Block 3 - Bone Osteology Flashcards
Primary or secondary curvature
Primary or secondary curvature
acts as a buttress to the weight of the head, relieving the stress of post. musculature
formed by anterior & posterior arch
Atlas (C1)
Identify the type of vertebrae
Axis (C2)
Identify the type of vertebrae
vertebrae that mainly supports body weight
Identify the landmark & vertebrae
Vertebral arch - cervical
Identify the landmark & vertebrae
Lamina - cervical
Identify the landmark & vertebrae
Pedicle - cervicle
this landmark makes the cervical vertebrae easily recognizable from other regions
Transverse foramen - cervicle
Identify the landmark & vertebrae
Vertebral body - cervical
used for muscle attachment
Bifid spinous process (not always bifid) - cervical
Identify the landmark & vertebrae
Transverse process - atlas
Identify the landmark & vertebrae
Posterior tubercle - atlas (C1)
muscular attachment for this vertebrae
Anterior tubercle - atlas (C1)
lateral margins of the upper surfaces of C3-C7 projection to form
Unicate processes - cervical
Identify the landmark & vertebrae
Inferior articular processes - cervical
analogous to the superior articulating processes
Lateral masses - atlas (C1)
atypical projection that is the body of this vertebrae
Odontoid process (dens) - axis (C2)
Identify the landmark & vertebrae
Anterior articular facet - axis (C2)
Identify the landmark & vertebrae
Superior vertebral notch - thoracic
Identify the landmark & vertebrae
Inferior vertebral notch - thoracic
Identify the landmark & vertebrae
Superior articular process - thoracic
Identify the landmark & vertebrae
Spinous process - thoracic
Identify the landmark & vertebrae
Transverse costal facets - thoracic
posterior sacrum
Auricle surface
posterior sacrum
Sacral hiatus
Anterior sacrum
Anterior foramen
Posterior sacrum
Dorsal foramen
Identify the bone
Maxillary bone
Identify the bone
Nasal bone
Identify the bone
- strongest bone of face
- moveable
- paired
Identify the bone
forms internal, external meatii
Temporal bone
zygomatic process of temporal bone + temporal process of zygomatic bone
Zygomatic arch
Styloid process
forms the walls of the calvaria
Parietal bone
Occipital bone
Identify the bone as a whole
Temporal bone
Foramen Magnum
“cheek bones”
- forms anterolateral rims & infraorbital margins of orbit
Zygomatic arches
Maxillary bone