Bladder and Micturition Flashcards
Describe the flow of urine from the kdiney to the urethral meatus in men & women
- Kidney => ureter => bladder => prostate => urethra => exterior
- Kidney => ureter => bladder => urethra => exterior
What are the 3 layers of the bladder?
- Peritoneal Coat
- Detrusor smooth muscle
- Transitional cell lining (inner membrane)
In females, from an anatomy standpoint what controls bladder continence?
- Intrinsic Sphincter
- Comprised of bladder neck muscle fibers & the mid-urethral complex
In Men, from an anatomy point of view what is responsible for bladder continence?
- Instrinsic sphincter
- Comprised of bladder neck circular muscle fibers
- Smooth muscle of the prostate
- Smooth muscle of the membranous urethra
What part of the nervous system controls micturation?
Autonomic or Central nervous system?
Name specific innervations.
- Control of micturation is complex and involves both autonomic and central nervous system
Parasympathetic nerve fibers - pelvic n.
- Innervates the detrusor muscle (*most important innervation)
Sympathetic activation - hypogastric n.
- Inhibits detrusor contraction
Motor (somatic) innervation - S2,3,4 keeps the penis off the floor - pudendal n.
- Bladder, pelvic floor, urethral sphincter
Parasympathetic nerve fibers - pelvic n.

What would injury to the frontal cortex cause?
The cortex is predominantly inhibitory
- Leads to incontinence
- Diseases such as Dementia, stroke, & parkinsonism can cause this
What role do the cerebellum and the brainstem play in micturition?
- They are facilitatory
What are the clinical symptoms associated with issues of urine storage/Overactive Bladder (OAB)?
- Frequency
- Urgency
- Urge incontinence
How is afferent activity generated in the bladder?
- By filling of the bladder
What is the efferent response to bladder filling?
- Inhbition of detrusor activity
- This is because you want to be able to continue to store urine until you are ready to excrete
What are the clinical symptoms associated with an issue voiding - obstructive symptoms (and not storage)
- Hesitancy
- Weak stream
- Incomplete bladder emptying
What are the steps and order of the micturition cycle?
They made a specific emphasis on making sure you have the order correct, otherwise it can result in dysfunction.
- Increase in wall tension of the bladder
- Afferent input overcomes the pontine micturition center threshold and provides cortical egress micturition begins
- Pudendal n. activity ceases, the external sphincter/pelvic floor relaxes, detrusor neurons are freed and discharge
- Proximal urethra opens
- Bladder immediatley contracts