Block 4 References Flashcards
SOM 206 North West Procedural Corner (3)
206 North West Procedural Corner
A. The North West Procedural Corner is defined as 14 000 feet and below along the common boundary with the Mountain sector starting at coordinates 510623N1005547W and ending at the common boundary of Mountain, Tundra and West Low.
B. All aircraft filed transiting the North West Procedural Corner shall be established on airways and communication transfer shall be effected prior to the common boundary with Mountain Sector.
C. For aircraft transiting the North West Procedural Corner, verbal coordination is required with the Mountain sector for all route, altitude, and flight plan changes when an aircraft is within 15 minutes flying time of the common boundary.
SOM 211 Traffic Flow between HH Sector and WW/EE Sectors
211 Traffic Flow between HH Sector and WW/EE Sectors
a. WW and EE shall route departing aircraft on the FPR or direct the first fix past the out bound gate.
d. WW shall route aircraft that depart CYEZ via ANGEL on a route ANGEL direct YQV or north.
e. WW shall route aircraft that depart CYEZ via the SW gate direct YBB or YWW or between.
SOM 630 Hold at MANTA
630 Hold at MANTA
A. The 175 kt/8000ft hold template at MANTA overlaps the protected airspace of V304. It has been determined by Airspace Planners that this overlap only exists from 33.5 to 35.5 miles southeast of YBB.
SOM 650 Airway Overlap
650 Airway Overlap
A. It has been determined by Airspace Planners that the overlap of protected airspace between V306/V327 discontinues 6.8 miles (or 8 DME including slant range for altitudes below 18000’ ASL) from YDD. Aircraft that report more than 6.8 miles, or 8 DME from YDD established on either airway are clear.
B. It has been determined by Airspace Planners that the overlap of protected airspace between V306/V6 discontinues 12.4 miles (or 13 DME including slant range for altitudes below 18000’ ASL) northwest side of YAR. Aircraft that report more than 12.4 miles or 13 DME NW side of YAR established on either airway are clear.
MARTIN ACC Responsibilities (Sandy Arrangement) (6)
B.2.1 Provide Area Control Service to all IFR aircraft operating within the Sandy Class D Control Zone except when the responsibility for control has been transferred to the Tower.
B.2.2 Provide Sandy Tower with current data on Sandy IFR flight plans via EXCDS.
B.2.3 Provide Sandy Tower with IFR estimates when the Sandy Tower EXCDS is unserviceable.
B.2.4 Point out IFR aircraft to Sandy Tower prior to clearing the aircraft to transit Sandy Class D airspace.
B.2.5 Provide ATS surveillance service to Sandy arrivals until within 20NM of Sandy airport. If unable, terminate ATS surveillance service and advise Sandy Tower.
B.2.6 In the event of a surveillance equipment failure, advise Sandy Tower when normal operations have resumed.
Sandy Airspace Description
C.1 The Sandy control zone is the airspace to 5700 feet (5000 feet AAE) within the area bounded by a circle of 5 miles radius centered on:
N49°30’00.00” W099°45’00.00”
MARTIN ACC Procedures (Sandy Arrangement) (5)
D.1.1.1 Martin ACC shall verbally inform Sandy Tower of aircraft cleared for a visual or contact approach.
D.1.1.2 Verbally inform Sandy Tower of an aircraft that has cancelled IFR.
D.1.1.3 Verbally advise Sandy Tower of aircraft:
a) cleared for a circling procedure; or
b) planning a missed approach.
D.2.1.1 Issue initial IFR departure clearances according to the format in MATS.
D.2.1.2 Inform Sandy Tower of the anticipated delays when unable to issue an IFR clearance to a departing aircraft.
D.3.1 Unless otherwise coordinated, Martin ACC shall transfer communications to Sandy Tower prior to the aircraft entering the Sandy Control Zone. Normally this transfer will occur when:
a) the aircraft is outbound, if executing an approach which involves a procedure turn; or
b) the aircraft is at MANTA if executing a straight-in approach; or
c) a contact or visual approach is approved; or
d) the aircraft cancels IFR and is within 20 NM of Sandy.
“It is not required to relay CRFI information to the pilot when:” (2)
MATS ACC > Flight Information > Aerodrome Information > RSC and CRFI
Issue the current RSC and CRFI report for the intended runway.
It is not required to relay RSC information to the pilot when the runway is cleared to the full width and it is 100% dry.
It is not required to relay CRFI information to the pilot when:
* CRFI by full runway length is reported as NR.
* All thirds of CRFI by thirds are reported as NR.
“A runway is contaminated when a significant portion of the runway surface area (whether in isolated areas or not) within the length and width being used is covered by one or more of the following substances:” (8)
MATS ACC > Flight Information > Aerodrome Information > RSC and CRFI > Contaminated Runway
A runway is contaminated when a significant portion of the runway surface area (whether in isolated areas or not) within the length and width being used is covered by one or more of the following substances:
* Compacted snow
* Dry snow
* Frost
* Ice
* Slush
* Standing water
* Wet ice
* Wet snow
“If you are relaying a braking action report obtained from the pilot of an aircraft, …”
MATS ACC > Flight Information > Aerodrome Information > RSC and CRFI > Braking Action
If you are relaying a braking action report obtained from the pilot of an aircraft, indicate the type of aircraft and the time of the report.
“If issuing a clearance where a position report over a non-compulsory reporting point is required, …”
MATS ACC > Traffic Management > Enroute Operations > Position Reporting > Requesting a Position Report
If issuing a clearance where a position report over a non-compulsory reporting point is required, include the request for the report in the clearance.
“Do not request an identified aircraft to make compulsory position reports unless…”
MATS ACC > Traffic Management > Enroute Operations > Position Reporting > Requesting a Position Report
Do not request an identified aircraft to make compulsory position reports unless you deem it necessary for control purposes.
“If an enroute aircraft operating within the Altimeter Setting Region makes a position report via direct communication, issue the current altimeter setting for:”
MATS ACC > Flight Information > Weather Information >
Altimeter Setting Information > Altimeter Setting Region
If an enroute aircraft operating within the Altimeter Setting Region makes a position report via direct communication, issue the current altimeter setting for:
* The station over which the aircraft reports
* The next station along the route of flight
“Before terminating ATS surveillance service, …”
MATS ACC > Traffic Management > Enroute Operations > Position Reporting > Requesting a Position Report
Before terminating ATS surveillance service, instruct a pilot to resume position reporting.
Uncertainty Phase
MATS ACC > Emergencies and Urgent Operations > Fundamentals
If an aircraft is in an emergency phase as described in Emergency Phases, inform the ACC shift manager and other appropriate agencies.
Emergency Phases:
Uncertainty Phase:
No communication received from the earlier of either of the following times:
* Within 30 minutes after communication should have been received from an aircraft
* When an unsuccessful attempt to establish communication with such aircraft was first made
“Establish time-based longitudinal separation using one of the following methods:” (3)
MATS ACC > Separation > Longitudinal Separation > Time-Based Longitudinal Separation
Establish time-based longitudinal separation using one of the following methods:
* On the basis of position reports, provided that one of the following applies:
◦ Both aircraft have reported over the same reporting point.
◦ The trailing aircraft has confirmed not yet reaching the reporting point used by the leading aircraft.
“If the aircraft are unidentified, specify the separation minimum being applied if…”
MATS ACC > Traffic Management > Communication and
Coordination > Flight Data Coordination > IFR Unit to IFR Unit
If the aircraft are unidentified, specify the separation minimum being applied if less than 10 minutes longitudinal separation will exist between aircraft entering a receiving unit’s area.