Biometric and Wellness Info Flashcards
How is blood pressure measured?
Measured in mm/Hg; systolic and diastolic recommended by the CDC
What is systolic blood pressure?
How much pressure your blood is exerting against your artery walls when the heart beats
What is diastolic blood pressure?
How much pressure is exerting during the rest period between beats
What is considered normal heart rate?
What is considered at risk or prehypertensive heart rate?
What is considered elevated?
What is stage 1 hypertension
What is considered high by the CDC or stage 2 by the AHA? What is Hypertensive crisis by the AHA?
> _ 140/>_90
> _180/>_120
How is cholesterol measured?
in mg/DL
wWhat are desirable cholesterol levels?
Total Cholesterol: <200
LDL: less than 100( bad cholesterol)
HDL: <_60
Non HDL: <130
What is considered normal in diabetes testing?
A1C: <5.7%
Fasting Blood Sugar: <_ 99 mg/DL
Glucose: <_140 mg/DL
What is considered prediabetic?
Blood Sugar: 100-125 mg/DL
Glucose- 140-199mg/DL
When is it considered diabetes?
A1C: >_6.5%
Blood Sugar:>_126 mg/DL
only time a random blood sugar test is taken. Usually >_200 mg/DL
What is considered underweight in BMI?
<18.5 INCHES
What is considered normal in BMI?
18.5-24.9 INCHES
What is considered overweight? Obese?
Obesity Class in BMI
Class 1: 30-34.9 inches
Class 2: 35-39.9 inches
Class 3:<_40
What is considered high risk of obesity in with waist circumference?
Women: >35 inches
Men: >40 inches
What is considered high risk of heart attack or stroke in waist/hips in inches
Waist/hips= ratio
Women=ratio above .85
Men=ratio above .95
What is metabolic syndrome?
A group of risk factors that raise the risk for heart disease, diabetes and stroke. At least three risk factors to diagnose
What are the risk factors for metabolic syndrome
Large Waistline
Men= >_40 inches
Women=>_35 inches
High Triglycerides=>_150 mg/DL
Men <40 mg/DL
Women < 50 mg/DL
High blood pressure >130/> 85
High fasting blood sugar= > 100 mg(diabetic/prediabetic) medicine can treat low HDL, high blood pressure and blood sugar
What are the signs of a stroke?
Face- Does one side of the face droop?
Arms- Does one arm drift downward
Speech- Is speech slurring?
Time: Call 911 immediately
What are sleep recommendations?
18-60 years= 7+ hours
61-64= 7-9 hours
65+= 7-8 hours
short sleep= <6 hours
What are alcohol recommendations?
Men= <2 drinks a night
Women= < 1 drink a night
Binge Drinking
Men= 5+drinks in 2-3 hours
Women= 4+ drinks in 2-3 hours
Excessive drinking
Men=15 +drinks per week
Women 8+ drinks per week
What are standard drink sizes?
12 oz=5% ABV beer
8 oz= 7% ABV malt liquor
5 oz=12% ABV wine
1.5 oz= 40 % 80 proof(gin, rum, vodka, whiskey)
What is the recommended consumption on the DASH diet?
Normal=<2300 mg daily
Prehypertension/Hypertension= 1500 mg daily
What are other eating patterns?