Block 9 Week 3 Flashcards
Virus Diagram
- All RNA viruses are single stranded with the exception of ROTA VIRUS.
- All DNA viruses are double stranded with the exception of PARO VIRUS ( single stranded DNA virus).
+sense vs - sense
Naked vs Envelope
Virus Nucleic acid: + Sense vs - Sense
Sense strands only applies to single stranded RNA. It can either be positive sense or negative sense.
- For most viruses once they get into a host cell their number one goal is to go through a host ribosome. This is because once it has gone through the host ribosome it will be able to make viral proteins. Viral proteins help the virus to further replicate itself.
+sense RNA strand has a sequence of nucleic acids so that when it goes through a ribosome it will make a functional protein.
-sense RNA strand is a complement of the +sense RNA.
-The nucleic acids code for stop codon.
- viral RNA polymerase uses the -sense strand to create a +sense RNA which can go through the ribosome to make a protein.
- All -sense RNA viruses have a envelope.
Virus: Nucleic Acids: Reverse Transriptase
- Some Viruses have an enzyme (reverse transcriptase) which can convert RNA back to DNA.
- Most common is HIV virus. It gets into host, converts it RNA to DNA, inserts itself into the host genome so that the virus can become latent for many years.
- Another example HBV (hepatitis B virus)
Virus: Nucleic acids
- nucleic acids can be linear or circular or linear segments
- Mutations are common in viruses becuase they have no proof reading capabilities. So its often the viruses reproduced have errors
- Because of this its difficult to make medication against viruses because they are constantly mutating
Viral proteins
- Protein capsid: surrounds viral genome
- Replicative proteins: polymerase and trasnscriptase
- Protein antigen: bind receptors and antibodies
Viral envelope
- lipid layer around capsid.
- Not present in all viruses. But is always present in RNA single stranded viruses
Envelope has 2 functions:
- Protective membrane
- fusion onto host cell
Mechanisms of viral infectivity ?
Attachment - Tropism is the tendency of virsues to attach to specific host receptors. E.g. HIV attached to CD4 (t-tropic), CXCR4 and CCR5 (m-tropic)
- endocytosis or fusion ( if have envelope)
- uncoating - genetic material released into cytoplasm
- bacteriophage genetic injection
REPLICATION (host machinery to replicate)
- RNA viruses replicate in cytoplasm
-DNA viruses replicate in nucleus
- cell lysis - virus busrt out of host cell
- budding - more with virsues with envelopes. buds off and takes host cell membrane as new envelope.
Antiviral classes
Currently used antivirals
Characteristic infection
- The time period between transmission of the virus and the patient showing symptoms is called the incubation period.
- It can last days to months and varies between viruses
- On a cellular layer you may be able to see things happening to the host cell like cytolysis, bodies, synctia.
- Table (dont learn) but shows examples of things that happen to different viruses.
Chronic infection: viruses replicate over time eg. with HIV, HBV and HCV
Latency: virus is inactive/sleeping but during times of stress virus will replicate
Viral Genetics
REASSORTMENT: (s for segment)
- when 2 seperate viruses with segmented genomes swap segmented genomes with each other. This produces a new virus with new viral protein antigen.
RECOMBINATION: (c for crossing)
-gene exchange via crossing of chromosomes. New virus has viral protein antigens from both viruses.
- normally only happens in double stranded DNA viruses
- Coinfection with viral hybrid production
- Second generation progeny = genome of the original virus
- 2 viruses mix.
-New progeny 1 has genome from virus A and protein capsid from virus B. But when it reproduces it uses original genome.
- New progeny 2 - virus B genome
- Nonfunctional virus benefits from functional virus.
- E.g. Hep D only works with surface antigens from Hep B
- Genetic change altering a single nucleotide.
- Happens a lot in RNA viruses because there is no proof reading
- Point mutations causing a change in viral antigens is called Antigenic drift . So Influenza virus antigens can change in a year so no one is immune to ‘new’ virus as antibodies dont compliment - leads to an epidemic.
- Antigenic shift
2 segmented viruses.
Influenza A ( affects Pigs)
Influeza B ( affects human)
They undergo reassortment to create a completely new virus Influenza C which can infect humans. Immune system may not be prepared for this completely new virus. This could cause a Pandemic.
- This happens commonly with Influenza.
Host Cell Defence: Interferons
- Infected cell releases Interferon - a and Interferon-B, the molecules interact with neighbouring host cells (paracrine signalling). The infected cell is warning its neighbouring cells which respond by shutting down their protein synthesis.
- When cell lysis happens and viruses burst out the they cant use the neighbouring cells machinery to replicate because are not producing proteins. This decreases viral transmission from host cell to neighbouring cells.
Host cell defence: Presenting viral antigens on MHC1
- can tell immune cells infected cells has viral antigens in it
Immune system defense to viral infection
- CD8+ cytotoxic T-cell direct destruction of virally infected cells via MHC1 presentation
- APC take up viral antigens and present to B-cells, which produce ANTIBODIES against antigens.
Neutralising antibodies and Antibody dependent cellular cytoxicty (ADCC).
- Directly destroy virally infected cells
- Heat (calor)
- Pain (dolor)
-Redness ( rubor) - Swelling ( tumor)
and loss of function
External factors that cause inflammation
Internal factors that cause inflammation
- Damage Associated Molecular Patterns (DAMPs). Released when plasma membrane is injured and cell dies. DAMPs trigger inflammation.
- DAMPs are recognised by PRRs ( Pattern recognition receptors) on WBC. This actiavtes the cell and sparks a inflammatory response.
Inflammatory response:
- begins with macrophage and mast cells
- When there is inflammation these cells respond to the PAMPs and DAMPs
- Mast cells contain inflammatory mediators which act on endothelial cells of capillaries which makes the capillaries more permeable.
- increase in vascular permeability allows plasma proteins and fluids to leave circulation.
- Endothelial cells release nitric oxide which helps dilate the capillaries and make them more permeable.
- Neutrophils are attracted to site of infection, neutrophils leave capillaries and enter tissues (extravasation). They phagocytose pathogens and infected cells.
complement system involved
At the same time Dendric cells present antigens to T-cells. Activates adaptive immune system.
- Inflammatory response ends with tissue repair. Macrophages are recruited to eat up dead and dying cells so there is more room. Now have space for angiogenesis ( creating new blood vessels).
- The new blood vessels are temporary so once the wound heals these vessels regress.
- Fibroblasts synthesise collagen to help with wound healing.