Bioterrorism 5 Q (with other one) Flashcards
The smallpox vaccine is called ___
In non-emergent situations, the vaccine is contraindicated for..
- a serious allergic reaction to a vaccine or vaccine component
- immunosuppressed recipient or household contact
- pregnant recipient or household contact
- breastfeeding
- eczema or contact dermatitis in recipient or household contact
- children < 12 months
- moderate or severe acute illness
In emergent situations, when the recipient is exposed, there are ____ contraindications for the vaccine (benefits outweigh the risks)
When administering the vaccine, the use of gloves is recommended, those administering the vaccine should be vaccinated, and healthcare workers with contraindications to the vaccine should not ____ or _____ the vaccine
handle or administer
A special _____ needle is used
The needle should be removed from the _____ packaging and dipped into the vaccine solution
True or False: you can re-dip the needle into the vaccine solution once it has touched the person’s skin
When administering, the skin on the arm is made taut, and the skin is pricked _____ for the recommended number of times that is on the label.
Afterward, the site is covered with a sterile dressing to prevent ______ of the virus
Hands should be washed after ____ contact with the either the vaccine site or any materials that has come into contact with the site
When preparing the skin for injection, _____, soap, and water are not needed unless grossly contaminated
Skin must be thoroughly dry before administering in order to prevent _______ of the vaccine
Expected findings include:
swelling and tenderness of axillary lymph nodes, fever, malaise, headache, muscle aches/chills
___ to ___ days after the primary vaccination, a papule develops at the inoculation site
3 to 5
Around day 7 after vaccination, a _____ surrounded by erythema forms around the site; also called “Jennerian vesicle”
Erythema subsides after day 12, the pustule dries, and a crust develops ___ to ___ weeks after.
2 to 3
By the end of the third week, the crust separates, leaving a ______ _____ at the vaccination site
permanent scar
______ ______ ______ is an antibody that limits viral replications and is administered as soon as possible after the onset of: inadvertent inoculation, generalized vaccinia, eczema vaccinatum, and progressive vaccinia.
Vaccinia Immune Globulin (VIG)
Smallpox is most often transmitted through direct, face-to-face contact via
respiratory droplets
Personal protective equipment includes the use of gloves, gowns, shoe covers, and an _____ mask
An asymptomatic (vaccinated) patient is not considered infectious and can be managed at ____
These asymptomatic persons will monitor for 2 successive fevers greater than or equal to
101 degrees F
Decontamination of the air is done via
UV light inactivation
Surface decontamination can be done with ____ bleach solutions or hospital disinfectants
For burials, remains must be contained and sealed, NO ___ casket funerals, and cremate if possible
______ _____ is a geographic location of area where outbreak is occurring and persons are able to move within the isolated area but not outside of it to keep the disease from spreading
Cordon Sanitaire
The smallpox incubation periods is ____ to ___ days
7 to 17
The clinical case definition of smallpox is…
an illness with acute onset of fever greater than or equal to 101 F followed by a rash characterized by firm, deep-seated vesicles or pustules in the same stage of development without apparent cause.
Major criteria for smallpox determination includes
- a prodrome that begins 1 to 4 days before rash onset (includes fever of >101°F (38.3°C) and at least one of the following symptoms: prostration, headache, backache, chills, vomiting, abdominal pain)
- Presence of classic smallpox lesions: firm, round, deep-seated pustules.
- All the lesions are in same stage of development (on any one part of the body). This means that all lesions on the arm or all lesions on the trunk would be all vesicles, all pustular, or all crusting—not a mixture of different skin lesions
Minor criteria for smallpox determination includes
- The lesions have a centrifugal (distal) distribution
- The first lesions appear on the oral mucosa, face, or forearms
- The patient appears toxic or moribund (typically a patient is so sick that they are bed ridden)
- The rash has a slow evolution (each stage 1-2 days)
- There are lesions on the palms and soles
_____ is the most likely to be confused with smallpox
Differentiating features of varicella and smallpox:
With varicella, lesions are typically in different stages of development. There is a centripetal (central) distribution of the lesions. Lesions rarely appear on the palms of the hands or soles of the feet. The skin lesions in varicella are superficial (described as “dew drop on a rose petal”)
All patients that present to a hospital with a fever and an acute, generalized vesicular or pustular rash illness should be placed under _____ and ____ precautions.
airborne and contact