Biomechanics ofTHR Flashcards
What assumptions are made in free body diagrams of hip?
- A single leg stance
- weight of leg is 1/6th of the body weight
Draw a free body diagram of the hip?
- note abductor force - role to stabilise pelvis in single leg stance
- resolving the moments
- a= 0.15m, b=0.05m, BW 600N
- Fab xb= a x5/6 FBW
- Fab x 0.05= 0.15 x 500
- FAB= 0.15X500/0.05
- = 1500N

How is the joint reactio force calculated?
- From the vector triangle

What is the major determinate of joint pathology?
- Joint reaction force
- ie the resultant of thee abdcutor force Fab and 5/6th body weight
- of these 2 factors teh abductor force predominates
- but a reduction in either will reduce the JRF
What are the strategies to reduce JRF?
Reduce body-weight moment
- reduce body weight
decrease lever arm
- medialize the axis of rotation
- Trendenberg gait
Help the adductors
- provide additional moments
- walking stick opposite hand
- suitcase ipislateral hand
- Increase abductor lever arm
- increase offset
- osteotomy
- Lateral transfer of greater trochanter
- varus angulation of stem in THR
- Improve abductor line of function
- provide additional moments
Describe how trendelenberg gait aids movement and reduce JRF?
- Pt sways body weight over, towards affected side. the lateral motion decreases the body weight moment arm and hence the JRF
Can you ilustrate how a walking stick in the contralteral hand reduces JRF?
- resolving the moments clockwise
- (Fab x b ) + 0.5 x100 = a x 5/6Fwb
- Fab x 0.05 + 50= 500 x 0.15
- fab= 500 x0.15/ 0.05 -50
- fab = 500N a reduction of 67%

What does a varus osteotomy do to JRF
- reduce it by displacement medially by
- increasing abductor lever arm
- more horizontal line of action of the abductors
- may increase congruency

What is the main effect of a valgus osteotomy?
- make the capital drop osteophyte weightbearing so increasing the size and quality of the surface available for weight bering
- other effects include
- lengthening the abductor lever arm
- making the abductor action more horizontal

What movement can occur in THR at low speed and with poor lubrication?
- Stick- slip
- aka stiction-friction
- this produces torque 40x higher than in unaffected arthroplasties
- may cause acetabular loosening
- a combination of thick PE and small head size diffuses load more than thin PE, leading to lower frictional tourque and decreased stress at the cup interface, with widening of stress dissipation within the bone 9 and therefore less loosening)
Where is the acetabular component placed?
- restore anatomical location
- with a smaller head size effectively medialising the centre of rotation
- lab test shave demonstrated athat acetabular preparation that gives the strongest fixation in cemented cups is the use of three large keyholes with preservation of the subchondral plate
Decribe the design of modern acetabular cups?
- Flanges- to compress the cement
- Grooves to increase the surface area and improve bonding
- Pods to prevent bottoming out
- but deep grooves reduce PE thickness -> stress risers predisposing to creep, fatigue and failure
What are the modes of femoral stem fixation?
- Cementless
- Cemented- all interfaces fixed- composite beam
- Cemented- bone interface fixed , stem interface free of slip - taper slip
What stresses do cementless stems produce?
- High shear stress
- low compression stress
- medium tensile stress
What stresses do cemented all interface stems produce?
- High shear stress
- low compression stress
- medium tensile stress
- similar to uncemented stem
What do cemented tapered stem stresses are produced?
Why is that?
- Low shear stress
- High compressive
- almost no tensile stresses
The ability of the bone cement to undergo _creep and stress relaxatio_n is primarily responsible for the conversion of tensile stress to compressive stress
What are the adv of metal metal hip resurfacing?
- Bone conserving
- normal femoral loading
- avoids stress sheilding
- improved funcitonal results
- restores anatomy
- reduced risk of dislocation
- lubrication is likely to be fluid filmed
What are the modes of failure of Femoral stem?
- Gruen et al
- type 1
- 1a- pistoning within cement
- 1b- pistoning stem within bone
- type 2
- Medial midstem pivot
- Type 3
- Calcar pivot
- Type 4
- bending cantilever ( fatigue)