Biotechnology Flashcards
define biotechnology.
importance of biotech. how has it been used in the field of agriculture, medicine, industry & environment?
types of of respiration?
define fermentation.
fermentation in yeast?
fermentation by bacteria?
how does fermentation occur in bread making? which fermentation occurs?
alcoholic fermentation
how does fermentation occur in cheese making?
how does fermentation occur in yogurt making?
use of fermentation in making industrial products
how is fermenter used for the large scale production of products?
fermenters are large bioreactors that provide best growth condition for microorganisms and
how is fermenter used?
what is biogas plant?
advantages of using fermenters in preparing medical products?
how is gene transplanted?
what is gene therapy?
define genetic engineering.
major achievements of genetic engineering? in medicine
major achievements of genetic engineering? in agriculture
major achievements of genetic engineering? in solving environmental problems
what is single-cell protein?
what is the importance of SCP?
how is SCP industrially made? why does it have adv. over other protein sources
what is recombinant DNA?
name the organism used in fer. for making bread, cheese and yoghurt
explain the process of cloning of sheep?