Black Power Flashcards
Why did black power emerge ( rejected non violence)
Thought results were too slow and did not have enough impact.
Integration relied on black people fitting into a white society that had treated them so badly
Why did Black power emerge ( idea)
Influenced by the views of Malcolm X.
Demanded change to improve the position of black A,ericans rather than asking white americans to change it.
Believed that self defense was justified.
Wanted black people to feel pride and self respected about their heritage
Why did Black power emerge ( campaigning)
They focused on wider social issues such as poverty and unemployment.
Got involved in wider campaigns such as the Anti Vietnam war movement
After 1965 the SNCC continued with the drive for voter registration yet many black Americans were dissatisfied that
No political parties focused on black rights
Stoney Carmichael helped set up the
Lowndes County Freedom Organizarion ( LCFO) as a party
Focus of the LCFO
To concentrate on issues affecting black Americans
In May 1966 Stokely became
Chairman of the SNCC
Stokely Carmichael wanted
A more radical approach to equality
Due to Stokely’s more radical approach
More black power people joined the SNCC and campaigned in the north
A 220 mile march took place in Mississipi in June 1966.On the second day,
James Meredith (the walk’s organiser) was shot and hospitalised.
Why did King and Stokely Carmichael disagree?
King argued for non violent action but Carmichael’s more radical speeches called for Black power.
The black panthers were set up in
In 1966 by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale.
What did Huey Newton and Bobby Seale believe
They believed black people needed black officials and black police officers to support the community
However Huey and Bobby were prepared to work with
White people who held the same beliefs as they did.
They had a ten point plan which included
The end of capitalism, end of wars and free healthcare.
The Black Panthers had a uniform of
A black beret , black trousers and a black leather jacket
The Black Panthers carried
Guns ( for self defense ) and tape recorders ( to film harrassment)
The Black Panthers also set up
Breakfast clubs for poor black children, provided free shoes and medical services