Block 2: Chapter 1-Introduction To Aviation Service Flashcards
Who may accumulate OFD?
Rated members (except flight surgeons) with less than 18 years of aviation service and CEAs with less than 20 years of aviation service.
What is Operational Flying Duty Accumulator?
The method by which flying credit, for purposes of flight pay, are tracked.
Which act made Air Battle Managers rated officers?
National Defense Authorization Act of 2000
Which Act established Transition Status Codes?
Aviation Career Improvement Act of 1989
What are the three types of incentive pay monitored by the HARM?
Aviation Career Incentive Pay
Career Enlisted Flyer Incentive Pay
Hazardous Duty Incentive Pay
What does a member entitled to ACIP while in continuous status have to do to?
Must be on active flying status for at least 15 days per month
What does a member have to do in order to receive incentive pay in a conditional status?
Fly a minimum of 4 hours per full calendar month
What does continuous ACIP mean?
Rated officers (except flight surgeons) receive incentive pay each month without regard to flying hours.
What happens when rated officers entitled to continuous ACIP do not meet OFDA requirements at the 12 and 18-year gates?
They will go to conditional ACIP status
What ESC numbers are given to members that meet OFDA requirements?
ESC 1-4
What ESC number is assigned to flight surgeons?
What does the Flying Status Code indicate?
Whether a member is active, inactive, DQ, or suspended.
How long can an aircrew member be suspended for?
Cannot exceed 180 days
What is the difference between revalidation and requalification actions?
When is a member considered grounded?
When they are ill, injured, or taking certain medications and cannot fly for a specified period of time exceeding 30 days.
What type of pay are rated members entitled to?
What are rated member gates and CEA gates?
Rated: 12 & 18
CEA: 10, 15, 20
What two characters make up an ASC?
ESC Entitlement Service Code
FSC Flying Service Code
What ASC is assigned to a member who has been suspended?
When does continuous pay stop?
If the OFDA requirements are not met at each gate.
Who is entitled to HDIP?
Non-rated/Non-CEA, operational support members, Parachutists, and flight surgeons
What can a member do with excess flight time?
Can be applied 5 months forward or 2 months back (only in a grace period) in which flight requirements were not meant.
What can insufficient time be applied to?
5 months forward
What is lost time?
Banked time, which has been carried forward 5 months and can no longer be used.
What is a grace period?
Is a maximum of a 3-month period in which a crew member attempts to meet flight requirements.
What can banked time not be applied to?
Any months in which there was no flight activity, unless there are enough hours flown to meet the requirements for the entire grace period.
The ARMS report is used to monitor those members authorized HDIP, conditional ACIP, and CEFIP. What two sections is it divided into?
Did qualify and did not qualify
What is the minimum flight requirement for individuals in conditional entitlement status?
4 hours of aerial flight for each full calendar month.
Who is given HDIP?
Non-rated/Non-CEA, operational support members and parachutist
What type of pay is HDIP always?
Conditional. Members must fly or jump to receive pay.
When is HDIP not authorized?
When a member completes flights or jumps while on leave, TDY, or PCS status.
Which AFIs cover the rules for parachutist service?
AFI 11-402
AFI 11-421
AFI 11-410
What two types of jumps are included with Military Free Fall?
High Altitude Low Opening
High Altitude High Opening
What type of pay is a member entitled to if they jump static line?
Type 1
What type of pay is a member entitled to when they jump Military Free Fall?
Type 2
What type of pay does a member qualify for if a member qualifies for static jump or military free fall?
The higher rate of pay
When does a member qualify for a Rule 3 waiver?
When a member is unable to perform a jump because of military operations of the command or the absence of jump equipment or aircraft for a 3 month period.
When can a members commander waive the minimum jump requirements? (Rule 4)
When a member is unable to perform a jump while engaged in combat operations in a hostile fire area.
What is the purpose of AF IMT 1521?
Track individual entitlement to parachute duty incentive pay.
How often is the 1521 updated?
What document is used in conjunction with AF form 1521 to ensure the member met requirements for pay?
Jump Pay Control Document
What are the two types of incentive flight pay for Air Reserve Component members?
Inactive Duty Status (IAD)
Active Duty Status (AD)
What are the FSC codes for active flying status?
A, U, X, or Z
What is an ASC?
Aviation Service Code. A two-character code, which indicates incentive pay entitlement and flying status.
What is the first character of the ASC?
Entitlement Status Code, it identifies the type of incentive pay the member is entitled to receive.
What is the second character of the ASC?
Flying Status Code, it identifies the members current flying status.
Which type of pay is always conditional?
HDIP Hazardous Duty Incentive Pay
Which AFIs cover the rules for Parachute Jump Pay?
11-402 Aviation and Parachutist Service
11-421 Aviation Resource Management
11-410 Personnel Parachute Operations
Who may accumulate OFDA?
Rated and Career Enlisted Aviators
What did the Aviation Career Incentive Act of 1974 establish?
RPIs-Rated Position Identifier, FACS, ASCs,
Rated 12 and 18 year gates and minimum OFD requirements
What did the Aviation Career Incentive Act of 1989 establish?
Increased OFDA at 12 and 18 year gates
Established TSCs-Transition Status codes
What did the National Defense Authorization Act of 1996 do?
Decreased OFDA requirements at 12 year gate only for rated members
What did the National Defense Authorization Act of 1999 establish?
Changed ACIP computation from Officer Service Date (OSD) to Aviation Service Date (ASD).
What did the National Defense Authorization Act of 2000 establish?
Set gates and OFDA requirements for CEAs
Gates for CEAs: 10, 15, 20
ABMs become rated
RPIs called APIs
What is CEFIP-Career Enlisted Flying Incentive Pay?
Special pay given to CEAs as an incentive for entering and remaining in aviation career status.
What status is someone on if they receive pay each month without regard to flying hours?
Continuous CEFIP-continuous enlisted flying incentive pay
What happens when a CEA entitled to CEFIP does not meet a gate at the 10, 15, or 20 year gate?
They become entitled to conditional status
ESC 1-4
Meet OFDA requirements, receive continuous ACIP
ESCs 5-6
Member did not meet OFDA requirements at 12 or 18 year gate. Receive conditional ACIP.
Rated officers except flight surgeons, once they reach 25 years of aviation service. At that time ACIP is terminated. Entitled to conditional ACIP.
Flight Surgeons. Receive conditional ACIP only.
Non-rated officer, non-CEA, operational support members and Parachutists. All receive HDIP. ESC 9 always conditional.
Disqualified or suspended from aviation service. Not authorized incentive pay.
What type of pay do CEAs receive?
What are the gates for CEAs?
10, 15, 20
ESCs A, B, C, and D
Met gate requirements. Entitled to continuous CEFIP.
ESCs E, F, and G.
Did not meet gate requirements and are entitled to receive conditional CEFIP.
Assigned at 25 years. Continuous CEFIP is terminated. Member may receive conditional CEFIP.
What type of pay is always conditional?
What is a flying status code?
Second character of ASC. Indicates whether a member is active, inactive, disqualified, or suspended.
Active-Operational flying
Active flying training student (undergraduate)
Active-Remotely Pilot Aircraft ( RPA)
What are the active FSCs?
A, U, X, Z
What are the inactive FSCs?
J, K, L, S
What is the ESC for all non-rated/non-CEA, Ops support and Parachutists?
Active-operational support (non-crew member)
Active-non rated/non-CEA enlisted aircrew member
Active Parachutist
Inactive-restricted. Terminates aviation service pay and entitlement.
Inactive-lack of support capability
Inactive-School. Terminates incentive pay
Inactive-nonperformance. Did not meet OFDA requirements.
Which AFI is the primary directive for ASCs?
What are the three types of incentive pay monitored by the HARM?
What are the most common reasons for an aircrew member to be suspended?
Failure to meet AFI 11-401 Undesirable habits Failure to meet training standards Lack of proficiency of judgement Violation of flying regulations
What is the 1520?
Individual flight entitlement worksheet. Used to track individual entitlement to conditional flying incentive pay.
What is insufficient time?
Time flown that is insufficient to qualify a member for a particular month’s flight time requirement.
What is banked time?
Combination of of excess and insufficient hours available to be used for meeting later months flight pat requirements.
Who may initiate the FEB?
Squadron Commander
When is a member disqualified from aviation/parachutist service?
When they are found to be medically or professionally unqualified to perform duties according to AFI 11-402.
What type of disqualification gives the member another chance as long as the problem that caused the disqualification no longer exists?
Non-permanent disqualification
What are the two sections of the Flying Pay Control Document?
Did qualify and did not qualify
Where is the 1520 usually maintained?
Suspense file for easier access
What is the order of application for flight time?
Time is applied to current month
Then up to two months back (in a grace period)
Up to 5 months forward (use excess first then insufficient hours)
What is excess flight time?
Flight time over the minimum hours required (4 hours)
How far forward can banked time be carried?
Up to 5 months
What is lost time?
Banked time, which has been carried forward 5 months and can no longer be used.
What is the 1520a used for?
Track individual entitlement to incentive pay for ARC duty and is maintained by the HARM.
What is the purpose of OFDA?
Track the number of months of operational flying a member accumulates throughout his or her career.
What is the Aviation Service Audit Worksheet used for?
To manually track aircrew members ASC changes, the inclusive dates for each ASC assigned and the months of operational flying duty accumulated.
What is the two types of hours of aerial flight?
Active duty and inactive duty
What is the order of application for flight time?
Current month, up to 2 months back ( in a grace period), up to 5 months forward
What ASC is assigned to an aircrew member who has been medically disqualified?
What rule may a commander waive a Parachutists jump requirements because the member is unable to jump due to absence of jump equipment or aircraft?
Rule 3
What rule may a commander waive jump requirements because the member is unable to jump due to being engaged in combat operations in a hostile fire area?
Rule 4