biomechanics of the shoulder/humerus Flashcards
Name the 3 articular joints and the 2 physiological joints in the shoulder?
- Glenohumeral
- acromioclavicular
- sternoclavicular
- scapulothoracic
- subacromial
Describe the anatomial position of the humeral head?
- Inclined superiorly inrespect to the humeral shaft
- Head neck shaft angle 130-140 degrees
- humeral head retroverted approx 30 degrees
- eccentrically places in the shaft- approx 9mm post to neutral axis
Describe the anatomy of the glenoid?
- 5 degree superior tilt cf vertical plane
- **retroverted approx 7 degrees **from plane perpendicular to scapular plane ad 30/40 degrees anteverted to coronal plane
- distribution of glenoid fossa cartilage and presence of gelnoid labrum increase the congruency and stability of the shoulder
what does the clavicle act as?
- Osseous antagonist to the combined actions of the pectoralis major muscle and trapezium
- Maintains lateral position of the shoulder
- During shoulder movements the clavicle circumducts around the sternoclavicular jont => to a change in oreintation of the clavicle
- relationship with acromium maintained
- loss leads to protraction of the shoulder and scapulothoracic dyskinesia
What muscles work in forward flexion of the shoulder?
- Deltoid
- supraspinatus
- work to create a vertical shear force which in a cuff deficient shoulder would -> superior migration of teh humeral head
- so supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor subscapularis must work to force humeral head into glenoid to minimise humeral head translation
Whisch muscle plays a large role in initiation of shoulder forward flexion?
- Supraspinatus
- however as the arm is elevated the deltoid becomes more active
- explains why pt with supraspinatus tear have pain and weakness at 30 degrees of elevation but good power at 90 degrees
What are the roles of scapular thoracic rotation?
- it permits the glenoid to function as a stable base during arm elevation
- it minimises the risk of mechanical impingement of the Rotator cuff
- enables the deltoid muscle fibre length to be preserved
Describe the relationship between scapulothoracic and glenohumeral ligament movement?
- first 30 degrees of abduction and forward flexion 60 degrees are glenohumeral
- therafter scapulothoracic has an increasing role with a ratio of 2:1 : glenohumeral movements to scapulothoracic
- first 120 GH then rest Scapulothoracic
What static factors increase glenohumeral stability?
Humeral head and glenoid version
- ant instability can occur is <30 degrees of retorversion humeral head
- increase thicker layer of cartilage at periphery cf centre = increase conformity/congruency
- superiorly and anteriosup more mobile than inferior- prevent translation
- area of attachment to glenohumeral ligaments
- combined height of labrum and glenoid concavity =9mm deep superioinferiorly cf 5mm deep anteriopost
- responsible for 20% shoulder stability
Glenohumeral ligaments
- anterior band tightens in 90o Abd/ER- prevents ant/inferior translation of HH
- flexion and IR - posterior band of IGHL
- **primary stabiliser in abduction **
- provides ant stability 0-90 abduction
- most constraint to ant displacemnt between 45-60 abduction
- with coracohumeral lig= rotator interval
- inferior stabilier, limits IR in adducted arm
coracohumeral ligament
- ant band taught in ER, post band in IR- > resistance to anterior inferior translation
Intra-articular pressure
- negative intra-articular pressure
- **surface area **
- small gelnoid fossa , one third size of humeral head => small surface area
- the differential in size generates high forces across the joint interface-> GH stability
What does the forces acting across the GH joint cause?
- A concavity compression force that maintains stability
What is the concavity compression force reliant on?
- The state of musculature compressing humeral head into glenoid fossa
- the structural relationship between the glenoid fossa and humeral head
- at the limits of motion the GH ligaments
Describe the dynamic stabilisers of the shoulder?
Rotator cuff
- conrtaction of RC compresses humeral head into glenoid fossa so requiring an increased force to translate the humeral head
- aid joint stability in mid range of movements cf GH amd coracohumeral contributes to extreme motion
- y shaped origin from sup labrum
- reduce translation in both AP and SI translation
Scapular rotators
- rotatory force couple enables normal function
- upper =levator scapulae, upper trapezius, upper fibres of serrratus anterior
- lower- lower trapezius, lower fibres serratus ant
- distrubance- > instablity
- provides superior shear forces to humeral head with arm adduction
- dynamic proprioception meant to improve hand position sense after movement initated
What is the positioning of a total shoulder replacement in a pt with a normal RC?
- Minimic that of normal GH anatomy
- failure to do so -> failure of implant
What is the adv of a thin stem cemented prottheses?
- Gives the surgeon the ability to position the stem within the humeral shaft to replicate tje natural central rotation for the humeral head
What is the disadv of a press fit uncemented stem in shoulder prothesis?
- The design prevents any adjustment to humeral head position as the stem cannot be moved within the shaft