Biting Chewing and Swallowing Flashcards
3 subdivisions of the pharynx
Nasopharynx, Oropharynx, Laryngopharynx
2 types of muscle in the pharyngeal wall
3 Constrictor muscles - superior middle and inferior
2 Longitudinal muscles
Constrictor muscle contraction causes
Innervation of the constrictor muscles
Causes narrowing of the pharyngeal cavity - contract sequentially to move the bolus of food down the oesophagus
Nerve supply: pharyngeal branch of the vague nerve
Contraction of the longitudinal muscles causes
elevation of the pharyngeal wall up and over the bolus of food in swallowing
Muscles of the tongue are divided into
Intrinsic and extrinsic muscles
Tongue forms part of the ….. in ….
part of the floor in the oral cavity
part of anterior wall of the oropharynx
Innervation of the tongue
All are innervated by the hypoglossal nerve except palatoglossus - innervated by the vagus nerve
Intrinsic muscles originate and insert….
Involved in
Within the substance of the tongue
Involved in altering the shape of the tongue
Name the extrinsic muscles
Actions: genioglossus
Protrude and depresses tongue
Actions: Hyoglossus
Depresses tongue
Actions: Styloglossus
Elevates and retracts tongue
Actions: Palatoglossus
Depresses palate and elevates back of the tongue
Anterior 2/3 of tongue innervation: sensation and taste
sensation: Mandibular division of the trigeminal
Taste: Facial
Posterior 1/3 of tongue innervation: sensation and taste
Sensation and taste: Glossopharyngeal
Swallowing steps
1) Lift and retract the tongue (styloglossus and intrinsic muscles
2) Move bolus into the oropharynx (palatoglossus)
3) Close off nasopharynx by raising the soft palate
4) Raise larynx and close off using the epiglottis
5) Peristaltic wave of constrictor muscles
6) Relax cricopharynxgeus and open oesophagus
3 salivary glands
Borders of the parotid gland
Extends anteriorly over the master
Inferiorly over the posterior belly of the digastric
Parotid duct: where it enters the mouth
Penetrates the buccinator and opens into the oral cavity adjacent to the crown of the 2nd molar
Parotid: secretion