Biopsychology Flashcards
What is the nervous system
A network of cells isn’t he human body the body’s internal communication system
What Is the function of the nervous system
To collect, process and respond to information from the environment (1)
And to control organs and cells in the body (1)
Identify the two components of the peripheral nervous system and explain two differences in their organisation or functions
Autonomic nervous system is responsible for involuntary responses for vital functions eg breathing and controls smooth and cardiac muscles
The somatic nervous system is responsible for voluntary movements such as walking and transmits information from the brain to control skeletal muscles
Outline the structure and function of the nervous system
The nervous system is split into two main parts, the central and peripheral nervous system
The central nervous system is made up of the brain and spinal cord. The brain is responsible for higher mental functioning and the spinal cord is responsible for reflex actions and transmitting information to and from the brain.
The peripheral nervous system is sub divided into the autonomic and somatic nervous system
The autonomic nervous system is responsible for involuntary functions such as breathing and digestion
The autonomic nervous system can further be divided into the sympathetic( responsible for fight or flight) and parasympathetic nervous system ( which conserves and restores body energy when relaxed) branches.
The somatic nervous system is responsible for voluntary functions such as walking and transmits information from the brain to the skeletal muscles
Describe the structure and function of a neurone
Dendrites contain neurotransmitter receptors, once neurotransmitters binds it triggers new electrical impulses to occur
Cell body contains nucleus which contains genetic material of cell
The axon sends nerve impulse through neurone to transmit a message to the next neurone
Myelin sheath protects the axon and helps speed up transmission of the message
Nodes of ranvier speeds up the transmission of the impulse by forcing it to jump across gaps along the axon
Terminal buttons at the end of the neurone which send information through o the next neurone through the release of neurotransmitters on to dendrites of the next neurone
Sensory neurone
Send info from the senses to the Brain
Long dendrites and short axon
Cell body in the middle
Relay neurone
Carry nerve impulses between neurones allowing sensory and motor neurone to communicate
Involved in analysing sensation from neurone and deciding how to respond
No myelin sheath
Short dendrite and axons
Motor neurone
Send info from Brain to muscles or glands
Short dendrites and long axon
Cell body at the end
Jeremy is digging in the garden. He feels the spade hit the rock and stops digging
Explain how the sensory, relay, and motor neurones would function in this situation
Receptors in Jeremy’s skin on his hand would feel Jeremy hit a rock.
This sends a message along a sensory neuronefrom Jeremys peripheral nervous system to central nervous system
In the central nervous system it connects with a relay neurone this would analyse the sensation and decide how to respond
A relay neurone will then transfer the message to a motor neuron which carries the message to Jeremys arm muscles.
This causes the muscles to contract and strop digging
Synaptic transmission
In the presynaptic neurone action potentials are sent down the axon till they reach presynaptic terminal
Causing neurotransmitters to be released from vesicles into the synaptic cleft
Neurotransmitters diffuse across syncpatic cleft and bind to specific receptor sites on post synaptic neurone
Once enough neurotransmitters bind to receptor sites either
The next neurone is ready to fire as impulse depending on wether the neurotransmitter has excitatory or inhibitory effect or
Neurotransmitters recycled to be stored back in the vesicles in presynaptic neurone process called reuptake
Excitatory neurotransmitter
When excitatory neurotransmitter binds to post synaptic receptors, the post synaptic cell becomes positively charged
This makes it more likely that the post synaptic cell will fire an impulse which will travel down its axon
Increases brain activity in central nervous system
Inhibitory neurotransmitter
When inhibitory neurotransmitter binds to the post synaptic receptor the post synaptic cell becomes negatively charged
This reduces the likelihood of a impulse firing from post synaptic cell
Decreases brain activity
Inhibitory and excitatory influences are added together
If the overall effect is mainly negatively charged it inhibits the likelihood of impulse firing down post synaptic neurone
If overall effect positively charged it increases the likelihood of impulse firing down post synaptic neurone
What is the function of the endocrine system
Provides a chemical system of communication within the blood steam to regulate organs and cells
Slower than nervous system but it’s effects are more wide spread and powerful
Uses chemical messengers called hormones which are released by glands to regulate bodily systems
What’s the function of pituitary gland
Secretes many different hormones that control the functions of other glands
Function of pineal gland
Secretes melatonin
Regulates sleep wake cycle
Function of adrenal glands
Secretes adrenaline
Causes physiological changes which involved in fight or flight response eg increased blood flow to brain so increased oxygen to rapid response planning
Function of ovaries
Secretes oestrogen and progesterone
Regulates female menstrual cycle and preps body for reproduction
Function of testes
Secretes testosterone
Involved in creating male characteristics and production of sperm
fight or flight intro
the autonomic nervous system and the endocrine system play a major role in the stress response in producing the fight or flight response. when a stressor is identified by the brain it activates the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system.
fight or flight response
a stressor is identified by the hypothalamus
activates the pituitary gland
triggers activity in the sympathetic branch of the ans
adrenaline released by adrenal medulla into bloodstream
fight or flight response produced
there are two effects of adrenaline: the direct effect which causes an increase in heart rate and the indirect effect which increases oxygen to the brain for rapid response planning
this preps body for physical action
this is immediate and automatic
the parasympathetic branch returns the body back to normal once the stressor has been removed
evaluation points of fight or flight response
does not explain the stress response in women
human behavior is not limited to just two responses
PEEL: does not explain the stress response in females
flight or fight response
does not explain the fight or flight response in females
research has shown that women are more likely to protect their offspring and form alliances with other women than to fight or run away.
suggests gender bias as the fight or flight response assumes that men and women respond in the same way to a threatening situation prior to this research
limits explanation
PEEL: human behavior is not limited to two responses
fiight or flight
human behavior is not limited to just two responses
some psychologists argue that the first response to danger is to avoid confrontation altogether through a ‘freeze’ response
during the response humans consider the best course of action for the threat they are faced with
this suggests the fight and flight response does not consider other factors such as thought processes
Localisation of function
Localisation of function suggests that specific areas of the brain are specialised for certain functions and only this area of the brain is responsible for this job
Localisation of function
One area of the brain is the Broca’s area. This area of the brain is involved in the production of spoken and written language. This is located in the left hemisphere of the brain and if damage occurs to it person may develop brocas aphasia where person can produce slow speech that lacks fluency or a complete absence of speech.
Another area of the brain is wernickes area. This area of the brain is involved in the understanding of language this area of the brain is located within the left hemisphere and damage to it can result in the individual unable to understand spoken language or produces nonsense words as part of speech
Motor cortex
Involved in creation of motor movements
Each hemisphere is responsible for the opposite side of the body
Located in both hemispheres
Damage to this area causes loss in control over fine movement
Somatosensory cortex
Processes information from the senses in the skin
Such as pressure changes on skin and temperature changes all over the body
Damage to this area can result jn problems perceiving touch and failure to recognise wn object by touch
Visual cortex
Involved in the processing of visual information directly from the eyes
Such as colour and shape of objects in the enviroment
Damage to this area can result in blindness or hallucinations
Auditory cortex
Associated with the processing of auditory information eg speech based information or pitch and volume
Damage to this area results in partial hearing loss through to full hearing loss
Evaluation points for localisation of function
Rts by broca
Patient EB
low pop val
PEEL: Rts broca
Localisation of function
Rts by broca
Reported the case study of a man who lost the ability to speak except one word ‘tan’ even though he could understand language
Post mortems showed damage in one area in his left hemisphere which is now named the Broca’s area
Shows language production is localised to one specific brain area as the theory predicts
PEEL: patient EB
Localisation of function
Rtc patient EB
EB suffered brown damage that resulted in the removal of his left hemisphere and therefore his language centres
Despite this after some time EB managed to regain some of his language ability that would not be possible if the Language centres were completely localised to the left hemisphere
Shows language centres must be in more area than just the left hemisphere suggesting a holistic explanation of brain functioning is more appropriate than
PEEL: low pop val
Localisation of function
Both cases lack pop val
May not be appropriate to generalise the findings of localisation of function to the typical population, because these are unique cases were brain damage may have affected the way in which the brain functions and some individuals may be able to process language in other areas of the brain
For example, some research has suggested it because there is not solely located in the left hemisphere, but also found in areas of the right hemisphere
Suggests more research is needed with more diverse samples before firm, conclusions and localisation of language areas is possible
Intro to hemispheric lateralisation
Hemispheric lateralisation adjust the brain split into two symmetrical halves, called the right and left hemisphere. This is the idea that two different hemispheres are responsible for different mental processes.
Hemispheric lateralisation AO1
The left hemisphere is responsible for language two main language centres ,Broca’s area(responsible for speech production) and wernickes area (responsible for understanding language) are located in the left hemisphere.
Do I have a spare is responsible for the recognition of faces, places, objects and creativity and can only produce rudimentary words and phrases, but contributes to the emotional context of what is being said
Despite this, it is important to understand that many functions are also not a lateralised, such as vision motor, and somatosensory areas which occur in both hemispheres
Furthermore, the brain has contralateral wiring where one side of a hemisphere is a responsible for the other side of the body
Evaluation points for hemispheric lateralisation
Individual differences
Patient EB
PEEL: sperry
Hemispheric lateralisation
Used split brain patients with severed corpus callosum
He found that when patients were shown an image of an object to the right visual field, the patient could name it verbally, but when presented to the left visual visual field, they could not name verbally, but could identify the object through pointing
Support start of the brain is naturalised and that the hemispheres are responsible for different functions, such as the lift being responsible for language abilities
Supports hemispheric lateralisation
PEEL: individual differences
Hemispheric lateralisation
Criticised for individual differences in how lateralised the patients brain was
The degree to which the corpus callosum was savage for each patient varied greatly, with some having a greater disconnection between the two hemispheres than others
Weakness, because the research may not be measuring the effects of lateralisation effectively
Which reduces internal validity
Research conducted on split brain patients may not be appropriate
PEEL: patient EB
hemispheric lateralisation
Research to contradict case study patient EB
Suffered brain damage that resulted in the removal of his left hemisphere and therefore his language centres
Despite this after sometime EB managed to regain some of his language ability which would not be possible if the brain is completely lateralised
Demonstrates that language must be in more serious than just left hemisphere
Argues against lateralisation of function in the brain
Intro for split brain research
Split brain patients have had surgery to cut the area that connects the two hemispheres of the brain, the corpus callosum.
While the surgery relieves epilepsy it has a major side effect : the two hemispheres become functionally separate
Split brain research
This research aimed to investigate the effect of severing the connection between the two hemispheres of the brain on functioning, they used a natural experiment, which studied 11 individuals who had the corpus callosum severed due to surgery.
The patient was sat in front of a screen and asked to fix the gears on a spot in the middle participants within presented with a visual information to either the right visual field or left visual field for 1/10 of a second so not enough time for the other visual field to switch focus
They found that object scene in the right visual field can be named verbally, and in writing as the imagery processed by the language centres in the left side of the brain. Meanwhile, if objects are all the scene in the left visual field, they can only be identified through pointing but cannot be named by the participant.
It was concluded that the two hemispheres of the brain have different abilities and functions, but only the lift is able to produce language and the right hemisphere Can recall and identify information but cannot verbalise this.
Evaluation for split brain research
Scientific methods
Individual differences
Patient EB
PEEL: scientific methods
Split brain research
Scientific methods
Based on objective, an empirical techniques, such as controlled lab settings
These are used in order to identify which hemisphere of the brain is responsible for which task
For example, the split brain patients were only able to see what they saw when the images presented to the right visual field, which suggests that the left hemisphere is activated during language tasks
This increases overall internal validity of split brain research
Increases Psychology scientific status
PEEL: individual differences
Split brain research
Individual differences in the participants in relation to how lateralised their brain was
The degree to which the corpus callosum severed for each patient varied greatly with some having a greater disconnection between the two hemispheres than others
Weakness, because research may not be measuring the effects of lateralisation effectively
Reduces internal validity
PEEL: patient EB
Split brain research
Patient EB
EB suffered from brain damage which resulted in the removal of his left hemisphere and therefore his language centres
Despite this after sometime, EB managed to regain some of his language ability which will not be possible if the brain is completely lateralised
Demonstrates that the language must be in more areas than just left hemisphere
Arguing against naturalisation of function in the brain
Intro to plasticity and functional recovery of the brain after trauma
Plasticity is the brains ability to change and adapted structures and processes as a consequence of experience a new learning
Synaptic pruning is where connections that are not used to regularly are deleted and ones that are used regularly are strengthened. Research suggests that any time in life existing neural connections can change or new new connections can be formed between neurons as a result of learning and experience. It is used to believe that these changes can only happen in infancy.
An example of plasticity is functional recovery. This refers to the recovery of abilities and mental processes that have been affected as a result of brain damage or disease, the brain is able to rewire itself by forming new synapse connections, close to the damaged area of the brain, secondary neural pathways that would not typically be used to carry out certain functions activated to enable functioning to continue often in the same way, as before this process contains a number of structural changes in the brain: axonal sprouting and recruitment of the homologous areas. Axle sprouting is the growth of new nerve endings, which connect with other one damaged nerve cells to Form, and New neural pathway while recruitment of a homologous areas is wet areas of opposite sides of the brain, take over the function of damaged area of the brain.
What affects recovery after trauma?
Perseverance- believe there’s chance = more chance recovery
Age - younger= more chance
Gender - female= more chance
Education - more educated= more chance
Stress and alcohol - more drugs less recovery
Evaluation for plasticity and functional recovery
Patient EB
low pop val
Practical applications
PEEL: patient EB
Plasticity and functional recovery
Patient EB
EB suffered brain damage that resulted in the removal of his left hemisphere and therefore his language centres
Despite this after sometime he managed to regain some of his language ability, which would not have been possible, if the brain was completely lateralised
This suggests that Evie’s brain has experienced recruitment of the homologous areas and demonstrates the brain can adapt to produce language, even when the left hemisphere is not functioning or present
Supports the idea of plasticity and functional recovery
PEEL: low pop val
Plasticity and functional recovery
Low pop val
Case study involves one patient EB, who had suffered severe brain damage
Which may have caused a unique changes in the brain that may have influenced the pasty and functional recovery of the brain
Limits how will the research can be generalised to the wider population as different genders or age groups made experience different levels of plasticity in the brain
Lowers external validity
PEEL: practical applications
Plasticity and functional recovery
Practical applications
As the principles of the theory that it is possible for an individuals brain to recover from the damage to axonal sprouting has led to the development of neuro rehabilitation
This is where the patient practices are repeatedly using the affected side of the body, e.g. an arm whilst restraining the unaffected arm
Imports an area of applied psychology as it helps, treat people in the real world
Functional magnetic resonance imaging
Works by identifying changes in the level of oxygen in blood that occurs due to brain activity in specific areas
When the brain area is more active in leads to more oxygen being used, and so there is increase blood flow to this active area
Produces 3-D images showing which part of the brain is active called an activation map
Has been used to identify which parts of the brain are active in particular mental processes
Evaluation for functional magnetic resonance imaging
Much safer technique
Highest spatial resolution
PEEL: much safer technique
Functional magnetic resonance imaging
Much safer technique to measure a brain activity as it is non-invasive and does not use radiation to identify the differences in brain area
This is unlike the use of PET scans which use radiation
Therefore, more appropriate technique to use that could reduce the risk of potential harm to individuals
PEEL: highest spatial resolution
Functional magnetic resonance imaging
Have a higher spatial resolution than EEG and ERP, which is an important feature of brain scans because it can accurately identify specific brain areas involved in behaviour
Depicting detail by the millimetre, and providing a clear image of how the brain is localised
However Fmri has poorer temporal resolution as there is a round of five second time lag behind the image on the screen and the initial firing of neuronal activity
Therefore Fmri may not truly represent moment to moment brain activity
Electroencephalograph EEG
Bring scanning technique which works by a lecture is being placed on the scalp using a skullcap
Detect, small, electrical changes, resulting from the activity of brain cells
Electrical signals are graft over a period of time to see a persons, general brain activity
EEG are used to detect sleep patterns and states such as sleep or arousal
Used as a diagnostic tool to help diagnose conditions such as brain, tumours and epilepsy
Evaluations for electroencephalograph EEG
High in temporal resolution
Low in spatial resolution
PEEL: high in temporal resolution
Electroencephalograph EEG
High in temporal resolution
As it enables the researcher to take a real time, recording of brain activity, rather than a still image of the brain
As is the case with the use of fmri or post-mortem
Research a can gain a more accurate measure of the brain activity in a particular task
Therefore, provides greater insight into the processes of the brain, such as the activity of the brain during sleep
Increases validity as a way of starting to brain
PEEL: low in spatial resolution
Electro encephalograph EEG
Low in spatial resolution
Can only provide information on general activity in the brain
It cannot pinpoint the exact source of a neural activity that is involved in behaviour
Unlike the use of ERP, which enable the researchers to identify specific brain activity in particular task
Therefore, findings may be less valuable in developing our understanding than using alternative ways of scanning brain
Event related potentials
Electrons are placed on the scalp
ERP show specific brain activity
Stimulus is presented to an individual many times and their brain activity is measured in the same way as an EEG
However, all extraneous brain activity from the original e.g. recording is filtered out leaving only those responses that link to the presentation of the stimulus
Evaluation points for a event related potentials ERP
High temporal resolution
Hard to obtain meaningful data
PEEL: High in temporal resolution
Event related potential
High in temporal resolution, especially compared to Fmri
This means ERP can identify brain activity every millisecond, so researchers can see brain activity in real time
However, ERP have poorer spatial resolution than fmri can only detect a brain activity in general brain areas, rather than identified specific location of brain activity
PEEL: hard to obtain meaningful data
Events related potentials
It can be hard to obtain meaningful data from the use of ERP because they can be affected by external factors such as background noise which means that it can take many trials to obtain meaningful data as it is hard to control the other factors
Limits validity of ERP is as a means of studying brain for a range of brain processes
The brain of a dead patient is examined and dissected to see if there are any physical/structural abnormalities
The brain can be compared with a brain that does not show this particular behaviour or mental process
It is mainly use of people who have rare disorder or defects
What area of research has been the identification of broca area as an important brain area for speech production
Evaluation points for post-mortem
Only invasive way
Harc to establish cause-and-effect
PEEL: invasive
This is the only invasive way to study the brain which means that it is possible to get a more detailed examination of the brain that would be possible to slowly using brain scanning techniques such as EEG and Erp
 For example, it has many researchers have been able to study deeper areas of the brain such as the hypothalamus which has helped understand brain functioning in many different behaviours
PEEL: hard to establish cause-and-effect
Is hard to establish cause-and-effect with post-mortem studies, as there are many confounding variables, which cannot easily be controlled
Such as how long a person has had a particular disorder, age of time of death, or whether they have received drug treatment for the disorder
Limits internal validity of findings
Intro for circadian rhythms
Circadian rhythm is a psycho that lasts for 24 hours, for example body temperature and sleep wake cycle
AO1 circadian rhythms
One example of a circadian rhythm is the sleep wake cycle, which is controlled by the master endogenous pacemaker the suprachiasmatic nucleus found in the hypothalamus. Our eyes notice a change the lights as it gets dark and less light is received by the retina. This sends information to the suprachiasmatic nucleus which stimulates the pineal gland to release melatonin and promote sleep. When our eyes detect light, the suprachiasmatic nucleus resets which maintains a sleep wake cycle to around 24 hours, so that we can be in synchrony with the outside world.
Evaluation points for the circadian rhythm
Low pop val
Practical applications
PEEL: Siffre
Circadian rhythms
Rts Siffre
Isolated himself in a cave for six months where his biological clock was able to be running, free and unaffected by exogenous factors, such as clocks and natural light
It was found that within a few days, he developed a consistent 24-hour cycle and continue to fall asleep and wake up on a regular schedule
Therefore, this supports the sleep wake cycle is a circadian rhythm, which is mainly controlled by an endogenous pacemaker, the suprachiasmatic nucleus.
PEEL: low pop val
Circadian rhythm
Low pop val
Conducted as a case study with Siffre is the only Pattison, so it may not be appropriate to generalise the findings of the sleep, wake cycle beyond Siffre due to individual differences in circadian rhythms
For example, all the peoples circadian rhythms may be slower and more easily influenced by exogenous Zeitgebers as even in one of Siffre later applications, he found out his own circadian rhythm, had slowed
Lois external validity
PEEL: practical applications
Practical applications
Basic principles of the theory that a circadian rhythm is around 24 hours and is maintained by endogenous pacemakers have given researchers a better understanding of the negative consequences that can occur as a result of disrupting their rhythm
For example, not workers who experience shiftwork have a period of reduced concentration around 6 am, meaning mistakes, an accident and more likely. This can be used by employers to manage worker productivity which consequently improves the economy
Important part of applied psychology
Intro for infradian rhythm
An infradian rhythm is a cycle that lasts longer than 24 hours, for example, the female menstrual cycle which operates approximately on a 28 day cycle
AO1 infradian rhythm
Menstrual cycle is an endogenous system, which typically last 20 to 35 days
It begins on the first day of a woman’s period, when the room of the lining is shed to the day before her next period
In the brain, the pituitary gland releases FSH, which activates the release of oestrogen from the ovary is causing the egg to mature
The increase of oestrogen increases the levels of LH which promote the release of the egg
Oestrogen develops the lining of the womb and progesterone helps it to grow thicker readying the womb for pregnancy
If pregnancy does not occur, the egg is absorbed into the body, the womb lining comes away and leave the body and the cycle begins again
Although the menstrual cycle is a mainly endogenous system that maintains the infradian rhythm can be affected by exogenous factors, such as stress and pheromones
Evaluation points for infradian rhythm
Low control over extraneous variables
Research findings can be explained by evolutionary psychologists
PEEL: Russell
Infradian rhythm
Rtc that infradian rhythm, such as the menstrual cycle are mainly governed by endogenous system was conducted by Russell
As the sample of women to wear cotton pads under their arm
The pads with and worked on the upper lip of five sexually inactive women
This process is repeated daily for five months
They found that, for after the fire woman developed a menstrual cycles that synchronised within one day of the donorcycle
Suggesting that infradian rhythm of menstrual cycle can be affected by exogenous factors, as well as controlled by endogenous factors, which influence the length of the infradian rhythm
PEEL:low control over extraneous variables
infradian, rhythm,
Russell conducted a field experiment
So had low control over extraneous variables
Took part in the participants natural environment where other exogenous factors such as light changes in diet and stress, could’ve affected the infradian rhythm
Difficult to establish cause-and-effect between the influence of pheromones on maintaining an infradian rhythm
Weakens the extent to which what’s the research can contradict the importance of endogenous pacemakers and maintaining infradian rhythm
PEEL: explained by evolutionary psychologists
Infradian rhythm
Despite the methodological flaws in infradian synchronisation studies, the research findings can be explained by evolutionary psychologists
It would have been advantageous in at evolutionary past for social group to synchronise pregnancy, so that many women could be breastfeeding at the same time, so One!!!! mother could take over caring for an orphan child to improve chances of survival
Therefore, showing that synchronisation of infradian rhythm is such as menstrual cycle is an adaptive strategy and supports exogenous factors influencing infradian rhythm
Intro to ultradian rhythm
An ultra radian, rhythm is a biological rhythms occurs more frequently than once every 24 hours. One example is the stages of sleep.
AO1 ultra radian rhythm
This cycle lasts approximately 90 minutes and consists of five stages and alternates between R.E.M.(rapid eye movement where are the body is paralysed, the brain activity, closely resembles that of an a weak brain and the brain produces theta waves and the eyes occasionally move around) and then NREM( nonrapid eye movement which contains stages 1 through 4 of sleep.
This is known as the escalator, a person can experience of the five cycles per night that repeat in a rhythmic pattern
Evaluation points for ultraradian rhythm
Practical applications
Scientific methods
Low, ecological validity
PEEL: practical applications
Ultradian rhythm
Practical applications in understanding, age-related changes in sleep
The knowledge that the growth hormone is produced during stage four sleep has been associated with sleep deficit in old age as research has found all the people experience less stage 4 sleep
As a result, medication and relaxation techniques have been developed to increase the stage for sleep in all the individuals and therefore prevent some issues associated with old age, such as reduced alertness
Important part of applied Psychology
PEEL: Scientific methods
Ultradian rhythm
Scientific methods
Uses objective and empirical techniques such as EEG to measure brain activity, and controlled lab settings
These scientifically measure the activity of the brain throughout the five stages of sleep, to identify the length of the rhythm and how many times of rhythm occurs throughout the duration of sleep, whilst excluding extraneous variables, that may affect sleep, such as noise and temperature
Increases overall internal validity
Raises Psychology’s scientific status
PEEL: low, ecological validity
Ultradian rhythm
Low ecological validity
Conducted in the artificial settings, so sleep experienced by participants in the study is may not reflect the genuine sleep patterns due to the unfamiliar surroundings and because they are attached to electrodes
This may alter the length of Ultradian rhythm, making it difficult to generalise the findings to explain how old trading rhythms work
Intro Effect of endogenous pacemakers, an exogenous zeitgebers on sleep wake cycles
Endogenous pacemakers our internal factors which helps maintain a biological rhythms, is also saw the rhythms at in trained by exogenous zeitgebers such as lights and mealtimes
Effect of endogenous pacemakers, an exogenous zeitgebers on sleep wake cycles
Sleep, wake cycle is controlled by the master endogenous pacemaker, the suprachiasmatic nucleus. Our eyes noticed a change the light as it gets dark and less light as a seat by the retina. This sends information to the suprachiasmatic nucleus, which stimulates the pineal gland to release melatonin and promote sleep when our eyes detect light again (exogenous zeitgebers) The suprachiasmatic nucleus is reset which stimulates the suprachiasmatic nucleus, and the pineal grand to inhibit the release of melatonin to promote wakefulness suggesting the sleep wake cycle is controlled by endogenous factors
However, exogenous zeitgebers external factors which are in our environment, which can influence our sleep, wake cycle through entrainment, such as light, which resets the suprachiasmatic nucleus, suggesting a sleep, wake cycle, is not only influenced by endogenous pacemakers. Social cues such as mealtimes and social interactions can also influence our sleep wake cycle, making us less alert. Once we have finished our evening meal. Research suggests that adapting local eating and sleeping times before travelling to a different time zone can prevent jetlag suggesting that exogenous zeitgebers can influence the sleep, wake cycle
Evaluation points for Effect of endogenous pacemakers, an exogenous zeitgebers on sleep wake cycles
Decoursey Et al
Animal bias
PEEL: DeCoursey
Effect of endogenous pacemakers, an exogenous zeitgebers on sleep wake cycles
Rts Decoursey
Destroyed, the suprachiasmatic nucleus connections in the brain of 30 chick, monks who are then returned to their natural habitat and observed for 80 days
The sleep wake cycle of the chipmunks disappeared, and by the end of the study, a significant proportion of them had been killed by predators
This may be because they’re awake and vulnerable to attack when they should’ve been asleep
This, supposed to influence and importance of endogenous pacemakers, such as the suprachiasmatic nucleus on the maintenance of sleep, wake cycle as exogenous zeitgebers , alone were not able to maintain sleep, wake cycle of chipmunks
PEEL: animal bias
Effect of endogenous pacemakers, an exogenous zeitgebers on sleep wake cycles
Animal bias
Potentially a problem, because humans may have more complex biological rhythms to animals as they have higher mental functioning
Therefore, there are issues with extrapolating the findings of the research to humans, which limits the extent to which Decoursey finding support the importance of endogenous pacemakers on the sleep, wake cycle
PEEL: Siffre
Effect of endogenous pacemakers, an exogenous zeitgebers on sleep wake cycles
He lived in a cave, isolated from all exogenous zeitgebers such as clocks and lights for six months
It was found that within a few days, he had developed a consistent 25 hour cycle and continue to fall asleep and wake up on a regular schedule. This suggests that the sleep wake cycle is controlled by an endogenous pacemaker.
This supports the theory that the sleep wake cycle is primarily governed by the endogenous pacemaker, rather than exogenous zeitgebers