ship
Destroyer Tender
Combat Stores Ship
Submarine Tender
Oiler/Oiler and Ammunition Support Ships
What is the largest and most powerful auxiliary ship in the Navy?
Guided Missile Cruiser
Carrier/Nuclear Powered Carrier
Destroyer/Guided Missile Destroyer
Guided Missile Frigates
Amphibious Command Ship
Amphibious Assault Ship
Amphibious Warfare Ship
Amphibious Transport Dock
Amphibious Assault Ship
Dock Landing Ship
Mine Countermeasures Support Ship
How many MCS’s are there? Name them.
1 - USS Inchon