Block 5 Other Flashcards
A sudden, drastic change in wind speed and or direction
Wind sheer
Line on a map that connects areas of equal pressure
ISO bar
Temperature in which air reaches a state where it can hold no more water or it’s saturation point
Dew point
Actual amount of moisture in the air compared to the total amount of moisture air can hold.
Relative humidity
The amount of water vapor air can hold depends on the
Air temperature
Caused by low layer of warm, moist air moves over a cooler surface
Advection fog
What are characteristics is unstable air
Cumulus clouds, showery precipitation
During a thunderstorm, which stage is characterized by the greatest intensity of weather and the beginning of precipitation
Mature stage
Caused by currents or thermals which develop in air heated by contact with warm surface
Convective turbulence
Associated with convective activity , a downdraft of air as strong as 6,000fpm and rarely exists for more than 15 minutes.
How often are METARs transmitted
What is BR?
What is SKC
Sky Clear
What is considered IFR
When wx is below 1000ft or 3SM
What charts show IFR, MVFR, and VFR conditions?
Weather Description Chart