Attachment Flashcards
Define attachment
Emotional link between an infant and a caregiver
Each seek closeness to the other, and feel more secure when in the presence of the attachment figure
Interactions between the carer an infant is where the attachment starts, but it is their responsiveness of the caregiver to the infant signals that has a deep effect on the child
Caregiver infant interactions
Interactional synchrony
Caregiver and infant respond in time to keep communication is going
For example, infant smiles caregiver smiles back at the same time
Ensures infant and caregiver emotions and actions mirror each other
Meltzoff and Moore- conducted a controlled observation on 40 two week old babies to measure caregiver infant interactions
Adult displayed official expression, and the child’s response was filmed and identified by an independent observer. A link was found between the facial expression of the adult, and the response of the baby.
Caregiver infant interactions
A two way mutual process where infant and caregiver take turns to respond to each other’s behaviours to sustain interaction
Behaviour of each party elicit a response from the other. For example, infant puts its arm out caregiver picks him up.
Babies have an alert face and signal when they are ready for interaction. Mothers pick this up and act on the signals
Brazelton said both mother and baby initiate the interaction and take turns to do so he called this the dance
Evaluation points for caregiver infant interactions
Lacks ecological validity
High control over extraneous variables
Prone to bias
PEEL: Caregiver infant interactions
Lacks ecological validity
Lacks ecological validity
Takes place in controlled environments Where caregiver and infants are being filmed in a controlled observation
Difficult to generalise findings to real life cases of caregiver infant interactions as the infant may not behave how they usually do in the real world
For example, they may interact less as they feel uncomfortable in unfamiliar environment
Lowers external validity
PEEL: caregiver infant interactions
High control of extraneous variables
High control over extraneous variables
Research takes place in controlled environment
Potential extraneous variables that would be controlled, is not having other adults in the room during observations of interactions as it may distract the baby
Cause-and-effect can be established in interactions between
Increases internal validity
PEEL: caregiver infant interactions
Prone to bias
Prone To bias
Babies cannot speak, so inferences must be drawn about their behaviour
Psychologists me interpret this information in a way that fits that hypothesis
For example, a baby may have wind, but a psychologist may interpret this as a smile in response to their parents smile
Reduces internal validity
Stages of attachment identified by shaffer and Emerson
Investigate the formation of only attachments under the age of which they develop, and who they are directed to
Stages of attachment identified by Scheffer and Emerson
Outline how shaffer investigated stages of attachment
Longitudinal study on 60 working class, a newborn babies and their mothers from Glasgow
Babies and mothers were visited at their own home every month for the first year of the babies life and again at 18 months
Observations and interviews with the mothers were used
Attachment is measured in two ways : separation anxiety and stranger anxiety
Separation anxiety - infant being left alone in a room or researcher asking the mother how the infant reacts in this instance
Stranger anxiety- researcher a starting each home visit by approaching the infant to see if this distressed the child
Outline what shaffer and Emerson have found about research in the stages of attachment
Four Stages to attachment: asocial, indiscriminate, specific, multiple
Asocial- first few weeks
Babies behaviour, two adults and inanimate objects were similar
Indiscriminate - 2 to 7 months
Baby show a preference to people over inanimate objects but do not show stranger or separation anxiety
Specific - from around seven months
Babies from attachment and show separation and strangers anxiety when separated
In 65% of the cases, this was with the mother
Multiple- within one month of forming a specific attachment
29% of the children from the multiple attachments
By one year, most infants had multiple attachments
At 18 months, 75% of the children had an attachment with their father
Evaluation points for stages of attachment identified by shaffer and Emerson
High ecological validity
Prone to social desirability bias
Culture bias
PEEL: stages of attachment by shaffer
High ecological validity
High ecological validity
Observations were carried out in the family’s own homes during ordinary activities by the parent, such as leaving the room
Easy to generalise the findings to real life. Examples of attachment as a children’s behaviour is more likely to be representative of every day interactions.
Increasing external validity
PEEL: stages of attachment by shaffer
Social desirability bias
Social desirability bias
Interviews were used together information
Mothers could have lied about the child’s behaviour to present their parenting in the best possible light
For example, they may say that their child is distressed when leaving a room, even when they are not
Lowers internal validity
PEEL: stages of attachment by shaffer
Cultural bias
Cultural bias
Simple use were all from the same city of Glasgow
Difficult to generalise the findings to other cultures,
For example, Psychologists studying non-Western cultures where families often work together to look after a child have found that infants can for multiple attachments from the outset without forming a specific attachment first
Decreasing external validity
Role of the father; AO1 grossman and field
findings and conclusions
finding one- quality of infant attachment with their mothers, but not, their fathers, was related to children’s attachment in adolescence suggesting fathers attachment is less important than mothers
Finding two- quality of fathers play with infants was related to the quality. The children’s adolescence attachment, suggesting fathers have a different role in attachment one that is more to do with play and stimulation and less to do with nurturing, but it’s still important for the child’s well-being.
Field -
Findings - primary caregiver fathers, like mothers, spent more time, smiling imitating and holding infants, then secondary caregiver fathers. This behaviour seems to be more important in building an attachment to an infant. Suggests fathers can be the more nurturing attachment figure and take on a traditionally maternal role. The keto attachment relationship is the level of responsiveness not the gender of the parent.
Evaluation points for role of the father
Practical applications
Grossman’s father as secondary attachment focus
Fathers to not to become primary attachment figures could simply be the result of traditional gender roles
PEEL: role of the father
Practical applications
Practical applications
Principles of the research Byfield, that responsiveness to the child’s needs not gender is most important forming an attachment can be used advice parents
Mothers, may feel pressured to stay at home because of stereotypical views of mothers and fathers roles. Equally fathers may feel pressured to go back to work rather than focus on parenting.
This has led to a change in paternity leave so fathers can share responsibility
Important part of applied psychology
PEEL: role of the father
Grossman’s father is a secondary attachment figure focus
A criticism is that the study by Grossman found that father is a secondary attachment. Figures had an important and stings role in the child’s development of play and stimulation
Other studies have shown that children going up in single mother or lesbian parent families do not develop any differently than those from two parent heterosexual families
Suggesting fathers role may not be distinct
PEEL: role of the father
Result of traditional gender roles
The fact that fathers tend not to become the primary attachment figure could simply be the result of traditional gender roles
On the other hand, it could be that female hormones oestrogen create high levels of nurturing, and therefore women are biologically predisposed to be the primary attachment figure for children
Therefore, there are several explanations to consider when investigating the role of the father
Animal studies
Animal studies are carried out or nonhuman animal species, rather than on humans for ethical or practical reasons. They look into how early bonds are formed between non-parents and their offspring. These are used to help us understand attachment in humans.
Field experiment
Randomly divided goose eggs
Half of the eggs hatched with the mother Goose in their natural environment
The other half were hatched in an incubator were the first moving object they saw was lorenz
Lorenz recorded the behaviour of the goslings and who they imprinted on
Found that in the incubator group that saw Lorenz first imprinted upon and followed him everywhere whereas the group who saw the mother Goose first imprinted upon and followed her
Identified a critical period of 12 to 17 hours after hatching, in which imprinting needs to take place if imprinting did not occur Within that time the chicks will not attachment themselves to a mother figure.
Goslings imprinting on humans would as adult birds attempt to mate with humans
In conclusion, goslings imprint on the first move objects that they see there is a specific time period in which this needs to take place, otherwise they will not imprint
Evaluation points for Lorenz
Practical applications
Animal bias
Researcher bias
PEEL: Lorenz
Practical applications
Practical applications
The principles of the theory that goslings has imprint within 12 to 17 hours, otherwise they will not imprint at all, and the fact that goslings who imprint on humans latest show sexual behaviours towards humans when their adult birds show the importance of this critical period and future relationships
Psychologist can use this information to promote the importance of early interactions between parents and infants, and hopefully reduce issues later in life
Important part of applied psychology
PEEL: Lorenz
Animal bias
Animal bias
Conducted on animals -goslings
Human attachment behaviour may be more complex than animals in attachment behaviour as human emotions are more sophisticated towards their offspring than birds
For example, attachment in humans is a two-way process, so it is not just a young. He become attached to their mothers, but also mothers who shows an emotional attachment to their young.
Issues with extrapolating the findings of Lorenz research to attachment in humans
PEEL: Lorenz
Researcher bias
Researcher bias
Lorenz recorded his own observations of the bird, so he may have chosen to only include findings that would support his theory of imprinting
Lois internal validity of research as it may not be in measuring the effect of imprinting on attachment
Aimed to investigate where the food or comfort is more important in the formation of attachments
Lab experiment
16 baby rhesus monkeys were separated from their mothers of birth and brought up in cages
Cage contained surrogate mothers wire mother with milk and a cloth mother with comfort
Amount of time spent with each mother was recorded
Monkeys were frightened with a loud noise to test which more than they preferred when stressed
Long-term effects were recorded such as social ability and relationships to the future offspring
Say found that monkeys spent more time with a cloth mother than the wire mother
When frightened monkeys would go to the cloth mother
Monkeys later in life had emotional damage, such as being more tomatoes. Easily bullied difficulty mating and females being in adequate mothers when older
In conclusion, contact comfort is the most important factor when forming an attachment
Evaluation points for Harlow
Practical applications
Animal bias
Ethical issues
PEEL: Harlow
Practical applications
Emphasises the importance of comfort in the formation of attachment
Finding can be used by social workers and clinical psychologists in the understanding that I lack of bonding experience may be a respect factor in a child’s development, allowing them to intervene to prevent poor outcomes
Important part of applied psychology when explaining the formations of attachment
PEEL: harlow
Animal bias
Animal bias
Use animals, rhesus monkeys to investigate attachment
Problem, because human attachment behaviour may be more complex than animal attachment behaviour as human emotions are more sophisticated towards their offspring than animals
Issues with extrapolating findings of hollows research into attachment to humans
PEEL: Harlow
Ethical issues
Ethical issues
Due to harm inflicted on the Monkeys
The Monkees suffered greatly as a result of Hallows procedures, and were frightened, had emotional and social issues later in life, and sometimes died
Limiting Harlows research
Explanations of attachment
Learning theory
The learning theory emphasises the importance of food in the formation of attachment. This is known as the cupboard love theory as it suggests infants lines attached to whoever feeds them.
Explanation of attachment
Learning theory
Milk is provided as an unconditioned stimulus which provides the unconditioned response of pleasure. This response is automatic and does not need to be learnt. The neutral stimulus is the feeder through the repetition of feeding. The infant learns to associate the the feeder with food and pleasure.
Feeder than becomes the condition stimulus which will produce the conditioned Response of pleasure just the sight of the feeder will indicate to the child that they will get fed.
This is the basis of attachment, the child than seeks to be near the feeder
Operant conditioning can also be used to explain why babies cry for comfort. When infant is hungry and cries, this is the response from the caregiver for example, feeding This is positive reinforcement as the infant receives the reward of food from the behaviour of crying, which is now reinforced
At the same time The caregiver feeds the infant and the crying stops. This is negative reinforcement as the negative stimulus of crying has been removed and the feeding behaviour is reinforced.
This mutual reinforcement strengthens an attachment
Evaluation points for learning theory as an explanation of attachment
Environmental reductionism
Schaffer and Emerson
PEEL: learning theory
Environmental reductionism
Environmental reductionism
The theory reduces complex human behaviour of attachment down to simple basic units of learning to attach through stimulus response and association
This neglects a holistic approach would take into account how a persons culture and social context would influence and explain their attachment
For example, in a non-Western cultures were families often work together to look after children. Children may form multiple attachments from the outset not just with who feeds them.
Lacks validity as it doesn’t allow us to understand the behaviour in context
PEEL: learning theory
Rtc Harlow
Harlow found that the monkeys spent more time with a surrogate mother, who provided them with comfort, rather than the mother who provided them with food
The same must be true for humans as learning, theorists believed that non-humans and humans are equivalent
Contradicting the learning, theories assumption that we learned attached to the person who feeds us through associations
Limiting explanation
PEEL: learning theory
Scheffer and Emerson
Shaffer and Emerson
Found babies tended to form attachments to the mother, regardless of whether she was the only one who usually fed them attachment, was more due to responding to the baby signals and interacting with them
Research by field into role as a father has also shown that the best quality attachments are with the caregivers that are sensitive and responsive to the infants needs
Showing that feeding the infant does not appear to be the most important factor in forming an attachment as the theory suggests
Ainsworths strange situations
Ainsworth conducted a lab experiment using a sample of 100 middle class infants and their mothers during this investigation she measured four variables: willingness to explore, stranger anxiety, separation anxiety and reunion behaviour she observed them through a two way mirror. There were 7 episodes each lasting 3 minutes. First the mother and infant enter the room and child explores( measures willingness to explore), then stranger enters and joins them both trying to interact with the child( measures stranger anxiety), then parents leave the infants with stranger(measures a stranger and separation anxiety) parent returns, and stranger leaves(measures reunion behaviour) parents leaves the child alone( measures separation anxiety) stranger returns(measuring stranger, anxiety) finally parent returns and stranger leaves (measuring reunion behaviour). She found three distinct attachment types: secure attachment, insecure avoidant, insecure resistant.
Secure attachment type show the children who are willing to explore environment, upset when mother leaves, avoidance of stranger but friendly and happy when will the returns. Insecure avoidant attachment type shows willing to explore environment, unconcerned by mothers absence, unconcerned and often avoidant of mother and stranger and unresponsive when she returns. Finally, insecure resistant attachment type shows low, willingness to explore environment distressed when will the leaves extreme fear of stranger and clinginess mix with rejection on return
Evaluation points for Ainsworth, strange situation
Lacks ecological validity
High in reliability
Imposed etic
PEEL: Ainsworth, strange situation
Lacks ecological validity
Lacks ecological validity
Control environment room with two way mirror
Difficult to generalise findings to real life attachment types does infant mean not behave how they usually do in the natural environment
For example, the mirror explore the room less than the usual would or even be scared of stranger, as they feel uncomfortable in an unfamiliar environment
Lowers external validity
PEEL: Ainsworth, strange situation
High in reliability
High in reliability
Conducted in a controlled sitting room with two way mirror
Using standardised procedure for example, each variable was assessed for three minute intervals
Therefore observation, can you repeat it again in the same conditions to check for consistent results in types of attachment
Ben has been successfully carried out in many different cultures
PEEL: Ainsworth, strange situation
Imposed etic
The strange situation tool used to measure attachment has been criticised for imposed etic
It is based on American child-rearing practices, and ignores practices and other cultures
For example, in Germany, it is common practice for independence to be encouraged in infants, these infants may show an insecure avoidant attachment type but that would be desirable in this culture
Not appropriate to measure attachment types in other cultures
Cultural variations
Van ljzendoorn
Conducted a metanalysis of 32 strange situation is from eight different countries to investigate the cross, cultural variations in attachment
Found considerable differences in insecure types, insecure avoidant was the most dominant insecure attachment type in western cultures, whereas insecure resistant was the most dominant insecure type in non-Western cultures
There was 150% greater variation in attachment styles within cultures than between cultures for example in the USA, one study found 46% of the sample are securely attached compare to another study in the USA, that for 90% of the sample was securely attached.
In conclusion, there are cultural variations in attachment as insecure types were different.
Evaluation points for cultural variations
Van ljzendoorn
High population validity
Cultural bias
Lacks ecological validity
PEEL: Cultural variations
High population validity
High population validity
It was a metanalysis of 32 strange situation studies using a large sample of 2000 infants
Easy to generalise the findings to the rest of the target population
Increase external validity
PEEL: cultural variations
Culture bias
Although there was a large number of studies combined for this matter analysis, research can be criticised for cultural bias as over half(18 out of 32) of the research studies were carried out in the US(western culture) and only five of the studies were carried out in a non-western culture
Difficult to generalise the findings across all cultures when explaining
PEEL: cultural variations
Lacks ecological validity
Lacks ecological validity
As the 32 studies were carried out in a controlled environment room with a two-way mirror
Difficult to generalise the findings to real life attachment types. As the infant mean, I’ll behave how they usually do in their natural environment.
For example, me, explore the room less than they usually would be even more scared of a stranger, as they feel uncomfortable in an unfamiliar environment
Lowers external validity
Bowlbys monotropic theory
Bowlbys monotropic theory is comprised of five parts: adaptive, social releasers, critical period, monotropy and internal working model. The theory outlines how attachment is an innate system ,which is inherited, attachments made in childhood determine the quality of attachments we make in our future.
Bowlbys monotropic theory
A Snapchat makes images
16m ao1
Bowlbys monotropic theory begins with adaptive. In adaptive bowlby states that attachment is inherited through generations to improve survival and thus is adaptive. He suggests that infants are born programmed to attach and parents are also programmed to attach. The theory also states that babies are born with social releasers such as smiling, crying and looking cute which triggers a response in the caregiver and ensures interaction takes place to form attachment. Bowlby proposed the critical period for attachment of the first 2.5 years of life. If an attachment does not form within this period then it may never take place at all. The main part of this theory is monotropy which emphasis the idea of attachment to one caregiver which is called the mother but doesn’t have to be the biological mother. It is comprised of two laws- the law of continuity and law of accumulated separation. The law of continuity states that the quality of a child’s attachment will be better if they receive consistent and predictable care and the law of accumulated separation states that having substantial time apart from the monotropy risks a poor quality attachment. All this determines the child will have of all future relationships. This is explained through the internal working model. The internal working model is a mental representation the child forms of their relationship with their primary caregiver which serves as a template for what relationships are like. This therefore has a powerful effect on what the child’s future relationships will be like and so future relationships will mirror childhood attachments. It is believed that internal working models are passed in form one generation to the next as people base their parenting on their own experiences of parenting.
Evaluation points for bowlbys monotropic theory
Rts lorenz
Hazan and shaver
Shaffer and Emerson
PEEL: Rts lorenz
Bowlbys monotropic theory
Rts by lorenz
Lorenz studies imprinting on goslings and found a critical period of 12-17 hours in which imprinting had to take place otherwise it would not later
This supports bowlbys concept of critical period that infants must attach within the first 2.5 years of life otherwise it would be difficult to form attachments later
Therefore strengthening bowlbys monotropic theory
PEEL: Hazan and shaver
Bowlbys monotropic theory
Rts Hazan and shaver
Created the love quiz
They found securely attached children had happy and long lasting relationships in later life whereas insecurely attached children found it hard to form relationships and many were divorced
Therefore supports the internal working model as a feature of bowlbys monotopic theory as the first relationships acted as a template for future relationships
PEEL: shaffer and Emerson
Bowlbys monotropic theory
Rtc by shaffer and Emerson
Found evidence that support the view that children form multiple attachments
They found these multiple attachments help children develop emotionally, socially and cognitively.
Therefore contradicts the monotropic theory and the idea that infants have one attachment
Thus limiting
Intro to maternal deprivation
Maternal deprivation is the emotional and intellectual consequences of extended separation between a child and their mother or mother substitute where the child loses an aspect of care within the critical period
AO1 maternal deprivation
Bowlby suggested that continued nurture from the mother within the first 2.5 years of life is important for healthy psychological development
If a child has extended period of separation from the mother within this critical period where an element of care was lost then psychological damage if inevitable and irreversible.
Bowlby proposed two types of damage: intellectual damage and emotional damage
Intellectual damage including cognitive impairment such as intellectual delay is shown by an abnormally low iq Goldfarb found a lower iq in children who remained in institutions compared to those who had been fostered( more emotional care)
Emotional damage includes affectionless psychopathy which is the inability to experience guilt or strong emotion with others which prevents the person from forming normal relationships and is associated with criminality.
Evaluation points for maternal deprivation
Rts bowlby
Retrospective data
Practical application
PEEL: Rts bowlby
Maternal deprivation
Rts bowlby
44 juvenile thieves study
Interviewed opportunity sample of 44 juvenile thieves to see if they show signs of affectionless psychopathy
Then interviewed the parents to see if there were any long periods of separation within the critical period
Found that those who had affectionless psychopathy were more likely to experience long periods of separation
Supports …. As it shows prolonged separation in early years of life can lead to negative consequences
PEEL: retrospective data
Maternal deprivation
Based on retrospective data
Relies of memory of the juveniles parents to periods of prolonged separation in childhood
They could have lied about this information or simply forgotten
Reduces internal validity of bowlbys 44 juvenile thieves study and weakens …..
PEEL: practical applications
Maternal deprivation
Practical application
Principle of the theory that there are potential negative consequences to prolonged separation from caregiver in early life have led to changes in society such as hospitals changing visiting hours and letting parents stay overnight with their infants in order to reduce the intellectual and emotional issues of affectionless psychopathy
Important part of applied psychology
Influence of early attachment on childhood and adult relationships
Role of internal working model
The influence of early attachment on future relationships focuses on the impact our internal working model formed in our childhood and how it impacts the quality of relationships made later in life
Influence of early attachment on childhood and adult relationships
Role of internal working model
Bowlby argues that a child forms a mental representation of their early attachment with their primary caregiver which acts as a model for what relationships are like, future relationships will mirror them. This means if a child is raised by a loving primary caregiver who responds to their needs they are likely to form secure attachments and view relationships as positive thus have more successful relationships later in life. However if a child’s first relationship is with a caregiver who is unresponsive to their needs they are likely to form an insecure attachment and have more problems forming healthy relationships for example they may be controlling. Furthermore, their internal working models also influence their childhood relationships with others so if a child has a secure attachment with their primary caregiver they are more likely to have better quality relationships with their peers while those with insecure attachment types are more likely to have difficulty making friends
Random ao1
Influence of early attachment on later relationships
Adult relationship s
Hazan and shaver created ‘ the love quiz’ questionnaire which was printed in newspapers to study a persons adult attachment and their attachment early in childhood
56% securely attached as children are more likely to have long lasting romantic relationships with partners they felt could trust
25% insecure avoidant attached children reported feelings of jealousy and feared intimacy
19% insecure resistant which feared being abandoned and put too much pressure on their partners
Concluded patterns of attachment behaviour are reflected in adult romantic relationships
Random ao1
Influence of early attachment on later relationships
Influence of internal working model on relationships with their own children
Internal working model affects the ability to form a good relationship with their own children
Ppl base their parenting styles on their internal working model so attachment tends to be passed through family generations
Bailey Et al found that mothers tended to have same attachment style with their child as they did their own mother
Evaluation points for influence of early attachment on childhood and adult relationships
Retrospective data
PEEL: Harlow
influence of early attachment on childhood and adult relationships
Rts Harlow
He separated monkeys from their mothers at birth and raised them in cages They therefore had no early attachment.
Harlow found that monkeys found it very difficult to form relationships with other monkeys when they were older
for example they had difficulty mating and females were inadequate mothers
This supports
Because it shows that having a negative early attachment can lead to negative relationships later with partners and own children
PEEL: determistic
influence of early attachment on childhood and adult relationships
The theory states that are behaviour is controlled and determined by early relationships
For example, negative early attachments will lead to a person having negative attachments with their own children
However, this neglects the role of free will and choice an individual has
For example, a person may choose to have a different type of relationship with their own child to what they experienced with their parents
PEEL: retrospective
influence of early attachment on childhood and adult relationships
Based on retrospective data
As the participants often have to think back to the early attachments
Weakness, as it relies on individual accurately, recalling that early attachment
However, memory has found to be inaccurate
Lowers internal validity