biosynthesis of nonessential and specialized AAs Flashcards
what is a key urea cycle intermediate?
___________ dilates blood vessels, raising blood supply and lowering blood pressure. ______ helps protect tissues from damage due to low blood supply
nitric oxide
what structure do I need to know concerning the synthesis of creatine and creatinine?
creatine kinase and creatine
break-down product of creatine-P in our muscles; produced at a fairly constant uncatalyzed rate; amount depends on muscle mass, high in men; clearance rate tells us how well kidney is working
glutamate transamination
a-KG +AAx <-transaminase<> glutamate + a-KAx
glutamate reductive amination
a-KG + NH3 + NADPH<-Glutamate dehydrogenase<> Glutamate + NADP+
glutamate hydrolysis
Glutamine + H2O <- Glutaminase<> Glutamate + :NH3
what is made exclusively by glutamine synthetase (cytosolic enzyme)?
what do futile cycles do and how do we prevent them from occurring?
they pointlessly hydrolyze ATP; cells keep opposing enzymes in separate compartments
transamination aspartate
OAA + Glutamate <- Transaminase<> Aspartate + a-KG
Aspartate Hydrolysis
Asparagine + H2O<-asparaginase<> aspartate + :NH3
Aspartate + Gln + ATP<> asparagine + Glu AMP
one site hydrolyzes Gln to generate nascent :NH3; :NH3 travels through aprotic tunnel; other site has already made B-Aspartyl-AMP intermediate; :NH3 attacks B-aspartyl-AMP to make asparagine + AMP
ALanine formation (formed solely from transamination)
pyruvate + glutamate <> alanine + a-KG
what is a key step in proline biosynthesis
reduction of glutamate to glutamate semi-aldehyde
glutamate semi-aldehyde also undergoes transamination to form _________
what is a precursor for arginine synthesis within the urea cycle?
increasing ornithine will increase …
urea cycle output
conversion to hydroxyproline within collagen
prolyl hydroxylase is easily deactivated, forming bound Fe(III)-O^- , which must be reduced by vitamin C to restore enzyme
tyrosine, a conditionally essential AA
plays important roles in protein structure, serves as phosphoryl- and sulfuryl-group acceptor in key regulatory enzymes and fibrin (clotting protein)
very high serum phenylalanine, high urinary phenylpyruvate (formed by transamination)
autosomal recessive
two copies of abnormal gene must be present for the disease or trait to develop
molecular basis of PKU
blood phenylalanine rises to 20x normal level, elevated phenylalanine damages nerve function
PKU is a treatable disease…
Requires diet that is extremely low in phenylalanine.
Diet must be strictly followed
Requires full “buy-in” by parents and pediatric patient.
Should maintain “low-phenylalanine” diet into adulthood to ensure
better physical & mental health
Becomes a balancing act, when a PKU woman becomes pregnant
conditionally essential amino acid
S-adenosyl-methionine aka SAM or Ado-Met
methylating agent for around 300 metabolites & most abundant methionine containing metabolite
what are two structures concerning cysteine do you need to know?
cysthathionine, homocysteine, and S-adenosyl-homocysteine