Block 4 Glossary Flashcards
Define Controlled Airport
MATS ACC > Glossary
CONTROLLED AIRPORT - An airport at which an airport control service is provided.
Define Control Zone
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CONTROL ZONE – A controlled airspace of defined dimensions extending upwards from the surface of the earth up to and including 3000 ft AAE unless otherwise specified.
Define SID
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STANDARD INSTRUMENT DEPARTURE (SID) - An IFR ATC departure procedure published in the CAP for pilot and controller use in graphic and textual form. SIDs provide a transition from the terminal to the appropriate enroute structure.
RSC/CRFI NOTAM - A NOTAM disseminated to alert pilots to natural winter surface contaminants such as snow, slush, and ice conditions that could affect aircraft braking and other operational performance. Such NOTAMs are considered special series NOTAMs that, because of their short life and significant volume during the winter season, require non-standard handling.
COMMENT: Note 1: This term is derived from the words “Runway Surface Condition/Canadian Runway Friction Index NOTAM.” Note 2: This NOTAM may also be issued by a military ATC unit as an RSC/JBI NOTAM.
Define RSC Report
RUNWAY SURFACE CONDITION REPORT (RSC report) - Section of the Aircraft Movement Surface Condition Report (AMSCR) which provides runway surface information using a verbal description of the runway condition.
Define AMSCR
MATS Glossary
AIRCRAFT MOVEMENT SURFACE CONDITION REPORT (AMSCR) - The report that details the surface conditions for all aircraft movement areas including runways, taxiways, and aprons.
Define CRFI
MATS ACC > Glossary
CANADIAN RUNWAY FRICTION INDEX (CRFI) - The average of the runway friction as measured by a mechanical or electronic decelerometer and reported through the Aircraft Movement Surface Condition Report (AMSCR).
Define Position Report
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POSITION REPORT - A report over a known location as transmitted by an aircraft. Also called: position reporting and progress report.
Define Compulsory Reporting Point
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COMPULSORY REPORTING POINT - A reporting point over which an aircraft must report to ATC. Such points are designated on aeronautical charts by solid triangles or filed in a flight plan (FP) as fixes selected to define direct routes. These points are geographical locations that are defined by NAVAIDs or fixes.
Define Common Point
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COMMON POINT - A point on the surface of the earth common to the tracks of two or more aircraft, used as a basis for applying separation (e.g., significant point, waypoint, NAVAID, or fix)
Define Lateral Separation
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LATERAL SEPARATION - Separation between aircraft at the same altitude expressed in terms of distance or angular displacement between tracks
Define Holding Procedure
TP308 - Glossary of Terms
Holding Procedure – A predetermined manoeuvre that keeps an aircraft within a specified airspace while it awaits further clearance.
Define Holding Pattern
Holding Pattern – A predetermined racetrack pattern flown as part of a holding procedure.
Define Holding Area
Holding Area – The airspace to be protected for holding aircraft in accordance with ATC holding criteria.
Define Clearance Limit
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CLEARANCE LIMIT - The point to which an aircraft is granted an ATC clearance.
Define EAC
EXPECTED APPROACH CLEARANCE TIME - The time at which it is expected that an aircraft will be cleared to commence approach for a landing.
Define EFC
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EXPECT FURTHER CLEARANCE TIME (EFC) - The time at which it is expected that further clearance will be issued to an aircraft
Define Circling Procedure
CIRCLING PROCEDURE - A manoeuvre initiated by the pilot to align the aircraft with a runway for landing when a straight-in landing from an instrument approach is not possible or is not desirable.
Define Non-Precision Approach Procedure
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NON-PRECISION APPROACH PROCEDURE - An instrument approach procedure in which only electronic azimuth information is provided. No electronic glide path information is provided and obstacle assessment in the final segment is based on minimum descent altitude.
Define MDA
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MINIMUM DESCENT ALTITUDE (MDA) - The altitude above sea level specified in the Canada Air Pilot or the route and approach inventory for a non-precision approach, below which descent must not be made until the required visual reference to continue the approach to land has been established
Define Precision Approach Procedure
MATS ACC > Glossary
PRECISION APPROACH PROCEDURE - An instrument approach procedure using azimuth and glide path information provided by an instrument landing system, a microwave landing system, or a precision approach radar, one of three types:
* Precision approach CAT I
* Precision approach CAT II
* Precision approach CAT III
Define Decision Height
MATS ACC > Glossary
DECISION HEIGHT (DH) - A specified height in the precision approach or approach with vertical guidance at which a missed approach must be initiated if the required visual reference to continue the approach to land has not been established
See also: decision altitude
Decision height (DH) is referenced to the threshold elevation and decision altitude (DA) is referenced to mean sea level (MSL).
MATS ACC > Glossary
IAWP – Initial Approach Waypoint
IWP – Intermediate Approach Waypoint
FAWP - Final Approach Waypoint
MAWP - Missed Approach Waypoint
MAHWP - Missed Approach Holding Waypoint
Define SVFR
MATS ACC > Glossary
SPECIAL VFR FLIGHT (SVFR) - A visual flight authorized by an ATC unit to operate within a control zone under meteorological conditions that are below visual meteorological conditions